[Aki Neko]'s diary

961597  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-27
Written: (6271 days ago)

and those were the last words I said to those memories

961442  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-27
Written: (6271 days ago)
Next in thread: 961533, 961572

Im not going to be very happy for a while. Reason?? Here. No more questions, I just answered the only one your allowed to ask:


Letter number: 70434825
From: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:32:52
Comment to: 70434728
Comment in 70434842

First you give not purpose in your statement.

Letter number: 70434893
From: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:36:01
Comment to: 70434842
Comment in 70434911

Dattebayo means nothing it is just a phrase naruto uses after everything he says. Believe it is a poison word that the dubb people made up.

Letter number: 70434911
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:36:58
Comment to: 70434893
Comment in 70434935

And in each anime they use it for his frase. Big WOOP.

Letter number: 70434935
From: [chiyo] (correction, Shinnaro.)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:38:05
Comment to: 70434911
Comment in 70434957

Phrase you inliterate dult!

Letter number: 70434957
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (correction, Shinnaro.)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:38:59
Comment to: 70434935
Comment in 70435104

WHATEVER!!! I can type or talk the way I want!! God DAMN! You lost it girl!! Im sorry, but, jeeze! WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!

Letter number: 70435104
From: [chiyo] (correction, Shinnaro.)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:45:40
Comment to: 70434957
Comment in 70435118

Boy, what do people see in you?

Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (correction, Shinnaro.)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:46:10
Comment to: 70435104


Letter number: 70435189
From: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:49:47
Comment to: 70435118
Comment in 70435215

No, what you stand for.

Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:50:37
Comment to: 70435189

And what is it you think I stand for?That Im in love with someone you dont trust???

Letter number: 70435317
From: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:55:33
Never read before
Comment to: 70435215

Oh your imaginary boyfriend.

Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:56:35
Comment to: 70435317

You dont even see them anymore, do you? Your just like your friend....AND MINE!? THEN WHAT ABOUT HOROHORO AND CHIRO!?!

Letter number: 70435411
From: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:00:21
Comment to: 70435345
Comment in 70435448

just a dream, it has always been dream, I still dream every now and them, but then I go back to reality.

Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:02:06
Comment to: 70435411

....No, you just....Whatever. Think what you want. About anything. I dont care anymore.

Letter number: 70435462
From: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:02:40
Never read before
Comment to: 70435448

get a life.

Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [chiyo] (Touch-a Touch-a, touch me!)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:04:02
Comment to: 70435462

Talk about fucking literate.


No...Were just bickering right now...Shes gone for the worst, I swear. What happened to sweet, innocent little Chiyo? The one who didnt care about the outside???

Letter number: 70435264
From: [LEE!!!] (HMMMM)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:53:01
Comment to: 70435250
Comment in 70435295

Innocent? Your mistaken.

Letter number: 70435295
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [LEE!!!] (HMMMM)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:54:27
Comment to: 70435264
Comment in 70435381

You havent known her for as long as I have. She used to be one of my closest friends. Now, I trust Daniel more than her. And he SHATTERED my hart. She came back and drowed it.

Letter number: 70435381
From: [LEE!!!] (HMMMM)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 05:58:35
Never read before
Comment to: 70435295

She told me she had no close friends until she started hanging out with me and keven. What makes it seem like she is less inocent?

Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [LEE!!!] (HMMMM)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:00:45
Comment to: 70435381

.......I was either forgotten or completey used....again.

Letter number: 70435500
From: [LEE!!!] (HMMMM)
To: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:04:50
Never read before
Comment to: 70435422


Newest sent message
From: [Aki Neko] (Kimi O Ai Suru Caita.*Hugs*)
To: [LEE!!!] (HMMMM)
Sent mail 2007-07-27 06:05:23
Comment to: 70435500

Like all the others...

Yeah, Chiyo. Read it over and SUFFER. Oh thats right. I wasnt a true friend huh?
961128  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-07-26
Written: (6272 days ago)
Next in thread: 961212


There was an elderly man who wanted to make his younger wife pregnant. So, he went to the doctor to have a sperm count done. The doctor told him to take a specimen cup home, fill it, and bring it back the next day. The elderly man came back the next day and the specimen cup was empty and the lid was on it. Doctor: What was the problem? Elderly man: Well, you I tried with my right hand...nothing. So, I tried with my left hand...nothing. My wife tried with her right hand...nothing. Her left hand...nothing. Her mouth...nothing. Then my wife's friend tried. Right hand, left hand, mouth....still nothing. Doctor: Wait a minute. You mean your wife's friend too?! Elderly man: Yeah, and we still couldn't get the lid off of the specimen cup.

960892  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6273 days ago)
Next in thread: 960912



960881  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6273 days ago)

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!I have a soar throat!X.x

DEAR GOD!!!*Runs for water, and keeps coughing* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!I have to practice the winning song!!! TT^TT I dont think Im going to practice to much today....

960781  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6273 days ago)

I feel like I cant do anything laletly...

