[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

998006  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-10
Written: (6049 days ago)

One of the nicest things about this last week before finals is that I hardly have to be in class at all. The most hours I have to spend at school at one time this week is tomorrow, when I have to be there for my Surgical Assistant practical exam. Other than that, I have to be there and in class for 1 hour or less a day. Which is good, because I have a hell of a lot of studying to do..

997744  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-12-08
Written: (6051 days ago)
Next in thread: 997794

Playing with cameras with timers, tripods, and lingerie, can apparently be quite a mood lifter.. Imagine that.

997623  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-12-08
Written: (6052 days ago)

These are two of my favorite songs right now. Listening to them is helping me relax, particularly the one by the Counting Crows. The one by David Grey is a bit of a pick me up, more the beat than the lyrics, which are kind of on the sad side..


I feel so lonely tonight, for some reason..

997423  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-12-06
Written: (6053 days ago)

Today was one of those days that, if it could go wrong, it did. Part of it was my fault, part of it was just shit poor luck.

Everything started out well enough. Woke up, well rested, showered, found out that there's a present in the mail for me from a certain Australian (quite excited about that)Had my shower, and so on. Pretty average. Only thing particularly special about today to start with was the fact that I had my cow practical exam at 9:30. No big deal, I was ready, and unconcerned. Even better, we had no classes scheduled for the afternoon. I was sitting at my desk thinking how nice it was that I didnt have to lug my backpack and a change of clothes and all that extra stuff to the dairy barn with me, only my boots, coveralls and... That's when it hits me. My kit, which contains -everything- I need to pass this practical, is at school in my locker, pretty much on the other side of the city. 

Panic. Instantly Angi is running around cursing and trying to figure out what to do. Ok, no problem, it's still early enough, I can make it to school and back by bus in time to do the test. I can do it. So I grab what I think is everything I need, and run out the door, after asking my room mate if she will bring my boots and coveralls for me.

Disaster #2 strikes as I'm running across the condo parking lot to catch the bus. My phone jumps out of the pocket I had it in, hits the ground. Battery pops out, and immediately goes right down the only storm drain in the fricking parking lot, which of course, I was standing over.

So I still have to get to school and get my kit, but now I have no way to call my room mate to get her to pick me up at the bus station closest to the dairy barn once I get back up south, because no busses go to the barn it self. Still panicing. I cant even call from a pay phone because I dont know her number, it was in my phone.

Finally I decide that when I get to school, I'll use a pay phone to call a cab. No worries, it'll be expensive, but it'll get me there. Next realization.. I left my black book with my drug doses -and- my calculator back at the condo. Fuck. How to fix that one? 

Finally get to school at 20 after 8, run into the book store to grab a calculator, run up to my locker to grab the kit and, thank what ever gods may have been listening, one of my friends was sitting there. So I was able to borrow her black book, and she even gave me a ride back to the dairy barn.

Things went well for my practical exam. I got everything pretty much, except for mixing up the pin bone and the hook bone on the anatomy portion. My cow did kick me in the shoulder while I was listening to her heart, because my partner didnt close the side gate enough when we were catching her, and she got her foot through the bars. She didnt have much force behind it though, thankfully, so my shoulder only aches a little. And I got tossed around a fair bit when I was doing the stomach tubing, so I'm probably going to hurt tomorrow, but I held on and got it. I even got my calculations right (Yay Angi! I'm usually totally math impaired)

So after that was all done, Ann and I go out for lunch, talk and laugh and generally have a lovely time. Then she drops me off at the mall so I can pick up a replacement battery. 

This is where things go back down hill. My phone has been discontinued, so they dont have any batteries in stock, and they have them on order, but they may or may not ever come... So I went to all the other cell phone retailers in the mall, and none of them had the battery I needed either.

So, what am I going to do? I Need my phone. Eventually I ended up calling mom for advice and she told me to just go buy a new phone, and it would be part of my Christmas present from her. *sigh* Gotta love mom's eh?

So I go back to the mall and pick up a new phone. So far I dont like it as much as my old one, but I imagine I'll get used to it. My biggest peeve is that it feels like it was designed for a lefty in regards to texting. The space button is on the right, instead of the left, so I have to contort my hand funny all the time when I'm texting. We'll see how things go. At least I have a working phone again. And I'm going to be much more careful about what pocket I put it in now. Live and learn, I guess.

