[stranger2you]'s diary

600162  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

I think of you and my heart begins to pound,
my knees become weak,
my breaths become short.

I close my eyes and lay down to sleep,
and all I can see is your sweet face.
I see you and I years from now,
and happy with smiles on our faces and our eyes such a glisten,
a glisten of a star shining on it's brightest night.

Too bad this will never be

600155  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

and fears,
have taken place.

Shivering of the bones
come with each thought of the outcome that is soon to be.

Worry is the only thing that now condemns my soul and mind

Doom is what the future holds for me,
now that you are gone...

600151  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)


You haunt my dreams,
everywhere I go there you are!
I must get out of this place!
I am tired of you taunting me so!
For everytime,
I think that I am over you,
I see your beautiful face,
and have to start all over just to try and mend.
I can not take this anymore!
I must leave this place,
this school,
my friends.
If you are gone,
please just disappear from here,
from me.
Stop making me cry myself to sleep.
Stop making my life so unbearable.
Stop making me...

600145  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

Tick tock,
tick tock,
as the time flys by...
sit and think
of what is
to be,
of the next
few hours of the day...
of the choices
you will
of the people
you will
of the things
you will
of how the day will end.

600143  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

I look into your eyes and see sorrow, enough sorrow to last you a lifetime...
You no longer have a glisten to your bright blue eyes.
You no longer come into the room with a smile on your face.
You no longer look at me the same way as you had.
Look into my eyes and see the worry that possesses my soul. See that my concern for you has grown,
That my feelings are still there,
To see that I still care.

600136  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

Questions and answers,
thoughts and actions,
these are the things that constintly go through my head.

But when I get the answers to my questions and suffer the consequences of my thoughts that turn into actions,
I think and wish I had never known and done those certain things.

600128  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

To have and to hold,
to love and to scold,
to show them your love,
so that they will know.

To share your dreams,
to share your wishes,
to lay in bed at night sharing kisses.

To have for now,
to have for later,
to have by your side forever and ever.

To shield you from the pain and sorrow that the world has set aside,
to be there for one another until your time to die

600124  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (7207 days ago)

Death Prayer

Let me cry until' I can cry no more.
Get rid of these tears that are held inside.
Suffocation has now taken over.
Let me know when my life is through.
Hopefully anytime soon,
my time will come,
for me to leave this hidious and hurtful world,
So I won't have to bare this pain no more.
Please tears, disappear.
Make this struggle to live from day to day,
go away..

598198  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-14
Written: (7209 days ago)

I close my eyes,
and still see your piercing blue eyes,
gazing into mine.

The emptiness that I feel,
now that you have gone,
is unbearable,
Life has no meaning now.

You made my life worth living,
made me who I am today,
made me forever lost in your love,
that I will never have again.

I will never be free again,
because of you.
You promised not to hurt me,
but you broke that promise.

I love you,
I hate you,
You will forever be in my heart

 The logged in version 

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