I'd just like to say that i'm really really sorry
Im going back out with Joe [Metropolis] Yay!!!
Im feeling extremely bad, i found out that when i told my ex- boyfriend Joe [Metropolis] that i loved him he was truly happy and thought that we where the greatest couple,
but then i got bored of him and dumped him, but i still like him but are school prom is soon and i have arrange to go with someone else and he has arranged to go with someone, so i cant ask him out because then it would just make the prom really arquared. Ahhhhhh. im so dumb! But i really fancy the lad that im going to the prom with. Even more Ahhhhhh. This makes me double dumb. Fuck!
Im bored talk 2me peepz
What do i do? I have fancyed this lad for about a year and i have currently found out that he fancys me what do i do? Shold i go in for the kill and ask him out or wait for him to ask me? Message me with what you think.
Regards Lozie --x--