[Lynyrd Zeppelin]'s diary

43421  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-07-02
Written: (7671 days ago)

Today i went into battle with saten boy did he out up a fight.
i got to summon him now.then i went fishing in lake hylai i cought two 30 foot long bass.Then i battled a zora i won.His name was alic.Now i can summon him.

43152  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-07-01
Written: (7672 days ago)

Today i went to arakkis and got a sandworm and named it nife.I also got a gom jabber.Then i went to kibia corps and got adeck
with all the egition god cards in it i also got a reality card reader. i went to middle earth to viset my cuz and he gave me imortality. Blade gave me ten light boms and ten dark boms. i got a upgraid for my sword for it to turn to a sniper machine gun.Then i got a dragon dagger.(I was so tired after words.) 

42961  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-06-30
Written: (7673 days ago)
Next in thread: 43115

3 years ago i was ten. Thats when my father gave me a sword called the black flame sword. it gave me this power to turn to
a dragoon.(half dragon half human)I team up with blade and battel lots of creaturs.But i also half elimwntal powers. My spealty is using what i call summoning powder(dust).If i get anuf energy from some one i turn it into summoning powder(dust).i also half a shield and a bow and arrow(witch i never use).

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