[Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.]'s diary

624517  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

Don't try for me.
I'll warn the fucking world and now I'll warn you.
You'll be wasting your time on something you will be completely dissapointed in.
And if I don't dissapoint, I'll be dissapointed in you.
All the children that ever tried left me sighing.
Left me bored.
Left me wondering where the distinction of awe dissapeared to that EVERYONE else saw.

624514  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

Every breath I take is five thousand hits
and life is about to overload from the crowds that are swarming to see me.
Everyday Jchrist is sounding more like Jcunt is turning into me and we call it sibling rivalry.
Hang me up on a crucifix and I'll suck you off long past the ressurection,
because [daddygod] favored me enough to take the capitals from his name in my presence.

Because nothing.

624512  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)

Sometimes I put razorblades in my mouth and pray someone will kiss me.
624368  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (7014 days ago)
Next in thread: 624533

I think that tonight...

Will rock.


But we'll see.

623784  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (7015 days ago)

I don't really understand him.


622798  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (7016 days ago)

KnivesToTheChest: hahaha
KnivesToTheChest: jawad is passe dout so rico is going to do something funnny to him
KnivesToTheChest: with shaviung cream

oh no.

621142  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (7018 days ago)

This that is perfect.
This that is beautiful.
This that is everything you wish you were and
this that is the strength to go through with everything to get it.
You can stand and scream like the other so called saints about my flaws, but fact is that you wish while


619585  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-10
Written: (7020 days ago)
619569  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-10
Written: (7020 days ago)


The Typical Scene Boy:

Hi my name is Stupid Fucking Poser. I'm really insecure so I'm gonna dye my hair black and grow it long so it covers my face because I'm so fucking ugly that no one would like me if it wasn't hidden. And I love following the crowd so I buy girl jeans that don't fit my disgusting body and my small dick is pressed tight against the zipper for all the 14 year old girls to see. God I’m SO SPECIAL AND UNIQUE.

My best friend is my flat iron and pomade.
I don’t eat carbs but I like The Faint and underage drinking.
My favorite activity is shopping for Converse and trying not to let my pretend girlfriend know that I’m a fucking faggot.

And every time I go to clubs I have to be REALLY wasted and completely drunk because I secretly have NO personality and all my friends really HATE ME because all I ever do it make out with random ugly kids who are really 15 but somehow got into the club.. and of course I make out with boys that look EXACTLY like me because its cool to pretend I’m something I’m not. When I go to the club, I pay $8 to sit outside of a patio and smoke other people’s cigarettes and talk shit about everyone that has their back turned to me.

When I finally decide to dance to all those lame 80’s songs, I try to dance but really I'm just having a fucking seizure to look cool, even though it never works. I swing my arms in the air and shuffle my feet like I have fucking Parkinson’s.. and I always pick the dumbest sluttiest girl to grind my crotch against. HEHE.

Sound familiar?

Yeah kill yourself before someone else does.

The Typical Scene Girl:

Hey everyone, is my hair dyed 5 different colors and cut at different angles? Are you sure my neon plastic earrings match my high heels and bra straps because I would CRY if I didn’t fit in with every other whore I know. Should we only talk about boys and clothes and stuff? LIKE OMG ok.

I like vertical stripes and pony tails. I love leg warmers and anything asymmetrical. I wear shirts with only one sleeve and poke-dot mini skirts so you can see my vagina when I try and dance to the Cure.

Sometimes I’ll dye my hair one bright color in front or in the back so you notice me more but really I’m just trying to look cool so everyone stares and points. Oh wait it doesn't work because I’m just a stupid cunt with no style. *twirls hair*

And when I date guys or make out with them: they HAVE to wear eyeliner and tight t-shirts. They HAVE to have more then 1000 friends on MySpace and drive a car past the year 2000 because that’s all that matters. No one cares about feelings, just fuck me in my plastic asshole and tell me how cute I am when my lipstick rubs off on your penis. *pops gum*

I’m still in high school but somehow I got a fake ID so I’m SO awesome!! My favorite hang outs are the TOTALLY SCENE CLUBS where I can dance in front of all my internet friends and show how dumb I am. I’m better then everyone else because I know the lyrics to EVERY retarded song played and I can even shake it like one of those trolls in a Lil’ Jon music video.

But whatever, I’ll just show my tits and everyone will be ok.

Sound familiar?

Yeah I should piss on your face next time any of you get near me.
619154  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-09
Written: (7021 days ago)

I saw Wes at Subway.
It wasn't as if I wasn't expecting to see him.
I just wasn't expecting him to say anything.

And the only reason I went was because of my cousin.

Because she has this weird thought in her head that she loves him.

So it basically went down like this:

I walk into Subway, just doing whatever and I walk over to the register and some guy is like, *nod* and I go, "Can I have a coke?" and he goes, "You just want a cup?" and so I go, "Yeah." and he gives me a cup. Wes turns and sees me and I kind of look away at first and then I look at him and he goes, "Do I know you?" and the first thing I think of is "Fuck you" because Cam tells me pretty much everything he says, especially about me being fat and a bitch, thank you Wes, darlin. But I don't let that slip out and I say, "Probably." and then I'm filling up my coke and I can't stop staring. Fucking weird. So then I go to leave and I think he says "bye" or something but as I'm walking out the door I go, "I'll tell Camille you say hi" which is a bad move on my part because it turns out she's been lying to him nonstop. About being a virgin, about where she lives, the only things that aren't fake are her pictures. Which don't really look like her anyway. So I don't even know this until I call her and tell her, "Yeah, Wes is hot." because that's basically all she wanted to know.

So all in all, the day sucked.
I saw Wes, and I found out my cousin is a fucking liar.
Who the hell isn't a liar these days?
Everyone is lying to me and it's sickening.
Especially when it's family.

It's disgusting when someone acts just like you and lies about the music they listen to, what they do, how they act.
It's like she wants to be me or something.
Drums? Guitar? Singing? Can you say fake?
Fuck that shit. She's not me.
She needs to stop trying.

And what makes the situation even more pathetic is..
Why try to be like me?
When there's so many other cool people?
It makes no sense.
618093  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-08
Written: (7022 days ago)

I want to go to Hollywood.

605637  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-22
Written: (7037 days ago)

Me: My feet fucking hurt. *I'm not wearing shoes at the time*

Chels: You walked across the Rio Grande, you're used to it.

Me: I'm Puerto Rican, not Mexican. Fuck that, I didn't walk or swim.

Logan: *confused look*

Me: I was big pimpin' on my blow up raft, bitch.

604645  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-21
Written: (7039 days ago)

Last night was fun.

the end

603366  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-20
Written: (7040 days ago)

I love you and

then I hate you,

it's like I want to throw you off a cliff

...then rush to the bottom to catch you

600738  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (7043 days ago)

me: I have AIDS.. Will you still fuck me?

[born 2 roc]: no because i don't want AIDS and i'm not disin you i just don't want that diesase!!!

that's just peachy.
no lovin' for the infected.

592206  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-07
Written: (7053 days ago)

10 questions. Pick a band/singer and answer only using that band/singer's song titles.

Chosen band/singer: bright eyes

1. Are you a male or a female: something vague

2. Describe yourself: false advertising

3.How do some people feel about you: lover i don't have to love

4.How do you feel about yourself: waste of paint

5. Describe your family: make war

6. Where would you rather be: down in a rabbit hole

7. Describe what you want to be: easy/lucky/free

8. Describe how you live: from a balance beam

9. Describe how you love: no lies, just love

10. Describe what you hate: first day of my life

 The logged in version 

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