[merihevonen]'s diary

923843  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-27
Written: (6277 days ago)


After I came home from school, my stepfather Kari told me that Mette was lost. He'd searched her everywhere around the house. I told him go walk Pete and I'd try to find her. Before he left to walk Pete he just mentioned the option that she might've dropped from the balcony. I was shocked. He was smoking on the balcony and tha cats were there, but because we have balcony glazing, one window was open because of the cigarette smoke.

Apparently Elvis and Mette were walking on the railing, both coming from the opposite directions, and then meeting on the middle... Mette had apprerently dropped.

We live on the first floor so the drop is only like 2-3 meters.
The idiot that he is he of course didn't go search for Mette immediately..and didn't even think to call me... I would've come straight from school.

I came home around 7-8 pm.
Mette dropped to the ground around 1-2 pm according to Kari.

I felt panicked and more lost than I have ever felt in my life, wondering all the possible solutions if she had actually fallen to the ground and then wandered off to the highway... :(

So first I searched the whole house down, going through all Mette's usual hiding places. I searched everywhere, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Elvis was wondering where his sister was, walking around as lost as I was...

Worried to death as I was, I got dressed quickly as possible, went outside to search for her.

I was getting desperate and on the verge of crying after 20 minutes of searching and walking around in circles.
After trying to spot any moving object in the distance, going through the grass area, most of the forest and the jogging path... I went under the balcony... I didn't see anything, I mistook a gray object as a cat from that distance and was disappointed when it was just a rock.

I kept searching...

I was losing places to look from. Out of nowhere, I decided to walk to the right from under the balcony. I caught a "lump" of somesort on my right eye on the basement window. Not knowing what it was, I still decided to just check it. 

When I got closer to the "lump"... I noticed it was gray. And an animal.
When I right in front of it, I recognized that it was a an animal indeed- a cat!!
It was Mette curled up on a fetus position... I was so happy, I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. She was a bit cold although today has been a warm day. She made some small miau sounds happy to see me, and I just held her in my arms, happy that I found her.

Then i took her home. Elvis was as if nothing had happened.

If I hadn't found her, I never would have never been able to forgive myself.


cat pictures ---> http://s48.photobucket.com/albums/f216/scififreak555/

923495  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-26
Written: (6278 days ago)

By the way, no one should ever see Bloodrayne.

'This film is currently ranking at #81 on IMDb's bottom 100.'

--------->> http://imdb.com/chart/bottom

Hmm. Looking at that list, it just makes me wonder all those movies... I'd really like to see some of them. Just for the fun of it >_>

I'm seriously thinking about downloading 'Gigli' for example.
It's been mocked by so many people... I want to know what the hype is all about! xD

I don't get why 'Police Academy: Mission to Moscow' is on the list... :O

also that 'Toter hing im Netz, Ein (1960)' seems really interesting..
En route to a show in Singapore, a troupe of beautiful dancers are stranded on a deserted island by a plane crash. Their routine of skinny-dipping and devising new skimpy outfits is interrupted when a radioactive spider bites their manager and turns him into a wild-eyed, furry-faced monster with three fangs and a passion for strangling... *giggles* XD

it's 9 am and I still haven't been able to get any sleep. >_> I'm so easily amused.

923415  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6278 days ago)
923359  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6278 days ago)

I got my glasses Friday. I look really smart with them on. Finally I can fool everyone that I am.
Now next to win that Nobel prize...

Mom left to Härmä for a week today. It's organized by her work, due to her feet pains she's been having for few last months. So it's just filled with lots of healthy exercising, swimming, walking, sauna....

I'm going to be home alone with Kari and the pets for a week. :(

And next Friday when she comes back, it's my her birthday. I can't remember at the moment how much she be turning... 47? I'll have to text my brother to check it.


(found from www.darkmark.com)

Wuhuu. All of them agreed!

So the rumours of Emma Watson's reluctance to play Hermione two last times were false? >_>
I had had a small panic attack when I read that...

922797  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6280 days ago)

*sighs sadly*

I don't know what's wrong with me.
Am I really that impossible to be friends with?

922796  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6280 days ago)
921637  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-20
Written: (6284 days ago)


Ansgar & Evelyne

From a clear blue sky the bomb falls down
We lie silent in a crater, smiling
When we're watching contemporary period burn down

And I will protect you with my body
the Air stings when we breath
I have always seen us as Ansgar and Evelyne

We will fill our stolen car
With expensive watches and dexedrin
Souvenirs from the time when we were swines

And you have taken me inside from the cold
From german hardrock to Charles Valentine
In my book you are always Evelyne

And how I wish that you were here now
I want to hear your heartbeats
And how I wish that our war would end

I have learned from my mistakes
And you are as lonely as I am

<3Och som jag önskar att du var här nu
Jag vill bara höra dina hjärtslag
Och som jag önskar att vårt krig tog slut
Jag har lärt av mina misstag
Och du är lika ensam som jag<3

920916  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-18
Written: (6286 days ago)

I spent last night at my aunt's house.

