I never thought this would happen in Finland.
"This must be the biggest piece of crap I have read in months"
"And polar bears walk in the street of Helsinki and we live in a small dark caves in countryside and hunt our own bear meat for dinners! Get a life man. Oh and I forgot we are of course still part of great Russian."
and my favourite: "At least we Finns know how to GOOGLE!"
It has been an exhausting and patience-takin
The moving is complete for the most part.
There still some stuff in the cellar but most of it we're going to throw away.
Our new home is very messy at the moment.
I'm at school writing this. My home pc isn't plugged. The internet wire still haven't been found.
We got the tv working only a week ago. I guess now I'm not that much addicted to the internet anymore.
Last week I was sick and couldn't go to school.
I have only two classes: Swedish and English.
I read the Deathly Hallows for the second time. Obviously, it was amazing.
I'm thinking about reading it for the third time after the exams are over. Now I'm just going to be studying Swedish Swedish Swedish....
Ina and I are going walking around Helsinki in few minutes.
I had to come back here and say this:
I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie Dragon Wars ---> http://www.imd
Here are some incredible looking posters of the movie. (Click on them.)
Though I am a bit confused that those creatures there look more like snakes than dragons to me.
What kind of a dragon doesn't have wings???
That's all I had to day. Good night.
As I have talked here before, Kent is coming to here in my hometown Helsinki.
The concert which ticket I have bought is on Sunday November 4th.
Now, as I was surfing the net I found out that Kent is having THREE concerts on the House of Culture from 4th to 6th on Novoember.
This piece of infomation... blew my mind. Three nights of Kent.
I'll have to try to convince mom to buy me another ticket on the last day.
Also, they are releasing their first single from the album called Ingeting (Nothing) on September 17!!
Looks gloomy, doesn't it?
Listen to them on myspace or go to youtube to watch their videos.
ps. It should be obvious that I am going to be talking about this over and over and over again.... just to warn you.
It's such a magical shop! :D
I can't wait to go there again!!
I have now been 19 for 2 days.
Today is also my brother's 23rd birthday. Happy birthday, Janne!
The Birthday Loot:
-20 euro bill from my grandmother
-20 euro bill from my aunt Leena
-nothing from my father
-nothing also from my brother
neither of these are big suprises, they're not very much into giving presents
-Kent concert on November 4th!!!!! :D (New album on October!!)
-mom bought me chocolate :D and Tigger socks ^_^
Yesterday we went to Ikea :D
The Ikea loot:
the ones I can remember
-a hallway mirror
-salad bowl
-laundry basket
-2 different pairs of lamps
-a blue planket!!
129 euros worth of shopping. Ikea is such an amazing shop.
At the moment I am home alone with the cats. Pete and mom went to Perniö for 2 nights.
Hmphh, what to do?
I'm Home again.
It's my birthday but I don't feel any different...
The time of my birth was 1:32 a so my mom sang me this lovely finnish birthday song, the same song she has sung to me as long as I can remember. She could only remember three first lines of it, sadly. I remember mom singing it to me when I was younger, about 12, and the song was much longer. The song is about a bird flying in the wind, or something like that. I'm not quite sure. It's stupid that I've heard the song every birthday but I've never really listened to the lyrics... it's not a very common birthday song to sing. I think it must've passed from my mom's mom to her. Everyone else sings the Happy birthday/paljo
I slept next to my mom, as I have slept for about a week now. She snores :P I fell asleep around 3 am.
My cellphone's alarm clock rang at 7:15 am this morning so it wasn't a very pleasent way to wakeup on your birthday.
I ate risotto at my grandmother's place. After leaving her place, I went to these two small fleamarkets, both in Sörnäinen. I bought this tiger where I can put money and this green candle thing. Yay! I love fleamarkets.
That's about it. I wasn't expecting a magnificent birthday, but... I got to admit that it was better than last year's.