So yes, that was my day. Thank goodness tomorrow is friday. I need a weekend.

997237  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-12-06
Written: (6054 days ago)

Having today off has been so nice.. I wish I could take the rest of the week off.. *sigh* Almost there. 16 days to go.

996940  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-12-04
Written: (6055 days ago)

Well, at least that's over with. I did my practical exam as Anesthetist this morning... I dont think it went very well.

 I passed (I hope) and we got further than any group has gotten so far, but I messed up on a lot of things. Luckily I caught the one that would have made me fail, just like that. I did something wrong with my drug calculations and drew up double the dose needed of our induction agent. Thank gods I did the surgery log as well as the tattoo log, because if I hadn't been comparing my amounts to those used for the cat for the group before us, I would never have caught. The AceHydro was just like, 0.1ml different from the previous cat, but the propofol was almost 4ml to their 2ml. Shauna or Dr Reid would have stopped me before I gave it, but yeah, I could totally have OD'd our cat. Then, I had total sterility issues (which is a really big deal for surgery, if that wasn't obvious). I forgot to take off my lab coat and put on my cap and mask before I scrubbed the incision site, -and- I even moved the patient into surgery without realizing my error. *head in hands* Then I proceeded to contaminate the drape by leaning over it several times as I was doing my anesthetic monitoring, and I -also- forgot to tie the patient down. *sigh* 

I dont know what else I forgot, but I'm sure there were a few things. So I'm pretty much brain dead from stress at this point and am skipping all my afternoon classes and going to sit in the computer commons and make up microbiology study notes instead, because that requires no brain power. Thank goodness surgical assistant next week will be a million times easier and less stressful than today was.

996780  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-12-04
Written: (6056 days ago)
Next in thread: 996820, 996821

Tomorrow is my practical exam for small animal clinics in the position of Anesthetist. I wasn't nervous till today, now I am. Today's first group never even got their patient into surgery. The second group did, but didnt manage to finish. It shouldn't really be that much different than a normal day in clinics, really.... Right? Except that the staff will be acting like they know nothing, and it's all going to be on me and Ann till we get into surgery and Dr.Reid starts doing the surgery. We're determined to get completely finished and at least be waking our patient up before our time limit expires. We have an hour and 45 minutes. It sounds like a lot, but time just seems to slip away.. Well, keep your fingers crossed for me. Ann and I tent to work really well together, so I'm not super crazy worried, but still, I'm nervous. I hate that feeling, I'm -never- nervous about tests.. or hardly ever at least.. And we got home way later than I expected to today, so I didnt eat for too long a stretch and my stomach was killing me the whole way home. It's going to be fucked up for the rest of the week now. I really should study for the pharm quiz but with that, plus staying up later than I should last night and getting woken up early this morning.. I dont know if I have enough brain power at this point in my day to study drugs. One quiz isnt going to kill me, at this point. Gah..  Need school to be done for the semester. Could go for some cuddles too..

996448  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-03
Written: (6057 days ago)

I bought my Mom a digital camera for Christmas today, and I'm almost tempted to keep it for my self *chuckles* It seems like a good little camera. I was playing around with it, getting the initial date and what not set-up done so she didn't have to (and figuring out how things worked enough that when she asks for help, I can give it!) I hope she likes it... She's going to be super mad at me though *grins* I really should not have spent so much on her, considering I have no income currently, but I know she's going to be thrilled, so it's worth it, completely. *nods* Now I can't wait till Christmas to see the expression on her face when she opens it! Hopefully she will have gotten some money from her parents for Christmas though, because I couldn't afford to get her rechargeable batteries or a decent memory card either..

996290  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-12-02
Written: (6057 days ago)
Next in thread: 996296

I had a dream, last night, that I was baking cookies with my Dad (which I will actually be doing today, but not with Dad) There were at least a half dozen eggs already cracked into the bowl, and the last one I cracked was rotten, and I had to throw it all away and start over.. Odd things, dreams.. The bowl was much to small to be making a recipe that required that many eggs any how..

995970  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-12-01
Written: (6059 days ago)

It's -so- the coffee... Damn it all..