I slept for maybe 2-3 hours. I just spent the night watching the wall and thinking things, wishing it was morning already...

But last night went well. The kids were great. We played Mirror and Colour. Then we ate candy and chili nuts. :D 
Then Tuomas and Hanna-Maria discussed with each other that if Tuomas and I get to play two games of Playstation 2's NHL '06 then we would watch whatever movie Hanna-Maria wanted. 

We went to the master bedroom where the Playstation was...
Tuomas had his own chosen players. A mix of Canadian, Russian, American, Finnish players.

Then came my turn to choose a team.
I chose Sweden as my team. (This is pretty much treason. Let's just keep this between us, okay? No one else needs to know.)

Since it was the very first time I was playing Playstation (I've played NHL 99 on PC, so I'm not completely clueless...) I lost the first game 14-3. It took me a while to learn what keys to press.

Second game: I WON!!! 4-1

Third game: I WON!! Again ^_^ 6-1 Wuhuuu. xD *gloats*

Exactly how pathetic is it that I'm gloating that I won my 8 year old cousin on a Playstation hockey game? On a scale of 1 to 10, anyone? O_o

Then we all moved to the living room where Hanna chose Over the Hedge as the movie we're to watch. I had never before seen it, but I had my *cough* erm, reservations. After seeing the trailer, I thought it was rubbish. Like most modern Disney movies are... *coughs*


But it turned out to be alright. It wasn't as bad as I expected. >_< But it wasn't great, so don't rush into your closest movie rental store as you've finished reading this... 

920564  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-16
Written: (6287 days ago)


I'm going to go see Weeping Willows Thursday 10.5.2007 at Tavastia. it's going to be my very first gig during my life so I'm rather excited. :D

Weeping Willows' singer Magnus Carlsson's voice is very close to Elvis', Morrissey's and Johnny Cash's singing voices. ^__^ so obviously I love their music. Endless Night is such an amazing album.

Now what I would give to see Kent live...? I'm sure I'd faint from actually hearing Jocke Berg's beautiful voice and seeing them with my own eyes live... my brain would explode.

Today was another long and tiresome day.

Mom and I went to to this sports clothing shop where we found me new shoes... They pretty much look exactly like my old Adidas shoes.
Then the sad moment came when in the cash register the girl behind the counter threw my old shoes away after my mom had told her to do so.... :( I know they were pretty much falling apart in front my my eyes, but still... :(
<img100*0: http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f216/scififreak555/kuvat11191.jpg>
Goodbye, old shoes.

and when I came home I fell onto my bed and fell asleep almost instantly with most of my clothes still on.

I got these cds today.
the Smiths: the Queen is dead
Egotrippi: Nämä ajat ei ole meitä varten
Egotrippi: Superego
Poets of the Fall: Locking up the sun


and I then I woke up at 20:45. Then I remembered that I had promised to vacuum clean the cat room, so I did that. Then I went out with Pete. After I got home, I made food and watched Tarantino's Jackie Brown.
And now it's 2:06 am, writing this...

Tomorrow I'm going to babysit my cousins when my aunt is going to some girls' night with her friends. So it's just me and the kids. So that means: playing hide and seek, maybe watching a Disney movie, then witnessing Hanna-Maria's tantrums... Oh boy, am I glad they're not babies anymore. I remember when they were little and they just fought all the time... 

Oi it's going to be a fun night. :D and then mom's going to come pick me up after work.

And mom's going to my brother's place at Turku Sunday and will be there for 2 nights.

And I still can't think of anything to put in my description...

That should be all for now. Good night.

920195  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written: (6288 days ago)


On the official Kent-homepage reads...

erm, I can understand that they're recording a new album...
Jon "Joshua" Schumann is the producer...
it will be released during the year 2007! ^__^

That's all I can understand.

Yey, a brand new Kent album. They can only get better!
And since 'Du och jag döden' was a perfect album, the next album is going to blow my mind away....

I'm still grieving Harri Mänty's leaving the band due to lack of motivation.... :(

920040  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written: (6288 days ago)

Ingenting Någonsin (Nothing Ever) by Kent 

They say that I've been torn
Never have I been whole
They say there is something with my bones
But nothing has ever
been more wrong

They say I have been evil
I have always been straight
They say there is something wrong with my heart
But nothing has ever
hit so hard

They say I've been dangerous
I have always been weak
They say there is something with my head
But nothing has ever
been so close to an answer


920009  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written: (6288 days ago)


I went to the eye doctor today. He put some stupid liquid in my eyes, it was horrible :(
The glasses should be ready in about a week.

