[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

935141  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-29
Written: (6368 days ago)

Getting my wireless router set up is always such a pain in the ass.. At least it only took one phone call this time. When I first set it up in Edmonton it took several days worth of phone calls.

934541  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-27
Written: (6370 days ago)
Next in thread: 934543, 934561, 934771

*laughs* I dont have to study. I dont know what to do with myself!

934305  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-26
Written: (6371 days ago)
Next in thread: 934359, 934424

So I got my final marks back on two of my subjects. Some how, dont ask me how, but even with failing not one, but -two- parts of my anesthesia final, I still managed to pull off an 80 in the course over all. I must have been aceing it other wise, I guess. I'm happy, because I was a bit worried about that one.

Also, I came out with an 87% as my final mark in Medical/Surgical Nursing which I'm -thrilled- with.

Now I'm just waiting on the rest, particularly today's parasitology. I think most of the teachers are going to try to have our marks back to us tomorrow. 

Wow, it's finally almost over. Just the comprehensive tomorrow, and freedom! *dances*

934304  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-26
Written: (6371 days ago)
Next in thread: 934370

got my final marks back on two of my subjects. Some how, dont ask me how, but even with failing not one, but -two- parts of my anesthesia final, I still managed to pull off an 80 in the course over all. I must have been aceing it other wise, I guess. I'm happy, because I was a bit worried about that one.

Also, I came out with an 87% as my final mark in Medical/Surgical Nursingm which I'm -thrilled- with.

Now I'm just waiting on the rest, particularly today's parasitology. I think most of the teachers are going to try to have our marks back to us tomorrow. 

Wow, it's finally almost over. Just the comprihensive tomorrow, and freedom! *dances*

933763  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-25
Written: (6372 days ago)
Next in thread: 933764, 933806, 934063

I had one of those half waking, half sleeping dreams last night as I was drifting off. I dont remember much, but one sentence stuck out in my head.

"Perhaps they will let me keep this day, when I return to the place of sorrows."

Makes me wonder who was speaking and what the rest of the dream was about. What little I can remember seems pretty solidly based in fantasy, but it's just vague images. I think there was a grey tree.. Maybe it was the tree that spoke.

Odd to dream, when one is used to peacefull balckness or nightmares. I had a fair few dreams last night.

933706  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-25
Written: (6373 days ago)
Next in thread: 933765, 933830

yay! *dances* It's final folks, I have a place to stay next fall! 

Andrew (gina's bf) has agreed to put off selling the condo till we're done school. So now we just have to figure out the details, and that's the easy part. 

Such a -huge- relief, let me tell you..

933211  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6374 days ago)

Well, one more subject down, 5 to go. I'm disappointed that I dont feel any sense of relief at having two less exams to deal with this week. All I feel is tired and stressed and overwhelmed by the amount left to go.

The possibility of staying with Gina next fall is looking less firm than I had thought/hoped. Oh well. Keep looking I guess. I'll figure somthing out.

Looks like Gina's boyfriend (who bought the condo for her) is selling it in January, so I'd have to move right after christmas any ways. 

Back to square one.

932971  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6375 days ago)

It's funny. You get so used to winter, when it seems like it's always dark. Now it's almost 8:30, and the sun has just barely started to set. It makes it feel earlier than it is. The fact that I managed to sleep in till 9:30 this morning might also have somthing to do with that..

932921  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-22
Written: (6375 days ago)

Every day that passes now brings me a day closer to home. I suppose that could be said of every day since I came here last august, but the reality is closer now, and so feels more real. Today is the last sunday afternoon I will ever spend in this room. That is far from a sad thought.

932550  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-22
Written: (6376 days ago)

It's funny how you get used to somthing. I love my laptop, and everything about it (except for it's weight, it's a monster). I've gotten so used to using it and my mouse (which has some additional features) that I find it feels really odd to use the PC's at school, or my uncle's. I just keep trying to use things that arnt there. I cant see any reason I would ever switch to a desk top PC. I really cant.

*chuckles* I have a lot to say today, dont I? This is the 4th entry within 15 hours.

932528  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-22
Written: (6376 days ago)
Next in thread: 932537

Well, I got an e-mail back from one of the girls in my program who is also from Calgary, and it looks like she's looking for a new room mate for next year. So I may be in luck. And I've been in the appartment she's in right now. If she's staying in it over the summer, I love everything about it except the location. It's on the far south endge of the city and NAIT's in the north, but I'll manage. It has 2 bathrooms and ensuite laundry, which is a total bonus. So I'm crossing my fingers.

932524  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-21
Written: (6376 days ago)

At this point, I feel like, no matter how hard I study between now and my first two exams, there is no way in hell I'm going to be ready. I hate finals. I really do. I just want to figure out where I'm going to be living next year, and go home. I've had enough.

