[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

923783  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-27
Written: (6402 days ago)
Next in thread: 924216

It's amazing the memories this spring is bringing back for me. It's been 7 years since I've experienced spring in the northern half of the province. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I think you feel it more here than in Calgary. In Calgary, things warm up, but it doesnt really feel like spring to me till the trees start budding. Here, everything just shouts spring joyously after a long cold winter. 

The snow is almost gone in most places that get sun for a good part of they day, and a lot of the puddles have dried up, but walking home from the bus stop this afternoon, the smell just hit me. I cant even describe it. It's sun warmed pavement and dust, but somthing else too, that you only smell in the spring. It brought back childhood days of playing in the puddles and collecting the gravel off the road to dump down the storm drains. Finally not having to put on snow pants to go put and play, and getting to wear the spring jacket instead.

I have a lot of great memories from my childhood here, even if I would never be living here now by choice..

But I miss the smell of the sap rising in the poplars as I go by them every night on the train on the way home from work. That is the way spring smells to me now, and I miss it. I cant wait to go home.

923340  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6403 days ago)
Next in thread: 923352, 923597

Whee! Much happiness in the world of Angi. Went shopping for new frames yesterday with mom, and I found the perfect ones! More like my old ones. Less oval more rectangular. I'm in love *grins* So now I just have to get my eyes checked in case my prescription has changed when I'm home for the summer in a month, and I'll have new glasses! *dances*

Update  Looking at the photos I took, I'm thinking maybe they're too wide for my face... Hmm. Have to get a few opinions and try them on again when I go home in a month. May have to wait till the styles change again. All the styles seem to have that width in common right now..

922599  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6406 days ago)
Next in thread: 922623

Nrrg... So tired..

Early bed tonight, one way or another, or I'll never make it through tomorrow, getting up at 4:30 for clinic care..

921890  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-20
Written: (6408 days ago)
Next in thread: 921957

Finally have a bit of a break from the pressure of exam after exam. I'm thinking I'll take the night off and rent a movie. But first, I have to figure dinner out... Wish I could afford to eat out.

921442  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-19
Written: (6409 days ago)
Next in thread: 921492, 921568

Brr. Winter's gone and made another appearance. It's bloody cold out there today.

921081  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-18
Written: (6410 days ago)

Hmm, it appears that a hangover is not conducive to studying. Who'd a thunk it?

920571  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-17
Written: (6412 days ago)
Next in thread: 920578, 920585, 920598

Im sore, I'm exhausted, and I smell like cow. I had -so- much fun!

There was way more work to today than I expected. We didnt have to assist with any of the births, but we didn't stop working the entire time. Moving cows that looked like they were going to be ready to calve soon from one area to another, moving mothers and their calves, processing the calves them selves (which involved castrating them if they were male, giving them Vit E & selinium, and Vit A&D injections, and giving them two ear tags.) They fought the ear tags most because they hurt. The calves we were working with weighed b/t 100 and 130lbs and I tell you, they're strong little buggers! They're also quite difficult to move when they dont want to, and none of them wanted to go from the nice warm barn out into the pasture, so you actually had to push them the whole way by basically walking right behind them and pushing them along with your thighs while leaning over them to use your hands to keep them going in the direction you want them to. *laughs* I havent gotten this good a workout all year, I swear. There were also a lot of stalls to be mucked out and filled with fresh bedding. For any one who has never mucked out a stall, it's hard work. The straw is quite heavy when it's wet, and when you add shit to the equation... My arms are not thanking me for working them so hard.

While we didnt' have to assist with any births, we did have a necropsy to do on a calf that died yesterday. This was the second calf from this one cow that had died with no apparent cause. They suspected maybe a heart problem, but while it did turn out to be related to the cardiovascular system, it wasn't his heart. What happened is that there was a genetic defect in both his umbilical arteries, and they ruptured. So basically he bled out internally. His whole abdominal cavity was full of blood. It was really cool to be able to see. Dr. Blair hadn't seen anything like that before either. Also got a good look at some of the other anatomy, like the larynx. I got lots of good photos. Not for viewing by the squeemish, be warned!

A really fun day all around. Had lots of laughs with the girls and Dr Blair, and there were half a dozen super friendly barn cats too, which is always a plus. Good times, good times. Cant wait to see what happens during my next shift on April 2nd!

919131  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-12
Written: (6416 days ago)
Next in thread: 919148, 919174

*chuckles* It was beautiful out when I left the house for school this morning. Now, there's almost a blizzard going on out there. I did -not- dress for that. Hopefully it will have cleared up in 3 hours when I'm leaving. You'd think I'd know better, having grown up here and all that. I was lulled into a false sense of security by all the consecutive days of beautiful, warm, sunny weather. This is Alberta, after all. Dont like the weather, wait 5 minutes.

918754  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-11
Written: (6417 days ago)
Next in thread: 919321

I'm sitting with my head on my arms and looking at the reflection of my face in the glass top of my desk. All I can really see between my arms and my laptop are my eyes, and the wood grain below the glass. I wonder, what am I thinking? Its a shame that feeling of peace never lasts. I need school to be over for the summer.

I just cleaned my desk off yesterday and it's already a mess.

There is a little purple duck with horns sitting on top of my desk lamp.

918740  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-11
Written: (6417 days ago)

Well, I think that was the most peacefull thing I've done in a long time.

I woke up this morning at about 5:00. And I dont know why, but I decided not to go back to sleep. I really dont know why. But what I decided to do, was to sit and watch the sun rise. So I sat at my desk with all the lights off, listening to some morning music, and I watched the sky slowly go from full dark to full light.

And I'm glad I did, because it's left me with a peace I certainly didnt' go to bed with last night. I feel a great deal better.

918344  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-10
Written: (6419 days ago)
Next in thread: 918448

Fantastic day. Turns out, I'm a natural at intubation. Sweet! Finally, I can do somthing well!

MLT aslo went very well today. I was the first one done my seds. To celebrate, I am going to curl up on my bed and watch a movie.

918002  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-08
Written: (6420 days ago)
Next in thread: 918071

I really dont feel like doing anything related to school tonight..

917718  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-07
Written: (6421 days ago)
Next in thread: 917806

*leans back in her chair and sighs* What a fantastic day. I dont think there was a single thing wrong with it. 

I got a wonderful wake up call, even if it was a little on the early side *chuckles* And it was a beautiful, sunny day. Clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen, and 10 above. Everything is melting. There are puddles everywhere. I'm tempted to go splash through them. Spring is here! *dances* 

I spent the two hours of my lunch break sitting outside in the sun. It was gorgeous. Sunglasses on, no jacket...Mmmm. And I think I did pretty darn good on my parasitology midterm, to boot. Better than the last one (which was a 70 somthing)

Now I'm sleepy and I'd really love a nap. Who knows, maybe I'll even take one *grins* But I have one more midterm this week to study for. Just one more..

917113  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-06
Written: (6423 days ago)
Next in thread: 917119

I'm really proud of how well I did restraining the cat while it got it's pre-med in the anesthesiology lab today. In the past, every time a cat has really freaked out, I kind of have too and have lost my grip on them. Not today though! I had that cat scruffed good. *nods*

And I got my third heart rate for competencies too! Now all I have left is to get jugular and cephalic blood, and insert an IV catheter....

916423  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written: (6425 days ago)
Next in thread: 916447, 916521

I seem to have almost completely lost my drive when it comes to working on school work out side of school. This is -not- good.

 The logged in version 

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