[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

914669  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-27
Written: (6430 days ago)
Next in thread: 914703

See, this is the problem with being on clinic care. I'm home, I'm sitting in front of my computer all ready to study parasitology, and my brain just isn't working. It's already gone to bed, and it figures I should follow it pretty quickly. I'm thinking it might be right. At least I got three hours in between Anesthesiology and the end of day stuff in the clinic. Not going to be so lucky tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll be lucky if I get 15 minutes to eat between clinic care and clinic's calss..

913736  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-24
Written: (6433 days ago)

I cant believe reading week is over so quickly. I go back to school in 2 short days. Damn it all. But the semester is more than half over now too, which is crazy to contemplate. Before you know it, it'll be April and I'll be stressed out of my gourd writing finals again. *shakes her head*

But it's been a good week. Relaxing, despite the studying. I've been extrordinarily happy all week, though that isnt entirly due to being off of school.. *grins*

I dont think I've ever had a birthday this warm. I wish I could take spring back to Edmonton with me. Unfortunately I'm garunteed at -least- another month of winter before it starts to warm up there. I may need to move to BC after I'm done school...

911585  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-18
Written: (6438 days ago)
Next in thread: 911704

Well, have to say that Pan's labrynth was a disappointment. I want' expecting sub-titles, but I was willing to deal with them. The movie it self, however, was too violent and dark for my tastes. The violence bothered me more than anything else I think. It wasnt' violence like in war movies or martial arts movies. I can deal with those just fine. It was very dark and personal violence, and very sadistic, too. Not my type of thing at all. I really could not see that movie having a happy ending. We didnt' stay for the end, we left about 90 minutes in.

*shrugs* Oh well, you never know, do you? That will only be the third movie I have ever walked out on. The other two were Planet of the Apes (the new one, obviously, since I wasnt going to movies when the first one came out, not sure if I was alive because I dont know how old that movie is. Incidentally, the origional is -way- better than the remake) and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. I'm sorry, but not even Johnny Dep could save that particular disaster.

910150  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-15
Written: (6442 days ago)

Well, I did a little poll of some of my friends to find out what kind of music they were listening too. While most people followed my request and gave me their top 5 bands and very favorite song, some slacked and some went crazy. *chuckles* Now a few of you asked me to share the results, and I thought this was the easiest way.

So, here are the results of my little survey, in order of who replied first.
People’s favorite music

Rowan[Rosie.]: erm...
Avril Lavine
the used
tracy chapman
KT Tunstall
TV for the Radio

Alain[Silverbullet]: Bands are, in no particular order:
Cowboys Fringuants
In Flames
Blue Man Group
Within Temptation
Linkin Park
TaTu *is so ashamed* 
Fav songs include:
Evil in a Closet, InFlames (Never been able to figure out why I like it Oo)
In the End, Linkin Park (But I've listened to it WAY too many times)
Everyone has had more sex than me, TISM (fun to hum in public places.. like class)

[Trennas]: favorite song right now would be.. Jon Brion - Here we Go.. from the movie Punch-Drunk Love.. as for top bands and musical artists.. i dont really have a current favorite right now.. havent been listening to a lot of music lately:p

Nic[Galain]: The Libertines, Tomblands.

Santiago[Moonknight]: hard to answer this,..
Favorite bands and such (this can be relative,changes with mood and such)
Iron Maiden
Bryan Adams
current absolute favorite song??
gah,. so hard,.
I guess *right now*
its "Safe" by Watchmen

Tim[smakeupfx]: Hey there sweets... here they are... favorite songs....
Redemption Song - Bob Marley
100 Years - Blues Traveler
Sweet Pain- Blues Traveler
In your Eyes - Peter Gabrielle
The Dirty Glass - Dropkick Murphys
Give up the Grudge - GOB
The Sweetness - Jimmy Eats World
C'Mon C'mon - Von Bondies
Kiss me, I'm Shitfaced - Dropkick Murphys
Montana - Gipsy Kings
Walk Away - Ben Harper
Variation on a theme - Rockmoninof
March Slave - Tchaikovsky
Romeo and Juliette - Tchaikovsky
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
Time of your life - Greenday
Siegfried Idle - Wagner
Cigarettes and Redvines - Aimee Mann
Please Forgive - David Gray
She's a Hunchback - Dickies
Sugar magnolia - The Grateful Dead
Uncle John's Band - The Grateful Dead
Host of seraph - Dead can Dance
Don't think twice - Bob Dylan
Mack the Knife - Bobby Darin
Jamaica fairwell - Harry Belafonte
Kentucky Avenue - Tom Waits
Trans Europe Express - Kraftwerk
Silent all these years - Tori Amos
Jocko Homo - DEVO
It's a Beautiful world - DEVO
Anna Begins - Counting Crows
Beethoven's 6th
Father and Son - Cat Stevens
Carmina burana - Orff
Clair de Lune - DeBussy
Rain King - Counting Crows
Alone - Blues Traveler
Try to believe - Oingo Boingo
Insects - Oingo Boingo
Shake your tail feather - Ray Charles
Can't get there from here - REM
On the outside looking in - Oingo Boingo
Crash - David Mathews Band
Proudest Monkey - David Mathews Band
current fav...Kentucky Avenue - Tom Waits

