[♥Tc VanDeVal Tc♥]'s diary

183165  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-01
Written: (7395 days ago)

O Dark side of the moon what do you see?

never looking to the light.

cold to the touch, but never traveled.

who may see your mountans of time.

our protector from the heaven's rain,

the pusher of oceans...what do you see?

what secrets do U hold?

181401  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-30
Written: (7397 days ago)

Sitting on my home looking to the sky, 
the glow of this moon makes me shine. 
Looking to this moon,   
once a Question was asked,
that you could not answer.
It layed in my heart,
until the pen met this paper.    

There is one that sits upon her window sill
that looks to you, 
wishing of me. 
She should know, 
she's looking at me, 
as I look too her.   

For we are both under this moon,    

we are together.     
We meet in the night,   

under your glow.
Together we lay under the moon,
hoping for dreams to come true.

I know she's some where,
looking at your face
as she would too mine.
I'm still here looking at you,
as you look to me.

We are together looking too you
may you watch over us
for where both under the moon.

175657  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-23
Written: (7404 days ago)

1. ☺
2. ☻
3. ♥
4. ♦
5. ♣
6. ♠
7. •
8. ◘
9. ○
10. ◙
11. ♂
12. ♀
13. ♪
14. ♫
15. ☼
16. ►
17. ◄
18. ↕
19. ‼
21. §
22. ▬
23. ↨
24. ↑
25. ↓
26. →
27. ←
28. ∟
29. ↔
30. ▲
31. ▼
33. !
34. “
35. #
36. $
37. %
38. &
39. ‘
40. (
41. )
42. *
43. +
44. ,
45. –
46. .
47. /
48. 0
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58. :
59. ;
60. <
61. =
62. >
63. ?
64. @
65. A
66. B

90. Z
91. [
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95. _
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97. a
98. b

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124. |
125. }
126. ~
127. ⌂
128. Ç
129. ü
130. é
131. â
132. ä
133. à
134. å
135. ç
136. ê
137. ë
138. è
139. ï
140. î
141. ì
142. Ä
143. Å
144. É
145. æ
146. Æ
147. ô
148. ö
149. ò
150. û
151. ù
152. ÿ
153. Ö
154. Ü
155. ¢
156. £
157. ¥
158. ₧
159. ƒ
160. á
161. í
162. ó
163. ú
164. ñ
165. Ñ
166. ª
167. º
168. ¿
169. ⌐
171. ½
172. ¼
173. ¡
174. «
175. »
176. ░
177. ▒
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179. │
180. ┤
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200. ╚
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211. ╙
212. ╘
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215. ╫
216. ╪
217. ┘
218. ┌
219. █
220. ▄
221. ▌
222. ▐
223. ▀
224. α
225. ß
226. Γ
227. π
228. Σ
229. σ
230. µ
231. τ
232. Φ
233. Θ
234. Ω
235. δ
236. ∞
237. φ
238. ε
239. ∩
240. ≡
241. ±
242. ≥
243. ≤
244. ⌠
245. ⌡
246. ÷
247. ≈
248. °
249. ∙
250. ·
251. √
252. ⁿ
253. ²
254. ■
257. ☺
258. ☻

154888  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-29
Written: (7428 days ago)

love me as i love you,
want me as i want you,
need me as I need you,
hold me as I hold you,
kiss me as I kiss you,
bite me as I bite you,
keep me as I keep you,
I want you,
I need you,
I hold you,
I kiss you,
I bite you,
I love you,
I keep you in my heart.

152901  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-02-26
Written: (7431 days ago)

you may not care what I think but I care about what you think.....there are people you care about you more then seen, more the heard, more then you think...soem just care about you because you are you. I care just to care, I want to care....remember this....."Enjoy life...Time is endless...Love is forever."

  Take care

Ps...delete if you want....

to luvandlust

137085  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-02-04
Written: (7452 days ago)

my thoughts too you

 many past's are hard some even like hell it self, the one I know the best. friends are close at any time, good friends never leave your side. some of those just care to care, those hold you tightly.
always lending ~n~ ear, so say hi some time.

to solosiempre

135854  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-02-02
Written: (7454 days ago)

one who wants
one who needs
one who wishes all day

there is one waiting for the night to never end
there is one who wishes for the day to never come

for this one thinks that love may not be there
for she dose not see that love is all around her

this is one who cares more then they would ever say
this is one who only wishes to be near her

one who cares for her
one who kisses her softly
one who will love her

who's love fills the air
I shall wait for all time for her.

132697  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-28
Written: (7459 days ago)

I'm located in your dreams, found in your heart and constantly running through your mind.

found on Tatka page in here but it sound good.

129465  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7466 days ago)

happy birth day....you walk though my house and you for got your gift. *walks up to yours and places a small box at your door*

hope you enjoy your day.


to Sylvia Rote

(you open it carefuly. you reach inside an take out a glass unicorn. it has it head up in the air while it's front feet are up in the air as if it where about to jump, the glass is colored a light blue, the main is red and the tail has gold.)

  Hope you like then.

to Sylvia Rote

129460  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7466 days ago)

Hi...you just pass though my home...
"see that your not feeling well *places throat drops on your table, makes so hot tea, puts some honey drops in it. sets it next to the cough drops* well get beter soon."


to I_am_k.kat

129449  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7466 days ago)

to ask who cares, where I care just to care when other's are sad it makes me sad. so i care if thier happy. well, or not well. to be a friend is my cause.


to Galatea

129445  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7466 days ago)

did you ever have dream where it feels too real? where you cant tell any diffrent. everyone any everything in place. then how do you know this is not your dream.

Am I not a nonentity? You are importent you will do everything your sopossed to do in life and dreams. even my actions make large ripples in fate.


to Dreamwood, Hawk

129435  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7466 days ago)

stress is no good for you. *stops time, runs around to get everything done. starts time again just to see your face smile. fades in to the wall as you see all of your work done* that should do it more time for your-self


to AmiRitter

126204  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-14
Written: (7473 days ago)
Next in thread: 128533

to who needs a few words,
  many past's are hard some even like hell it self, the one I know the best. friends are close at any time, good friends never leave your side. some of those just care to care, those hold you tightly.
always lending ~n~ ear, so say hi some time.


to LittleLacrima

125045  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-12
Written: (7475 days ago)

how may U have a chicken with out the egg. but *puts egg in heat box. ten sec later you have a "chick" so you cant have the chicnken...what *stomted face came apon* neever mind....*walks away confused*...*runs back*

Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Tc VanDeVal at your service, how may I help you?

nothing...Then come back soon.


to heerobear

125019  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-12
Written: (7475 days ago)

stress is no good for you. *stops time, runs around to get everything done. starts time again just to see your face smile. fades in to the wall as you see all of your work done* that should do it more time for your-self


to AmiRitter

125006  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-12
Written: (7475 days ago)

no one is alone...even if there is no one to hold U, there is always someone to talk too.
To feel alone, is to feel cold inside at the core...to know there is someone who cares is to feel the fire warm the air around you. there is people who care about you that you may never even know about...enjoy life...time is forever...love is endless an unbreaking.


to LadyDolynara

123349  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-01-08
Written: (7479 days ago)

To who feels lonly. there are peole that care just to care.
cry when you cry...smile when U smile...hurt inside when they know they cant do anything to help. so this is the best one can do...*gives hug and slowly walks away*
enjoy life

to Lonelysoul

123298  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-01-08
Written: (7479 days ago)

sick I hear *gives bowl of soup...tucks you in..reads a book..."sleep well"*


to: Lady Nymph

 The logged in version 

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