[Aki Neko]'s diary

982588  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-09
Written: (6108 days ago)

Ok.....Another rant.

Today, I log on.

FUCKING LOGAN AND HIS DAMNED CYBERING AGAIN!!!!>.< Little asswipe! Hes glad Im not the one moving to Florida that its Langdon moving here..id beat the shit outta that little peice of crap......>.<


Dad took phone. Wont give it back. Wont TELL MY WHY. Mom said Langdon called at 6 in the morning. Yes, he did. FUCKING 2 WEEKS AGO!!!! God damn!!! Tell me the rules BEFORE I break them! Or else they wouldnt be rules!*Falls over* I wanna talk to him.......This is screwed.....I wanted to wish him luck before his concert started..... Fucking asshole dad.........Now I know why Langdon is so scared of him, I am too.....

982431  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-09
Written: (6109 days ago)


982087  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-07
Written: (6111 days ago)

Ok, the reason why yesturday was crappy:*Sent in a message*

Yeah, he was threatening Langdon with a whole bunch of shit, and then when I told him (Since he was saying if I wanted to first) That I wanted to go see him, he was all, "Did you say you loved him to him?" Im all, "Yes." He asked"Did he say he loved you back?" Im all "Yeah" Again. then he was all "Oh, I didnt know it was that way." NO FUCKING DUR! Thats WHY Im always talking to him! Hes just so....*Gorllws* Lets just say I havent cred like that in a LONG while. And Langdon......Was raining order against him or kill him...Langdon was fearing his LIFE. My dad told him he would get a restaining order against him or kill him. Then when he "found out" We were dating, he was all, "you know I was a virgin till I was 19." WHY did I need to know that?

My dad, AGAIN as you can see. Ficking asshole of a father trying to get rid of Langdon....He was crying yesturday, Iv never seen him that scared before. And I havent cried that hard EVER. In my life, Iv never cried that hard. And Langdon heard it all. I started hitting my head against the wall as hard as I could and then just fell to the ground, breaking down. *Sighs* I HATE my dad.....Only thing that really means anything to me and he dosnt want me to have it. Fucker needs to get his head checked......

OH! OH! OH! AND!!!!

Now because of that FUCK HOLE Langdon.........*Sighs* My mom is on our side. She said he could move in with us. Now, because of my fucking "father" HE DOSNT WANT TO!!!!!

langdon, sweety......When you said that, I almost cried again, but I dont blame you. And if you DID move in with us, We would share a room, fucking father will NOT hurt you if Im right there, Ill make sure of that.*Sigh* Kill my boyfriend, ILL KILL YOU FIRST.

becca was there the entire time, so she knows too.

982076  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-07
Written: (6111 days ago)


my cell just rang. It was my DAD acting like Langdon. Becca answered it, at least......

Cuz If I did, I wouldnt be on here right now.....*Growls* Fucking father.........

Just.....alot of crap yestuday is all, and I hate him more than ever now,.

982065  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-07
Written: (6111 days ago)

STOLEN FROM [Lin-tastic]!!!(who stole it from [Angel In Red])
You know you're family on elftown when:

You know and have a relation with most of the people on your 'Last Visitors' list.

You have more rps here than email elsewhere.

You can remember 50 characters you have created here, plus the 100 others your friends have made, as well as all their histories, but you can't remember what you had for your last meal.

Going to bed just isn't appealing anymore.

You care more about your friend 6-10 time zones away than anyone at your school/work.

You post more than you email, use the bathroom, eat, and leave the house combined.

You do more polls here than for any and all other websites combined.

You have forgotten that you even visited other sights.

You don't get the newspaper anymore, but checking mainstreet is a must at least once every 6 hours.

You've seen the 2 sunrises in a row without going to bed, and never left this sight the entire time.

981125  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-10-04
Written: (6114 days ago)
980865  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-03
Written: (6115 days ago)



980544  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-01
Written: (6117 days ago)

Ok......my day ish leveled out again.XDDD

Bad thing:

I was up for 2 hours last night in the bathroom from my period....>.< I threw up the cramps were so bad.....lukiley my dad was ACTUALLY NICE this morning and let me stay home without any shit......

Good thing:
I was able to talk to Langdon as soon as he got home today......

Bad thing:

He has a job interview, but Im not complaining alot about this. He needs it and its something he really wants to do...*Smiley*


TIS OUR 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It dosnt even FEEL like a month!!!XDDD It feels like....alot shorter than that to me.XDDD He says it feels alot longer to him, maby since his feelings started before mine. WHATEVER! Im not complaining.XDDDDDDD

AND about the party on Saturday......