I was supposed to see my father today but after the eye doctor, eating too much so my stomach hurts then shopping, walking, waiting,
feeling dizzy, and more walking for 4 hours... I'm too powerless to leave home again.

But I had my trusty walkman to help me go on with the day, listening to Kent's Hjärta & smärta (Heart and pain) EP...

One good thing happend today though. Mom bought me this music magazine that is completely about David Bowie! :D
But since it was a bit expensive (15 euros) I can't go buy cds in a while.... :(

Ta-ta. H


919516  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-13
Written: (6290 days ago)


I voted today. For the first time in my life. With mom at Kontula's post office. Wuhuu, I feel like such a grown up. O_o
I voted for Anni Sinnemäki, number 53. Listening to 'Lennokki' by Egotrippi on repeat while doing it! :D
Well anyway, it was the pre-voting. In few days will be the actual final voting.

I have been sick for the last, erm, 3-4 weeks. Flu, cough, sore throat...
I'm sure I'm making a world record on how much a person can drink tea during one day.

I went to get my eye sight checked just for the fun of it. And I thought it would've been just a check up. But no. The glass lady there said that I need glasses, especially my right eye is worse that my left eye. O_o
so I'm getting glasses in this month.

I look like a nerd with them on. >_>

Thursday's my appointment with they eye doctor. I'm nervous. I hate people touching my eyes. >_>



it's so beautiful. 'Posteljooni' by Egotrippi, live acoustic. :D :D

916890  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-05
Written: (6299 days ago)


How different life is now that I have been away from elftown for a while.

I didn't realize how time passed so much. It really wasn'ät my intention to be away for so long.

Well, anyway... if anyone's reading this, hello, long time no see.

I have to go walk Pete and then get to school. Maybe I'll log on tomorrow again...


883525  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-06
Written: (6387 days ago)

So Aunt Leena, Hanna-Maria and Tuomas came here today. We ate cookies and drank Pepsi and cocoa. It was nice seeing them after a while.
I always dislike crowds as well as any kind of party, so I hid in my room most of the time they were here.

And the cats really loved the climby thing Leena brought to us as a present. Mette stayed there for like an hour and then only came out when food time came. :p

After they left mom and I started watching the President's Castle party from the television. It was fun watching different kinds of guests arriving to the Castle wearing tuxes and fancy gowns.. It's my way of celebrating Finland's independence, watching that... it's just a tradition with my mom and me to watch it and laugh at the weird and funny dresses and then in return compliment the good dresses and hairdos. Usually I don't give a rat's crap about about any make up, hairdos, dress color etc but December 6th is my one night of the year when I like to look at things like that.

Lordi didn't come since he wasn't allowed to come there in his monster costume.

While wathing the show, Elvis slept in my lap through most of the show... I was so happy. Elvis loves me. :D

883394  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-06
Written: (6387 days ago)

Today is 6th of December, the Independence Day of Finland.

My aunt and cousins are coming over here in about 40 minutes. They're bringing this cat climby thingy to us...

Not much of a plan for today.
I'm going to perhaps watch the Independence Day party at the President's Castle from the tv. All the guest arriving there in their fancy gowns and tuxes... It's an annual thing. It's quite boring but fun at the same time.

Happy Finland's Independence Day!

881771  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-02
Written: (6391 days ago)

My horoscope for the day.

Leo - 2.12.2006

Be careful in the middle of temptations, not everyone is as honest as you are.
Sleepless nights are taking power from you...


881495  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-01
Written: (6392 days ago)


I want snow. :(

880871  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-30
Written: (6393 days ago)

I switched torrent-thingies from Azureus to uTorrent.
It's so much better!! ^^

Plus... because of this:

so many... :O

and there's even the "some valium for Fletch" parody xD

but I promised [Sana] to search some mp3s for her first.... ---> <diary:880436>
so i'll have to wait for a few days till i can get my own music

I have the 2 Coldplay songs already.

Got to search still
*Reflections - Lea Salonga
*Batalla de los Tombores (Drum Duel) - Godsmack
*Prodigy - Breath

and this will be ready pretty soon
*Counting Bodies like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums - A Perfect Circle

880847  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-30
Written: (6394 days ago)


I laughed, giggled, chuckled... a lot reading this...
Or maybe it's just my sense of humor



880506  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6394 days ago)

made by [conscience]

The geek in me says: Wuhuu!!

 The logged in version 

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