932354  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-21
Written: (6376 days ago)

I find I'm not sleeping well again lately. I think the reason I woke up so early this morning (5:30am) was because I was cold, but I couldnt fall back asleep. I think -that- was because of stress. As if finals wern't enough, I effectivly found out that I'm going to need to find somewhere else to live next fall when I come back for my second year of the program.

I'm attempting to look at this constructivly. After all, I havent really -enjoyed- living with my uncle for the last 8 months. He's not an easy person to get along with, and well, there are a number of other issues that come along with him. I dont really -want- to live here at all, but the truth of the matter is that I dont know how I'm going to be able to afford to live any where else.

So it's a bit of a conundrum, any ways. I'm sure I'll figure out somthing, one way or another, but it has me stressed. It's amazing how stresses always pile up at the most inopportune times, isnt it? This last month just seems to be one thing after another. I cant wait for thhis last week to be finished.

Any ways, wish me luck in my search for alternate living accomidations for next fall.

931624  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-19
Written: (6379 days ago)

He he. I bought the -cutest- little hoodie for my neice today. It's pink with a purple butterfly on the front, but the best part is that the hood has antenae! They're fat and pink. He he, It's awesome. I cant wait to see her in it. I definitely must get a picture.

930577  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-15
Written: (6382 days ago)
Next in thread: 930696

Its hard to believe that tomorrow I enter into the last week of regular classes for my first year in this program. Looking back, it seems like it's flown by at an absolutely amazing rate.

I'll be honest, there were points, particularly towards the end of first semester, when I honestly wasnt sure that I was going to make it to this point. I dont think I have ever gone through so much stress in my entire life as I did those first 4 months. I will admit that I'm pretty proud to have come this far. 

I wonder if we will lose any one else over the summer? I think a few of the girls got letters (you know the ones.. "you're failing this class or that class and if you dont pull up you socks..")

And I wonder what the new first year's will be like next year. *chuckles* One of the second years said we're about due for a really bad class, so I guess we'll see. It's going to be interesting to see the first day back from a different perspective. We'll be the ones responsible for making the new first year's feel welcome and showing them around. *chuckles* I remember what a maze the school seemed, that first day. And I'm sure we'll be giving them the same warning about the halls where the guys in the trades programs tend to hang about.

Looking back, it seems to me that the last 7 years all have led up to this, in one way or another. If we hadnt moved to calgary, I'd be willing to bet good money that I would not be here right now writing this. It's interesting to wonder where I'd be instead. I dont think I'd feel the same sense of accomplishment, if I hadnt had to go through everything I have to get here.

This year certainly has been an interesting and eventful one, on more than one front. I truely am curious to see what the next 12 months will bring me.

929255  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-11
Written: (6386 days ago)

Wehee, I love having a neice.. *grins* I get to go baby clothes shopping this weekend to buy her a first birthday present *nods*

929016  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-11
Written: (6386 days ago)
Next in thread: 929018

Hmm, I seem to have great difficulty sleeping in, these days. Dont have to be anywhere till 1pm, and by 5am, I'm wide awake and cant go back to sleep for more than 5 minutes at a time (which really isnt restfull) 

Maybe I'll ride my bike to school today. I imagine it will take about an hour...

928419  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-09
Written: (6388 days ago)

Huh. Just got offered a position at my old clinic for the summer. Wonder if they'll pay me as much as I need? Only one way to find out.. I sure would love to work there if I can get full time hours and the hourly wage I'm looking for...

927641  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-07
Written: (6390 days ago)
Next in thread: 927832, 928321


I'm trying to decide between these two trips. *chuckles* Hell, -all- their trips sound fantastic! Such a hard decision... I've long planned to take another ocean kayaking trip as my graduation present to myself. This is the guide company that I went on my first trip with, and I was absolutely -thrilled- with the entire trip, despite it raining the -entire- time and me having an pretty bad allergic reaction to somthing in the gulf islands that left my eyes all puffy and red and itchy the entire three days. *chuckles* Next time, I bring anti-histamine eye drops!

927339  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-06
Written: (6391 days ago)

Well then, that's done. Filed my tax return for 2006 and I should be getting just under $1000 back. Now the question is, do I use that for school, or save it for the trip I want to take -after- school is done? Somthing I will have to put some thought into. The return next year will be even bigger, because I'll have a full year's worth of tuition on it, instead of only one semester.

926618  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-04
Written: (6393 days ago)

It's sad, really. I've gotten so used to the darkness of the class room (the lights are almost always off and the blinds closed because all my teachers either use powerpoint or overheads to teach) that, even with my blinds half closed over the window in front of my desk, I'm finding the morning light streaming through my window almost too bright. It's that bright snow glare. Damnation, it needs to stop snowing, too! *sigh* Yet another reason that I need this semester to be over with, already.

 The logged in version 

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