[♥Tc VanDeVal Tc♥]'s diary

120728  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-01-03
Written: (7487 days ago)

Fire in side Me.
Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.
The sign radiates mega-confidence. Of course, I must have an audience. Without applause, what else is there?

The fixed motivation adds self-reliance, a characteristic that works well in leadership positions.
I am formative energy, with the ability to consolidate and stabilize.
Fire can rage out of control, so it helps to balance self-confidence with humility!
I learned to become a humble but lovable candle light.
My playfulness associated with in me can regress to childish demands for attention, as opposed to healthy recognition and encouragement.
I like to seem peaceful & receptivity to surface.
The mature me inculdes big, beautiful heart and sheds sunshine on all who care to enjoy this bold spirit.

120727  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-01-03
Written: (7487 days ago)

Movement of Water.
Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive.
I thrive on the exchange of feelings.
I want security and love to be wrapped in an environment of love and comfort.
Truly a wonderful example of Yin, receptivity, I absorb memories, feelings and psychic messages. Of course, I send back my own vibes in the process.
  The cardinal' motivation energizes your own ability to provide for others.
I work hard and as tenaciously as I can.
Without the balance of Yang's assertiveness, however, my confidence can be a bit wobbly. After all, I am very sensitive to everything to my self and others.
Just as the sign's ruler, the Moon,as goes through phases I experience mood-swings. Sometimes the desire to love results in giving too much.
In such cases, the I can become over-protective or dependent. Balanced, my life style adds personal independence to my priorities.

113351  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-12-15
Written: (7505 days ago)

My heart is bleeding.
It is torn,
Ripped into pieces.
Crushed bye my own hand.

110372  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-12-08
Written: (7512 days ago)
Next in thread: 110391

Dreams will come true for somebody in the land.

Somebody dreaming,
Dreaming all day.

Somebody dreams about the night
but dreaming all though out the day.
She dreams about a land so far away,
for someone to take her away.

She lies in bed;
resting so peacefully.
Her mind starts to wander,
her eyes begins to close.

She dreams of someone.
Someone so close,
yet someone so far.

She dreams; she dreams of him
He will come,
to take her to this land.

Holding her in his arms.
She's never letting go,
saying such sweet things.
They travel all night
to the morning light.

Lying in bed, she dreams about this night

This night never starts,
this night never ends.
He has come this night.

As day begins to break
She begins to wake
Afraid to open her eyes
Her love will be gone,
For Her love is done.

Her thoughts too her dreams.
She still feels his arms around her.

Laying peacefully, she feels a warmth.
She looks to her side to her love laying there,
Still dreaming of her.

110282  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-12-08
Written: (7512 days ago)

dont get it. my heart is hurt, dont know why I cant stop it. I just want someone to care as much as I. not to hide anything...to share thier life as well as mine. to help each other to give hope in each others lives. but thats what I get for trying. I hate being lied too. I dont have much to hide, but if ask I will tell all just because I want the people here to know me. what can I do I just rome around hoping for people to be on.

110378  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-13
Written: (7512 days ago)

Dreams will come true for somebody in the land.

Somebody dreaming,
Dreaming all day.

Somebody dreams about the night
but dreaming all though out the day.
She dreams about a land so far away,
for someone to take her away.

She lies in bed;
resting so peacefully.
Her mind starts to wander,
her eyes begins to close.

She dreams of someone.
Someone so close,
yet someone so far.

She dreams; she dreams of him
He will come,
to take her to this land.

Holding her in his arms.
She's never letting go,
saying such sweet things.
They travel all night
to the morning light.

Lying in bed, she dreams about this night

This night never starts,
this night never ends.
He has come this night.

As day begins to break
She begins to wake
Afraid to open her eyes
Her love will be gone,
For Her love is done.

Her thoughts too her dreams.
She still feels his arms around her.

Laying peacefully, she feels a warmth.
She looks to her side to her love laying there,
Still dreaming of her.

99510  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-13
Written: (7537 days ago)

A message that talks of a dark angel

An angel once was light that has turned dark.
For her heart has been broken.
Her love is lost….
She weeps thought out the night
She tries to sleep,
But all you hear is her cry.
She cries so quietly in the dark.

Still Her cries can be heard across the land.
In their hearts they feel her screams.
So strong so much pain.

She travels the land
Looking for what has been lost,
She looks all day and all night.
She lost her hope
she lost her love
upon her door she sees a sight.
A rose with a note on her door.
To my dear,
I felt your pain.
I hear your cry
You pass my home as I look to the sky. I'm waiting up to see your face. Hoping you see mine.
I look at you ever so sad. I wish to take all this madness away.

She gathers her strength summons her courage. She travels fast, moving like light. Her heart sees hope to find a friend. And all she has. Was to look down.

99509  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-13
Written: (7537 days ago)

  upon her flight
her shearch almost done.
she looks to the west
looks to to the east
finding nothing of her dream.
she looks to the north
looks to the south
with each pass she makes her hope begins to deminish.
a littel is lost
when all is done
she gose to weep
her heart begins to sink.
standing alone
in frount of her door
she looks again
to she sees nothing on her door.
she walks right in
saden and hurt.
for she thought she had found witch is lost.

A taping at her door.
she runs though the house
flys to the door
no one there but a note on the door.
she reads it aloud
she reads it right there.

  sory for this night
for i'm scared, dont you see.
I did not know, your heart beats for me.
turn around so you may see.

she turns around to her suprise
her lost is found
love is in her heart.

98022  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-11-10
Written: (7540 days ago)

time has gone bye. one stays other then me. money still the same so no new there. school has been hard but nice people to talk too. they keep it fun for me. alot of new friends here. I like them alot there nice to me.

92058  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-10-30
Written: (7551 days ago)

down to two...
they are pushing it...
time is running out...

78012  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-10-01
Written: (7581 days ago)

now i have three more people live in my house.
A guy and his girl...this girl that i dont even know...
having to clean up after them is not fun...dont know how long they are going to stay...it's been a week now...I cant tell how much longer i can put up with them...I like the company but not 24/7...I dont want to kick them out, two of them dont have a place to stay... "I am the home thats is before you"

74151  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-09-22
Written: (7589 days ago)

i guess this is some what OK place to wright.

my freind got in a car axe_e_dent...he stay in my gram's house for three days...and his girl feind satyed to because she got hurt...medic, they call me...I had no time to my self for wheile...she didn't have seat belt on...hit wind sheild...made better...my home that's before you...

43122  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-07-07
Written: (7673 days ago)

I Join this town to find my-self, so far I found is space.
nothinhg to do, to say to write.

 The logged in version 

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