[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

986973  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-27
Written: (6187 days ago)

I am suffused by an unusual sense of well being and peace right now. 

It's not very conducive to studying though...

986361  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-24
Written: (6189 days ago)
Next in thread: 986423, 986427, 986678

So, yet another headache in the long saga of Angi v.s. electronic devices. 

Woke up this morning, and my wireless internet connection had suddenly ceased to function, period. It would not connect to -any- of the networks withing range, either mine, or the two un-secured ones close by. Nothing. I spent almost three solid hours arguing with the damn thing this morning before I gave up.

So I get home from school, and check to see if it's magically fixed it self, which of course it hasnt. Fine, I'll take it in to the service people where I bought it. Call a cab, go to BestBuy, give it to the guy at the Geek Squad desk, and it works perfectly.

At this point I want to pull my hair out and do violent things.... *sigh* 

So, long story short, same thing as -always- fucking happens. I really hate my luck with electronics.. I do.

985040  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-20
Written: (6194 days ago)
Next in thread: 985166, 985229

It always happens on weekends. About an hour or two after I get up, I get sleepy and want to go back to bed...

984817  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-10-19
Written: (6195 days ago)

I don't know why, but these last two weeks have just felt like hell. I'm exhausted and frustrated.. I'm so glad I'm done school at noon today. All I want to do is sleep all weekend.. Unfortunately I have way too much studying to do to enjoy that kind of a weekend... Christmas break isn't really -that- far off... right?

984498  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-10-18
Written: (6196 days ago)
Next in thread: 984775

Some days all I need for entertainment is just being me. Especially at the end of a long day.

The words written on the study card were "Avoid in patients with liver, kidney, or pancreatic disease"

What -I- read -- "Avoid in kidneys with patient livers"

.... right Angi...heh

984272  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-16
Written: (6197 days ago)
Next in thread: 984483


Today was fractious cat day at NAIT animal health. I got my first war wounds that actually needed bandaging. It was quite somthing. All the cats were secretly psychotic too. Often times, you can tell a fractious cat right away. They're hissing and spitting and taking swipes at you when you go to retrieve them. Not today's cats though. Nope, they were fine. All happy and arching their backs when you pet them... And then you try and do a physical exam and BAM! psycho cat has it's claws embedded in your arm. To any one who has had a cat hook you like that, you know what an unpleasant feeling it is. The way it tugs at your flesh... *shudders* Not nice at all. I'm glad that she hooked me instead of scratching though, because with how deep she got them in my arm, if she'd pulled, I would have required stitches. As it was my arm and my hand swelled right up because of my allergies.. Good times, good times. But it's all part of the job, right?
984035  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-15
Written: (6198 days ago)
Next in thread: 984129

I don't know exactly why, but it really feels as though so much of my future hangs on this summer. Maybe it's that I'm turning 25. Maybe it's that I'll finally be done school, and entering a whole new phase of my adult life. It just feels like it's going to be this big transition. Not necessarily bigger than anything I've gone through. Gods know, going from a stable home to the streets and back again was some pretty major transitioning. This feels big in a different way though. Some how more important. I have so many hopes and plans for my future... It kinda feels like this is where it's all going to begin, even though I know that's not true. I feel excited, I feel nervous... It's an odd feeling, and I'll be honest, I kinda hope it's one that goes away. My whole future simply can not hang on this one summer... it's not possible. Such an odd feeling. I've never felt like this before.

I'd really like to just have -fun- this summer, and not think about the future. 

982140  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-07
Written: (6206 days ago)
Next in thread: 982220

Random wandering looking for pictures to use for a school project some how found me at a quiz on whether I was more left or right brain oriented. I get a chuckle out of these things and deciding how accurate I think they are. What do you think?


Angi, with your strong right hemispheric dominance and strong visual preference, you are very likely to fit into most people's stereotype of an artist. You tend to perceive the whole, respond to patterns, overlook differences and seek diversity. You deal with material randomly and intuitively, and you tend to find symbolism everywhere.

For you, categories are temporary, created and recreated as events unfold. Thus learning can be "unlearned" more readily when needed. This implies that you continuously "adapt" to new situations and find differences in situations that others may not notice. Your learning style is naturally dynamic and flexible yet not totally chaotic.

Organization may not be your forte and you are likely to perceive it at times as constricting while recognizing the benefits that come from structure. While capable of being logical, you respond to your own inner-directedness which is often not explainable even to yourself since it requires sophisticated left-brain translation. You have a tendency to become more involved with the abstract in seeking out relationships and arriving at answers.

More than most other people, you are self-directed and skilled at moving easily from project to project.