995772  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-11-30
Written: (6060 days ago)

All right, I am officially ridiculous. I'm always a bit absent minded, that's normal. For example, I have forgotten to take my stethoscope out of my large animal kit before I give it to Ash the last 4 weeks running, and today was no exception. However, today I one upped my self. I also, it would seem, managed to forget the plastic bag with the dirty clothes I changed out of, at the dairy barn. I have my coveralls and my boots (which are really more essential) but yeah, no clothes. So I'm -really- hoping that the bag will still be there on Monday when Dr.Blair and Erin are back at the barn, because if they're not.. I'm out a favorite pair of pants. Granted they have a huge hole in one knee and a hole developing in the other, but they're old and comfortable! *sigh* 

But then again, this is the girl who, when running through a mental checklist on her way out the door one day -actually checked- to make sure she had her head, and promptly burst out laughing. (yes, I actually reached up and touched my head to make sure it was there) Only me, I swear...

995343  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-11-27
Written: (6062 days ago)
Next in thread: 995603

I'm actually starting to think that my trouble sleeping is due to a sensitivity to caffeine, from not having it for so long. Because it seems the nights I have trouble sleeping are the ones I had coffee in the morning.. Twice more and I'll be sure. I may have to give up coffee, again... *sigh*

995103  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-11-27
Written: (6063 days ago)
Next in thread: 995106

Today, instead of paying attention in Practice Management (a most useless class, I might add) I put together a study schedule for every day between now and then end of Finals. If I follow it, I will be completely prepared to write my finals and should do very well on each of them. Now, all that remains to be seen is whether I am disciplined enough to actually -stick- to the schedule I've made...

994666  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-11-25
Written: (6065 days ago)

Oooh, yucky! The High for monday is -14. Ug. I'd like to be somewhere warm now please... Cold without snow is just garbage.

994464  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-11-24
Written: (6066 days ago)

    Well I have to say that was the most pleasantly relaxing and stress free day I have had in some time. The most ambitious thing I did all day was pick up a few groceries, and that was mainly because I was at the grocery store -anyhow- because that's where the postal outlet is and there was a package from my mom waiting for me. Other than that I laid in bed, read a really good book, played around with recording music and compressing it so I could put it on my MP3 player, and watched a really enjoyable romantic comedy called "The Holiday" that was wonderful in that it made me laugh lots, and not cry once. *nods* And now.. I think I'll read some more, because I'm not quite ready to go to sleep. *waves and wanders off*

991695  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-11-13
Written: (6077 days ago)
Next in thread: 991797, 992355

So, today's excitement... The school was on fire this morning when I got there. It was highly entertaining, actually. *giggles* 5 fire trucks and an ambulance (to the best of my knowledge, no one was even slightly injured)

From what I've heard, someone in one of the denturist labs in F wing poured a reactive chemical down the drain, when it was definitely -not- supposed to go there.. This resulted in copious amounts of smoke and some nasty fumes that had E and F wings evacuated and shut down for the better part of the day, with all classes in those wings canceled (why couldn't -I- have class in those wings, I ask you?!)

Everything was opened up again by the end of the day, I'm not sure how much damage there was to the lab the fire occurred in, but the only evidence lingering in the halls was a foul smell and sooty footprints leading out of that room.

Heh, I always knew that some day, my school would be on fire... 

990667  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-11-09
Written: (6081 days ago)

Bah! That's done then. I think I passed... the test was easier than I expected it to be, but that in it self has me worried... Oh well, it's done and it's done. Now we wait and see.

I'm taking a night off (with the unfortunate exception of a micro worksheet due tomorrow...) but compared to my week, it's an easy night. Been up since 4, and I'm bloody tired.

990057  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-11-07
Written: (6083 days ago)
Next in thread: 990212, 990453, 990596

I think Pharmacology is going to be the course with the potential to break this year for me. I simply can not imagine anything that could be harder for me than this stupid (but yes, completely necessary) class.

989686  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-11-06
Written: (6084 days ago)
Next in thread: 989701

For whatever reason, it seems, lately, that if I have a really bad, migraine level headache, the pain killers wont take effect unless I go to sleep for a while. As a result, I slept through Micro-biology today.. A most annoying development.

 The logged in version 

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