My family now knows about Langdon........Well, that side at least. They kept interupting us on the phone!!>.< And then my cousin (Who was just propoused to) Ashley told me if he ever hurts me she woud kick his ass. O.o Then her mom came out to me while we were on the phone and started to ask me stuff about him. WHEN HE WAS ON THE PHONE. Shit like..."How old is he?""Where does he live?""Does he have a job?"  *Shrugs* I know he wouldnt, actually he couldnt if he wanted to.XDDDD My family worries ALOT about me, I guess....o.o I never knew.XD
979886  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-28
Written: (6120 days ago)
Next in thread: 979887


For those who care about me and [BekaBoo]:

WE WILL NOT BE HERE TOMORROW and late Sunday we should be home.

Reasoning: My Aunt's 60th birthday party. WOOHOO! That means I get to baby sitt my little cousins!!!!!!(NOT the 9 and 12 year-old........)

I cant wait to see Lukey!!!!!!! Hes getting so biiiiig!!!!

979684  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-28
Written: (6120 days ago)
Next in thread: 979685

This is for all my closest friend here, and my Langdon.... Its true, and makes me think of all of you. ^ ^



On the ground I lay
Motionless in pain
I can see my life flashing before my eyes
Did I fall asleep
Is this all a dream
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare

I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

On this bed I lay
Losing everything
I can see my life passing me by
Was it all too much
Or just not enough
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare

I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I will not die, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

979001  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-09-26
Written: (6122 days ago)
Next in thread: 979005

Im.....not in the best of moods. You wanna know why? Ask. Otherwise, dont.

978722  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-25
Written: (6123 days ago)

aki is logging out and bacce is taking over

978693  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-24
Written: (6124 days ago)

Ok, my mood just whent from happy-go-lucky to down in the......No, scratch that, to murderer on the scene........

My fucking teacher just called for "support" or whatever, since I havent done the work they HAVENT GIVEN ME from when I was gone from school........ Mother fuckers need to leave my home life out of school, what I do here is my business, NOT THEIRS.

978539  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-24
Written: (6124 days ago)

As to my mood at the moment...(Panrents...fighting...again...@.@)

If I come home in a bad mood again, their fault more likley.....my dad was all huney and flowers the past couple of days......now he's turned around again and acting like he had a good 3 or 4 vodkas. *Sighs* So long as my internet and phone stay up, I dont care what he does to me. Otherwise.......Lets just say Ill be in an even worse mood then. So........Yeah.....I have to go to school soon. Love you guys.

978181  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-22
Written: (6126 days ago)


Im so sorry! My phone died, even when i put it on the charger...>.< I love you, and Ill be over at Paul's till about 6 my time...O.o I think.....Ill be ok, dont worry, ok? Call me at 8 your time, and I should answer.If not, call at....Ill call you useing the house phone to let you know, ok?I love you, langdon, and Ill be home later.

977855  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-21
Written: (6127 days ago)
Next in thread: 978419

Ok.....bad day gone worse....

I woke up this morning and had to help Becca get ready for school(She stayed the night) Then, when I got to school, my dad had poped my bike tire so I left my cell phone at home. Well....

Crystal,(The one whose trying to split Langdon and I up) asked if she could come over to my house since her grandma(who she lives with) beat her yesturday....she was crying, so I said "yes", it would have been a good way settle all this between us....

Didnt happen. When I used my phone to call my Dad, my teacher saw me and told me to give the phone up. Well, it wasnt my phone so I said "No." and handed it back to my friend.....He got all pissy with me, cutting me off and sent me to the office. Now Im susspended again and Becca and Crystal dont have anywhere to go tonight...Then the fucking office was like, "Well, you put your friend at risk for useing their phone, your not a very good friend are you?" Nope.....guess not then, huh?

So, Im at home again...

977381  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-09-20
Written: (6128 days ago)

becca is going to take over the comuter and if sara is in a bad mood latter just ignore her...and know i didnt hack on to her account im at her houseand if some of you are wondering im [BekaBoo]

976973  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-18
Written: (6130 days ago)
Next in thread: 977005



976964  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-18
Written: (6130 days ago)

Ok.....I was SUPPOSED to go to school today, and have detention.....

That diddnt happen.

I woke up last night at 1 something my time in the morning...I couldnt go back to sleep till 4 something.And when my mom woke me up for school, its a good thing I decided to stay home, since I passed out right after she left and when I woke up and looked at the clock, it said 11:25. I AM SO FRIGGEN TIRED!!!!If I suck at typing, Im sorry....Im trying. *Sniffles* I was hoping it was just my allergies....I could never be that lucky....*Sighs*

One good thing came out of all this though. When it was 3:30 my time, it ment it was 6:30 Langdon's time....So I called him and left a message on his phone. I hope he got it.... *Blushes*

And one more thing, heres a song Im completely addicted to at the moment:


Avril Lavigne When You're Gone Lyrics

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
They lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah Yeah

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

976830  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-18
Written: (6130 days ago)

Ok all.....Its beddy bye time for Aki. I got school tomorrow, with dention after it..*Sighs* so I will be home late. I love you guys! Night all!

976689  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-17
Written: (6131 days ago)


 The logged in version 

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