[♥Tc VanDeVal Tc♥]'s diary

99509  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-13
Written: (7537 days ago)

  upon her flight
her shearch almost done.
she looks to the west
looks to to the east
finding nothing of her dream.
she looks to the north
looks to the south
with each pass she makes her hope begins to deminish.
a littel is lost
when all is done
she gose to weep
her heart begins to sink.
standing alone
in frount of her door
she looks again
to she sees nothing on her door.
she walks right in
saden and hurt.
for she thought she had found witch is lost.

A taping at her door.
she runs though the house
flys to the door
no one there but a note on the door.
she reads it aloud
she reads it right there.

  sory for this night
for i'm scared, dont you see.
I did not know, your heart beats for me.
turn around so you may see.

she turns around to her suprise
her lost is found
love is in her heart.

98022  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-11-10
Written: (7540 days ago)

time has gone bye. one stays other then me. money still the same so no new there. school has been hard but nice people to talk too. they keep it fun for me. alot of new friends here. I like them alot there nice to me.

92058  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-10-30
Written: (7551 days ago)

down to two...
they are pushing it...
time is running out...

78012  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-10-01
Written: (7581 days ago)

now i have three more people live in my house.
A guy and his girl...this girl that i dont even know...
having to clean up after them is not fun...dont know how long they are going to stay...it's been a week now...I cant tell how much longer i can put up with them...I like the company but not 24/7...I dont want to kick them out, two of them dont have a place to stay... "I am the home thats is before you"

74151  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-09-22
Written: (7589 days ago)

i guess this is some what OK place to wright.

my freind got in a car axe_e_dent...he stay in my gram's house for three days...and his girl feind satyed to because she got hurt...medic, they call me...I had no time to my self for wheile...she didn't have seat belt on...hit wind sheild...made better...my home that's before you...

43122  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-07-07
Written: (7673 days ago)

I Join this town to find my-self, so far I found is space.
nothinhg to do, to say to write.

 The logged in version 

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