Your visual preference implies that you are active and continuously seeking or processing. You tend not to categorize experiences, but rather simply have them and react to them, integrating it into the whole of your experience. Despite your seeming lack of organization, you are one of those people who can almost always know exactly where you put something and easily relocate it.

Your best learning style is to see materials and relationships as with charts and graphs and retain them easily. However, if asked questions, you may find your access blocked since the input mode is auditory and runs counter to your strengths. You can help yourself by drawing pictures while you take notes, to use your visual talents.

Overall you will do well in endeavors emphasizing the visual such as arts, fashions, or architecture.
981578  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-10-05
Written: (6209 days ago)
Next in thread: 981609, 981764, 981971

Garr... I really don't feel like working on pharmacology right now, or any homework for that matter. *sigh* I'm so much less homework motivated this year than I was last year.. But the truth of the matter is I've really got nothing better to do while I wait for my ride to be done competencies.. 

I do dislike the fact that most of my friends on here live in such different time zones that we're not often on at the same time. It's a pain in the ass. 

Yes, I'm complaining for the sake of complaining. I'm bored.

980093  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-29
Written: (6214 days ago)
Next in thread: 980148, 980246

Today is a perfect fall day. I just got back from walking for groceries and I'm glad I decided to walk instead of ride my bike. It's cool, only about 8 degrees, so I was glad to have my fingerless gloves on, but the walk warms you and the cool air on your face feel wonderful. The sun is bright against the blue with just a few clouds, and walking over the creek, the leaves are a symphony of reds, oranges, yellows and greens. Soon it will be winter and all the color will be washed away, bleached white by the snow. I wish fall was not so short a season, because it's always been a happy one for me.
<img300*0:stuff/DSCN0483.JPG> <img300*0:stuff/DSCN0484.JPG> <img300*0:stuff/fall_creek.jpgS.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/DSCN0487.JPG>

977410  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-09-20
Written: (6224 days ago)
Next in thread: 977784

Gotta love it, I just wrote a long text to my brother, then went to send it and realized I didnt have his # in my phone book.. *sigh*

976746  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-18
Written: (6226 days ago)
Next in thread: 976747

It's amazing, some times, how a song from one's past can touch the heart...

976375  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-17
Written: (6227 days ago)
Next in thread: 976440

*laughs* I'm window shopping for jewelery on Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/index.php ) and I'm finding pieces I want to buy just so I can cannibalise them for my own designs... I'm terrible. 

976094  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-09-16
Written: (6228 days ago)
Next in thread: 976104, 976311, 976458

It's been a bit of a fucked up day and I'm feeling rather out of sorts. Cant concentrate. Didn't get anything accomplished. It's fucking early but I think I'm going to go to bed. Sometimes nothing but sleep clears my mind. I hope I have more dreams like last night. They made me happy, even if they made me lonely...

On a side note, I'm completely addicted to swing dancing. I can not wait for the next open dance in October. I must find some where to take lessons once I'm back in Calgary..

974212  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-08
Written: (6236 days ago)

I find my self, as of late, absolutely in love with the play of light and shadows on clouds. I'm spending hours staring at the sky.

973473  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-09-05
Written: (6239 days ago)

I'm tired and I'll admit that I don't feel the least bit like working on school work right now. I would much rather have slept in, esp considering that I have no class till 1:15. I've been at school since 8 though, and it's now 11. I've been productive this entire time and now all i want to do is have a nap. *chuckles* Knowing me, I'll do just that in Dr.Blair's classes this afternoon. I almost feel bad, but i did warn him I'd be doing it again this year. That said, some of my best marks in first and second semester were in his classes. it hasn't even been two full weeks yet and I feel like all I ever do is study. Oh well, I had to know it was inevitable. Only one year left, after all. I think it's worth it. And thursday mornings will be well worth getting up early, to go work with horses all morning every week.

Yeah, as tired as I am and as little I feel like working on school stuff right now, I'm happy here. I love what I'm learning, without a doubt. I do miss not having to get up till 7 all summer though..

972530  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-01
Written: (6242 days ago)

Well, while it's not quite the same as having my own place would be, I find I'm quite enjoying making the apartment that I'm sharing with one of my classmates into a home for the next 8 months. I'm definitely going to be happier here than I was at my Uncles. It's a really nice area too. Lots of trees and what not, which is of course very important to me. I'm slowly getting everything organized (thank gods I have a talent for that because we have a lot of stuff and it's not a very big place) both in my own personal space and in our shared space. Slowly, little by little, I'm liking this place more and more.

972280  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-01
Written: (6243 days ago)
Next in thread: 972382

This really sucks. All summer, I was good. Less than a week back in Edmonton and back in school, and the nightmares are back, almost every night already. This is really not cool. I'm not even really stresses for pete's sake!

 The logged in version 

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