and, last but not least, I'll give you my faves in no particular order..

Michael Franti
Yo Yo Ma
Kate Rusby
Ladysmith Black Mombazo

Current fave song is "Hello, Bonjour" by Michael Franti. It just makes me bounce around, and that's always fun.


So thank you all for your participation! *huggs*

909144  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-12
Written: (6444 days ago)
Next in thread: 909152, 909204

Left school early today because I wasnt' feeling well at all. Almost didn't go altogether, but decided I couldnt afford to miss double Anatomy.

On the way home on the bus, a tank passed us. *blink, look again* Another tank passes us. Even has the guy sitting with his head out of the turret on top. "man" I think "that must be cold" (it's about -17 celcius out there, never mind the wind chill that would have been created)

This is not somthing I am used to seeing, folks. *shakes her head* Wonder where they were comming from? Because I have to assume they were headed for the base. It's about 10 minutes drive past my house. I haven't been there since they stopped doing an anual air show there. That was the very first place I ever heard bagpipes. I fell in love instantly. *chuckles*

908368  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6446 days ago)
Next in thread: 909012

I'm beginning to think I have a secret following. A group of names keep appearing on my "last visitors" list, but they never actually say anything to me. Hmm...

908281  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6446 days ago)

Just wanted to share this because it made me laugh so hard. Perhaps wont have the ame appeal for the rest of you because you don't know the fellow, but I'm sure you can still appreciate the humor of it. It's a brief description of my friend Dan's last day at a job we both hated and extrordinary amount at a call center. I would have paid good money to be a fly on the wall that day, I tell ya.. I wish I could share his letter of resignation with you all too, but I think Dan's right that he would be swiftly sued by Tyco if it ever got into their hands, and I really dont' want that to happen to him.

I left ADT with the most juvenile series of stunts on the last day...goofy call answering and conversations, ridiculous account logging, the proliferation of my final letter to the boss and almost everyone else, and the coup de gras, I lit a cigar and started smoking it at my desk. Did I mention that I wore a tux on my last day? Yep, I burned my bridges bright on the last day. I don't care, I wish that building would implode.

I mean, really, isn't that the kind of theing we would all like to do on our last day at a job we hate? *chuckles* I can just picture Dan, sitting in his little quazi cubicle in a tux, feet up on his desk, and a lit cigar in his mouth. Oh dear *grins*

I love how he described me in the e-mail too. There were two Andrea's at the call center, and he thought he might have gotten out e-mails mixed up, so he wanted to know if I was " the Andrea with the cool hair and the impeccably industrial taste in clothing " He he.

908166  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6447 days ago)

Boy oh boy, I think my brain stayed in bed when I went to school this morning. I thought the day was going just fine. Was in fact applauding my self for how smoothly everything was going given my lack of sleep. And then I made a rather large and glareing blunder. I managed to get the schedule for the day confused. I knew that it was friday, and that I had 3 hours of MLT right after lunch. However, some how, at the same time, I thought that it was some day -other- than friday, and that there was a clinics class after lunch (which there never is on Fridays, btw) and that MLT didn't start till 2:00. Um, no. Not so much. I showed up for class an hour late, and was very confused as to how I could have managed that while being so blissfully un-aware. Needless to say, I was -very- red in the face. I had to scramble like mad to get everything that normally takes 3 hours done in 2. A complete CBC and urinalysis, as well as 2 extra seds, have never been accomplished so fast by me before. But I managed to get it all done, thank goodness.

Note to self. Do not go to school on Fridays on 4 hours of sleep, no matter how much you are enjoying the activity which is keeping you up.

