[♥Tc VanDeVal Tc♥]'s diary

497558  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-16
Written: (7164 days ago)

some pople have there time...your last dairy made alot of since...even I need a break from all the things around me... to think about what I want as you might be about your self...you will find your self sooner or later...as much as I know you and maybe not much, but I do know your heart is more pure then your mind, but you dont have to listen to this...life is not the best but we can make what we want out of it...if we try. your heart feels what is right in your world for each one is diffrent and no two pople live in the same reatily.

493084  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-11
Written: (7169 days ago)

My life changes agian, i'm to be a father, it is a boy due feb, 19. I dont know how to fee about it, I know i'm not ready yet...I'm good with kids, but have many demons in me... i never want him to see, or feel....I'm happy as well, I have some one that cares about me very much...as i care for her...but stil things bother me...nothing i guse. I work so much I'm at work right now... the two last times I've been here was during my lunch... I help with the bills my mom has, as well as taking care of my own...I come home tierd...some times I walk in and fall on the couch asleep. I dont want to be that way when he is born, I want to be there for him at anytime, I worrry that I'm not going to be abe to hep him as much as I want...as we as how to tkae care of him...I dont know how, loop I'm not ready...I'm been in thouseneds of homes and stayed with many many f\diffrent famlies. over the years I seen many wasy a famiy works and dont...but that dose not mean thats how mine wil turn out...... I wont know how it wil work... al the lives I've studied, people I've meet and heard there stories.. wil only hep not anwser....

well take care for now I have to go back to work...

400863  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-04
Written: (7269 days ago)
Next in thread: 403254

your never alone as long as their are people that you care about...for they never forget you...as you never forget them...forever in your mind, never out of reach, always in your heart...

take care
          Yours Truly,
          michael VanDeVal

269778  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-29
Written: (7396 days ago)

life is good...I have a job not a good one but one none the less...mi amor(erica) is liveing with me now for about a month...she makes me very happy...I think I make her just as happy...we talk offten...I haven't been able to take her to many places yet...but I will as so as I can. she has meet most of my friends...some are happy for me others dont think she is good for me...but those who say that are mostly girls any way....I dont care what thay think I'm happy...and as long as she's happy I will stay happy.
well thats all for now...

221746  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-13
Written: (7443 days ago)
200096  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-20
Written: (7466 days ago)

today's your b-day so I must give you a gift....*knocks on your door* "you look around to see no one there, look down to see a box, open it..." *paper fly's out every where, all that stayed was the dozen Chocolate roses. all the tops wraped in red tin, the stems are green velvet with soft velvet leaves* "you pick them up with the note"

hope you like chocolate.....enjoy your day...for it is your day.

take care

for DragonflyRaver b-day

195652  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-15
Written: (7471 days ago)

you always have someone by you, even if you dont see them infront of you, there is someone there, hoping for you to have a good day, that your life will start to relax, for you to have time to lay back an rest, for the people you care about to be around you. an the poeple who care about you think this way...

"enjoy you day for time is endless and love will be forever"
to kinky shy submissive vampire

188947  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-08
Written: (7478 days ago)

I have talk too 72 people here...

188917  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-08
Written: (7478 days ago)

me in a nut shell

...A gentelmen...A hopeless romantic...A person who will help anyone who needs it. self-sacerfice to bring happyness to others...A demon...A dark soul with nothing to lose, but harmless.

183170  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-01
Written: (7485 days ago)

"...enjoy life..time is forever...love is endless

enjoy life...time is endless...hearts last forever

enjoy you day for time is endless and love will be forever

183168  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-01
Written: (7485 days ago)

Dreams will come true for somebody in the land.

Somebody dreaming,
Dreaming all day.

Somebody dreams about the night
but dreaming all though out the day.
She dreams about a land so far away,
for someone to take her away.

She lies in bed;
resting so peacefully.
Her mind starts to wander,
her eyes begins to close.

She dreams of someone.
Someone so close,
let someone so far.

She dreams; she dreams of him
He will come,
to take her to this land.

Holding her in his arms.
She's never letting go,
saying such sweet things.
They travel all night
to the morning light.

Lying in bed, she dreams about this night

This night never starts,
this night never ends.
He has come this night.

As day begins to break
She begins to wake
Afraid to open her eyes
Her love will be gone,
For Her love is done.

Her thoughts too her dreams.
She still feels his arms around her.

Laying peacefully, she feels a warmth.
She looks to her side to her love laying there,
Still dreaming of her.

