[People are surprisingly Unpredictable]'s diary

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Written about Saturday 2005-06-25
Written: (6946 days ago)

*ill say now i wont name any names but you should know who you are!*
~well im pissed off! i find out that my friends are talking bout me and that i will tell one something and it goes down te line! i cant trust anyone! i mean they talk shit and then lie! one of my frineds lies to myface alllll the time and she does it to my face! adn i h8 that what a friend! see if i will be therefor you next time yoi need me! maybe ill jusst start lieing to you!
~and my other"friend" always talkes bout me and my friend that tells me this talks bout her! but my frined that talks shit! is obsessed with ppl when she is mad at them then she talks bout them alll the time! and obsesses! its funny!ha hahaha!
~ and as for all the ppl who do talk bout me and who tell me to my face that talk bout me when i have been there for you when your life is a bitch and you need a shoulder to cry on or some one to put your anger out on they this is for you! you make your life like that you cheat adn lie and thats what gets you in these predicuments! you say one thing then you do another! god! you cnat make up your minds! adn its pissing me off! GGGRRR! you take up my valubal time!AS for my friend who is obsessed! you annoy me soooo much sometimes! you say all this shit and you talk bout me who was your bff and you talked bout me! well im npt the one who thinks bout girls all the time! so dont go calling me shit when i wasnt even close to you! so all the ppl who know who you r you better stop being bitches cuz bitches is what you are being!ill stop taking to you and then your gonna be bored out of your fucking mind! you seen how fast i droped kim as a friend or well my feelings didnt say waaawaahawahhaaa! and i didnt care! so what now! stop cuz i figure it out and im not stupid! i have sources adn i KNOW YOU TALK BOUT ME AND YOU NEED TO STOP! its getting old!and oh ya i nevertalk bout you so stop it!

 The logged in version 

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