[spyder_69]'s diary

561592  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (6977 days ago)

today after school, me and my best friend walked around town for like two hours then adam picked me up, and i hung out with him for awhile...and now im at home and im sad because apparantly we shouldnt be together and its making me mad because i really really love him. newayz, im gonna go now, i feel really depressed, and i need to think

560627  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-24
Written: (6978 days ago)

its not the end of the day yet, but i probably wont be on later. newayz, today i cleaned a closet, a cabinet, and the kitchen...still working on my room. newayz, adam had to work today so ive been sad and lonely:( i actually just got back from there...i went to visit him and give him something. i was sooo happy to see him! like extremely cuz ive been in a pissed off mood all day, and it sucks because people have been making me mad and ive been kinda avoiding everybody. newayz...i tend to say that a lot...well moms taking me driving, and i have to eat a little or mom will kill me, so im gonna go now. I LOVE YOU ADAM!!!!!

559962  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-24
Written: (6978 days ago)

today andy gave me a ride to work at two...it was pretty much boring until i got off. toma let me off thirty minutes early so i got dressed to go to the movies with adam and andy. andy didnt really stay to watch the movie though. he was getting tickets in the arcade. adam was so cute with his hair all fixed, and his clothes and everything...newayz we watched the amityville horror, it was so awesome. after that we went to mcdonalds and ate some chicken nuggets. we came to my house for a few minutes and said goodbye...:( still getting over that.
newayz, im talking to him on messanger now, he is so sweet! he is now my sexy beast!! I LOVE YOU ADAM!!!!!!

559156  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-23
Written: (6979 days ago)
Next in thread: 559220

hmmm...i usually dont keep a diary but when i am old and wrinkly and....ewww! newayz...back to the present, i dont wanna think about being old...not much has been going on, well that is a huge lie, i mean theres so much drama and stuff but i wont get into that...i am going to talk about the happy thing in my life right now ( probably the only happy thing) my love! i love him so much, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. he set up this romantic dinner for me by the lake, it was like the best ever. i want to spend the rest of my life with him...hes my knight in shining armor!!! adam, if your reading this...i will love you forever and i think about you non-stop, i am all yours now. i wish i could give you everything you wanted...i wish i could be with you every second for the rest of my life, (trust me people, im not exaggerating). I love you with my soul and i hope im with you for eternity. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

559353  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-22
Written: (6979 days ago)

today adam had interveiw things with the rest of the seniors. it was okay though cuz i got to see him at lunch. he looked weird all dressed up, but still cute as ever!! we had map testing, which was easier then yesterdays and some of my friends and i were playing cards after that. i came home and got ready for work. then andy took me to adams house for like half an hour (which was cool, cuz i want to spend every minute with him).i went to work at four and adam stayed up there with me til he had to get ready to work for five ( we both work at mcdonalds). newayz, i got payed and should have enough for a phone (i hope) im gonna get a picture phone so i can take pictures of adam. i got to eat with adam when he went on break. i stayed up there til like eight then had to go home :(. i came home, picked out an outfit for tommorrow (movies) then took a bath and got on the computer...man this i long....and thats pretty much my day. i think this is a little detailed, but thats okay..i hope. I LOVE YOU ADAM!!!!!!!!!

552507  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-16
Written: (6987 days ago)

love...is a strong word, and means so much and is so complicated, no one can ever understand, nor comprehend it, but everyone shall go through it...as am i, and it tis a scary thing, but it is also the most wonderful. as is life, life is scary and wonderful too and is so unexplainable, and has so much meaning....so much to think about

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