907490  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-08
Written: (6449 days ago)
Next in thread: 907522

We had the cutest little brachycephalic cat in our anesthesial lab on monday. Normally I think they're ugly, but this one was pretty cute. The best part was when it was comming up again after the anesthetic. It seriously looked like a little bobble doll. It's head was just going this way and that with that really smooth movement you see in drunk people. I dont think I'll ever stop getting a kick out of anesthitized cats.

906388  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6452 days ago)
Next in thread: 906434

I have a parasitology midterm on wednesday, and I'm having a very had time keeping all these different life cycles straight.. Gar..

906215  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6453 days ago)

Once again it seems not everything works out the way you want it to. One would think by now that would fail to come as a surprise.

905910  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-03
Written: (6454 days ago)
Next in thread: 905965

I'm feeling blue this evening. I have to stay late at school for a special lecture, and all I want to do is go home. I'm hungry too, and that never helps. They're feeding us pizza though, so that will help. I've got about 25 minutes before I have to be there.

The big thing is an e-mail I recieved this evening. It was from one of the girls I worked with at the lcinic in Calgary before I had to move for school. The clinic cat, Sonny, was put to sleep yesterday. He had liver cancer. He had been diagnosed 8 years ago and given less than a year to live, so really, he did fantastic. He was doing realy well for most of those years too. It was just in the last 8 months or so, maybe less, that he started going down hill. Alison said he was purring as he went down. I'm going to post a picture of him when I get home.

905483  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-01
Written: (6455 days ago)
Next in thread: 905484

So, i had this thought this morning. See, I'm having an conversation with Alain ([Silverbullet]) with just emoticons, and I was thinking that it would be neat to have ones that actually looked like me. 

So it's become a project. I am going to cartoon myself, and make my own silly little emoticons. Well, that's the plan, any ways. I'm not sure if my limited tallent with facial expression is up to it. But hey, one should challenge themselves in all things, right?

905393  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-01
Written: (6455 days ago)
Next in thread: 905428, 905975

Ive been checking my e-mail obsessivly since tuesday night. I'm so not patient when I want somthing to happen...

904944  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-31
Written: (6457 days ago)
Next in thread: 904958, 904984

Oh my god oh my god oh my god!

Ok, if you go back a ways, you'll remember an entry saying that I had finally tracked down an old friend of mine, Tanner (aka: Tam) through his band. Well, after all this time of not getting a reply to any of the 3 or 4 ways I had tried to contact him, I had dispaired of ever hearing from him. 

So, I just check my e-mail, and there's a message from him! *dances around her room* I found Tam!

But you know what just kills me? Apparently he's living in Calgary now! And where am I? Edmonton! Gar! *pulls out her hair*

Ok *calms down* Wow. Whoo.. Wow. I found Tam..

903789  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-01-27
Written: (6460 days ago)
Next in thread: 903804

I'm antsy today. Went for a longish walk (a mile or so) and that helped for a while, but only for a while. I'm so sick of sitting at this computer and studying. I want to be active! It's starting to drive me a bit up the wall. The worst part is the fact that I dont feel like I can justify taking the time away from my schoolowork. There's just so much to do. I'm doing better at staying on top of things this semester, but it's still a running battle. It never ends! And even though I'm staying on top of making review notes, I feel like I dont have enough time to go over them and study them! *sigh* It never really ends, does it? Well, 20 days till reading week, and I get to go visit my dad and his new puppy in Kelowna B.C. And the semester ends in April. That's not -that- far away...

903140  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-26
Written: (6462 days ago)
Next in thread: 903164

Gar! I've lost the bloody list I spent months compileing! *is very fursterated* Has any one seen 4 or 5 little pink peices of scrap paper stapled together with a bunch on music stuff written all over them? Anyone? Please?

903080  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-25
Written: (6462 days ago)

The lengthening days have me longing for spring. We're having a bit of a warm spell, with temperatures around 10 degrees above zero during the day. Everything is melting. 

I'm sick of snow and cold and biteing winds. I want green buds on trees and tulips and dafodils pokeing their brave little heads up. I want to go for a long bikeride through Fish Creek with my camera. I want school to be over for the summer so I can go home. *sigh* Never satisfied, am I?

900499  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-19
Written: (6468 days ago)

Ugg, dont' you just want to tell someone how disgusting they are when you see them pick their nose and then eat it? That, and wash your eyeballs...

 The logged in version 

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