183167  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-01
Written: (7485 days ago)

A message that talks of a dark angel

An angel once was light that has turned dark.
For her heart has been broken.
Her love is lost….
She weeps thought out the night
She tries to sleep,
But all you hear is her cry.
She cries so quietly in the dark.

Still Her cries can be heard across the land.
In their hearts they feel her screams.
So strong so much pain.

She travels the land
Looking for what has been lost,
She looks all day and all night.
She lost her hope
she lost her love
upon her door she sees a sight.
A rose with a note on her door.
To my dear,
I felt your pain.
I hear your cry
You pass my home as I look to the sky. I'm waiting up to see your face. Hoping you see mine.
I look at you ever so sad. I wish to take all this madness away.

She gathers her strength summons her courage. She travels fast, moving like light. Her heart sees hope to find a friend. And all she has. Was to look down.

183165  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-01
Written: (7485 days ago)

O Dark side of the moon what do you see?

never looking to the light.

cold to the touch, but never traveled.

who may see your mountans of time.

our protector from the heaven's rain,

the pusher of oceans...what do you see?

what secrets do U hold?

181401  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-30
Written: (7487 days ago)

Sitting on my home looking to the sky, 
the glow of this moon makes me shine. 
Looking to this moon,   
once a Question was asked,
that you could not answer.
It layed in my heart,
until the pen met this paper.    

There is one that sits upon her window sill
that looks to you, 
wishing of me. 
She should know, 
she's looking at me, 
as I look too her.   

For we are both under this moon,    

we are together.     
We meet in the night,   

under your glow.
Together we lay under the moon,
hoping for dreams to come true.

I know she's some where,
looking at your face
as she would too mine.
I'm still here looking at you,
as you look to me.

We are together looking too you
may you watch over us
for where both under the moon.

175657  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-23
Written: (7494 days ago)

1. ☺
2. ☻
3. ♥
4. ♦
5. ♣
6. ♠
7. •
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11. ♂
12. ♀
13. ♪
14. ♫
15. ☼
16. ►
17. ◄
18. ↕
19. ‼
21. §
22. ▬
23. ↨
24. ↑
25. ↓
26. →
27. ←
28. ∟
29. ↔
30. ▲
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37. %
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44. ,
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50. 2
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54. 6
55. 7
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57. 9
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66. B

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98. b

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130. é
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132. ä
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143. Å
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152. ÿ
153. Ö
154. Ü
155. ¢
156. £
157. ¥
158. ₧
159. ƒ
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161. í
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168. ¿
169. ⌐
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172. ¼
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176. ░
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178. ▓
179. │
180. ┤
181. ╡
182. ╢
183. ╖
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200. ╚
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209. ╤
210. ╥
211. ╙
212. ╘
213. ╒
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215. ╫
216. ╪
217. ┘
218. ┌
219. █
220. ▄
221. ▌
222. ▐
223. ▀
224. α
225. ß
226. Γ
227. π
228. Σ
229. σ
230. µ
231. τ
232. Φ
233. Θ
234. Ω
235. δ
236. ∞
237. φ
238. ε
239. ∩
240. ≡
241. ±
242. ≥
243. ≤
244. ⌠
245. ⌡
246. ÷
247. ≈
248. °
249. ∙
250. ·
251. √
252. ⁿ
253. ²
254. ■
257. ☺
258. ☻

154888  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-29
Written: (7517 days ago)

love me as i love you,
want me as i want you,
need me as I need you,
hold me as I hold you,
kiss me as I kiss you,
bite me as I bite you,
keep me as I keep you,
I want you,
I need you,
I hold you,
I kiss you,
I bite you,
I love you,
I keep you in my heart.

152901  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-02-26
Written: (7520 days ago)

you may not care what I think but I care about what you think.....there are people you care about you more then seen, more the heard, more then you think...soem just care about you because you are you. I care just to care, I want to care....remember this....."Enjoy life...Time is endless...Love is forever."

  Take care

Ps...delete if you want....

to luvandlust

137085  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-02-04
Written: (7542 days ago)

my thoughts too you

 many past's are hard some even like hell it self, the one I know the best. friends are close at any time, good friends never leave your side. some of those just care to care, those hold you tightly.
always lending ~n~ ear, so say hi some time.

to solosiempre

135854  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-02-02
Written: (7544 days ago)

one who wants
one who needs
one who wishes all day

there is one waiting for the night to never end
there is one who wishes for the day to never come

for this one thinks that love may not be there
for she dose not see that love is all around her

this is one who cares more then they would ever say
this is one who only wishes to be near her

one who cares for her
one who kisses her softly
one who will love her

who's love fills the air
I shall wait for all time for her.

 The logged in version 

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