I know all I say is "I hate to cry and I want to help people, make them smile." Yet latley, even rp wise, all Iv been doing is crying. I hate crying, but IRL the tears wont come out. Im just....Really fucked up at the moment and dont know why. So Im sorry if I screw up really bad. I just feel like shit. I love you all SOOOO much for the wiki. It helps. Alot/ But, I have weord episode to where anything at all can screw up my mood. Im sorry if I was rude earlyer. Im just.....I just hope Im just tired. Iv got a crappy attitude cuz of my stamina.....I hope. I really liked talking to you too, Rea. Its been a long time. Ill try to get into a better mood. If I start acting like an ass, block me for a while or something. I love you guys, just aint in my head at the moment.

I love you.

960714  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6273 days ago)
960712  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6273 days ago)


"Wine Red"

Who shot that arrow in your throat?
Who missed the crimson apple?
It hung heavy on the tree above your head

This chaos, this calamity, this garden once was perfect
Give your immortality to me; I'll set you up against the stars

We lied, we can't go on
This is the time and this is the place to be alive

Who shot that arrow in your throat?
Who missed the crimson apple?
And there is discord in the garden tonight

The sea is wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied

I cut the arrow from your neck
Stretched you beneath the tree
Among the roots and baby's breath
I covered us with silver leaves

We lied, we can't go on
This is the time and this is the place to be alive

The sea is wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied

The sea is wine red
This is the death of beauty
The doves have died
The lovers have lied

The sea is wine red (Gloria, we lied)
This is the death of beauty (we lied, this is the time and place)
The doves have died (Gloria, we lied)
The lovers have lied (this is the time and place)

960435  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-24
Written: (6274 days ago)

GOing to bed soon. 11:40 going on 12 here. SLEEEEEEEEEEEPY.

960356  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6275 days ago)

Everyones off, its boring, and I have books to read. Ill be back later. Love you all!

960347  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6275 days ago)

Free hugs


News: We would like to thank and hug every one of you for making this video Youtube video of the year! Check out our video thank you message here:

---------------------------------------- -------
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person...

Music by Sick Puppies. Their album is out April 3rd called "Dressed Up As Life". Go out and support these guys.
(Visit http://sickpuppies.net or http://myspace.com/sickpuppies for the music)
---------------------------------------- ---------

PS. The response to this video has been nothing short of overwhelming and touching. Hugs to every single one of you who messaged. There has been thousands of emails from all over the world by people seeking to participate in the Free Hugs campaign and asking for permission. You do not need permission. This is the peoples movement, this is *your* movement. With nothing but your bare hands you can make THE difference.

Imagine all the people.

---------------------------------------- --------

Press/media/management contact:
paul.stepanek@oninternational.com (more)

960165  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6275 days ago)

I have to go, Im sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.

Silent-nii! You got off! I have to talk to you when you get back on, Kay? And check Tears Stories, I had to change it a little.

I love you guys!*hugs all tightly* Good night and sweet dreams.

959888  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-22
Written: (6277 days ago)
Next in thread: 960054


959176  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-07-19
Written: (6279 days ago)


*Cute chibi eyes*
958650  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-17
Written: (6281 days ago)

You Are 32% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

Now if that dosnt say something....

958574  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-17
Written: (6281 days ago)
958569  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-17
Written: (6281 days ago)

I feel like fucking shit!!!

[xgs23560], I think he likes me but he has a girlfriend!!!AND! He lied saying he broke up with her! Im tired of beliveing people like that! This fucking sucks!! Everone lies to me! I dont get it...I though Elftown was the only way I could get away to true people, ones that liked the same things as me and didnt always tourment me...But I was dead fucking wrong again...

Just keep it up! Go ahead! Like anyone really even fucking gives a goddamn care!!

I dont know if Im selfish or just plain fucking dumb...
958558  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-17
Written: (6282 days ago)
Next in thread: 958559


Goddamnit...Right when I need someone, no ones there!!

CAITA!!! Whered you go!?!?! Onii-saaaaaaaaan!!!

*Cries* I admit, I do need help! I am sooooooooooooooo selfish! I cant stand doing this to people!!
958421  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-16
Written: (6282 days ago)
957891  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-14
Written: (6284 days ago)

Looky! I makey a Trainer Card!!!XDD



I mades them at http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/create.php

957732  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-14
Written: (6284 days ago)

This is stupid and completely off:

Shiro is your soulmate.

You truly love Ardae.

You consider Six your true friend.

You know that Paul is always thinking of you.

You'll remember Misty for the rest of your life.

You secretly think Shinju is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.

You secretly think that Cristal is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.

You secretly think that Caita is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Caita changes lovers faster than underwear.

You secretly think Phar is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Phar has a hidden internet romance.

The things about paul, shinju, and Cristal are true though.

i got it from http://www.blogthings.com/whatdoyoureallythinkofyourfriendsquiz/

 The logged in version 

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