I'm having computer problems!!! Stupid computers! Stupid problems! Stupid having! Stupid Flanders!
One of the vbest posts I've ever seen.
From Deiscorides.
I usually keep a yellow inflatable ducky inner tube, like >the kind for a pool. So, when I get stuck in the rain on ->the corner waiting for someone I can always blow up the >yellow ducky and wear it while waiting. It's never a dull >moment after that.
Too funny
Herald deadlines are real killers.
The night befiore the deadline, I wrote a movie review, a humor article, watched a movie and then reviewed it, in something like 2 hours, 2 hours and a half. I think time stopped somewhere in the middle. I can't understand how I got it all done if it didn't.
Gansta mouse in da house
Last night I was at my kitchen, when suddenly a rat ran from under the dish-washer to the kitchen.
I live in a fourth floor, so it isn't a common sight.
I tried to capture it, with thehelpof the super of my building. I had no idea how to do it, because I wanted to put it in a bag or somthing and take it to the street, not killing it. But the rat was stronger and faster than us. The super wanted to kill it, but he couldn't. It finally dissapeared under the oven, a place he had no other placeto go. Anyway, we assume that the rat climber the wall and went off the window, back to the street.
I assure you, it was the toughest rat in the neighbourhood. I wonder how it got into a fourth floor, tough.
Umm, it seems there's not a lot to see inside my room. Maybe I should move to some more exotic place, like Mars. I wonder if houses are expensive there
I ahd to log in today to see my mood, cause I coudn't remember it and I didn't know how to react to people around me :P
Well, it seems my stupidity didn't totally blew my chances in that job. I ahve one month to prove I can do it right. Ok, I'll have to do my best.
Ahh, virusses in my computer!!!
I'll ahve to format it, damn. I'm without computer rigth now, and I'll probably loss some things. Stupid computer, stupid virus, stupid Flanders.
I'm going through a time of deep stupidity. I mean, I'm making stupid mistakes in everything I do. I've reviewed a movie... that ahs already been reviewed past month!!!
And I may have lost a good job opportunity by making a very stupid mistake in a translation, writing maria bathroom instead of maria bath. :P
I'll better put those old neurones to work again. And soon.
I don't have anything to write. Sad, isn't it?
I started working in a comic book shop... It's onlu for three weeks, but hey, it's money... plus working in a plce filled with comics.