Still, no birthday cake, again. I haven't had a birthday party since I turned 15? I think. Pfft. Hmpth.
Tomorrow is my 19th birthday.
Around 10 am tomorrow morning mom and I are going to the bank to seal the deal of our new apartment, and after that we'll be getting the keys. Then we are going to our new home
My grandmother sent me a 20 euro bill through mail. I'm going to go see Kent at Helsinki's House of Culture on November 4th. I'm going to see the concert of the greatest band in the world with my mother...
When I went to see <3Egotrippi<3 I was singing along every song and clapping like a crazy person. xD So we'll see what my mother thinks of me after seeing me behave behave like that in front of her...
I spent two nights at Pekka's. It was actually a nicer place thanc I had imagined. Leevi's friend Tuukka was there as well.
So there was me, mom, Pekka, two 10 year old boys and my three little darlings.
I read the Deathly Hallows. I was speechless when I finished it. It's an amazing book. So many different feelings went through me while reading it. Sadness, confusion, happiness, amusement, sadness again.
I recommend this book book to everyone. Though it would be a plus if you had read the previous books.
Morning to everyone. It's 7:10 am.
We are moving. We sold our home to this couple from Bangladesh. We have to move by the end of September the latest. So busy schedule at the moment, my apologies if I'm here less. But I hope you understand.
Two days after that we went to see an apartment not far from our ours (still in the same Kontula area).
The real estate woman was the same who sold our apartment and had found the apartment just for us. It's smaller than ours but the rooms are really nice so it doesn't really show. Just the glazing has to be made so the cats can be in the balcony again.
I'm going to paint my room!! Maybe blue... I can't wait. Mom's painting hers greeeen.
I went to see the Order of the Phoenix with mom. I had read the book so I knew what was going to happen.
I had my expectations..
Mom has been dating this Pekka person for the past weeks now. I have met him once, he seems okay. He is bald, has a 10 year old son Leevi and lives in Perniö. He also has two cats... which is a very good thing. If he hated cats, he would be out of the picture, obviously.
Oh! Which reminds me... tomorrow is my little darlings birthday. They're one year old already!
And today I'm going to go buy the Deathly Hallows book.
By the looks of things it's possible that I might be going to spend a night at Pekka's tuesday night.
He's on nightshift and Leevi needs a babysitter.
Kent is coming to Finland on tour. They're starting their tour from Helsinki. I'm so excited and happy. I am going to see Kent live :D
Album & Winter Tour Dates Released
July 18th, 2007 the following pressrelease was sent out by Kent:
"The recordings of the seventh album began in November 2006 at Allaire studios Shokan, New York.
In the beginning of 2007 the work continued at Psykbunkern/Pa
Jon "Joshua" Schumann did the producing together with us. The new album is called "Tillbaka till samtiden" ("Back to our time").
It is of course the best material we have ever produced. See you on the tour. Thanks & sorry. / kent, July 2007"
"Tillbaka till samtiden" is released October 17. During theautumn/wint
But damn you Harri Mänty. Why couldn't you leave the band a little later?! Now I'll never get to see Kent as a whole group.
And the new album's called "Back to our time"? O_o
Previous album was "You and I dead", and now this?
And then a weird picture like this? http://www.ken
What does does that MEAN?!
I'm going to see Egotrippi on the 14th of next month at Tavastia.
I feel like a kid in a candy store.
So much good is happening: seeing Egotrippi live for the first time in my life, the OOTP movie, the last Potter book...
and I still haven't seen the new Pirates movie. I refure to download it, I have too much respect for the movie trilogy to download some handheld crap. I'm going to go see them on theater, or then just wait til they're on dvd. Or just wait until someone downloads a better version of the movie.
and school starts 28th of August.
Tomomorrow I'm going to Turku with my father to see my brother (by train it takes 4 hours to get there).
I've never been there before, so yey. Turku is the "culture city" of Finland supposedly, so it should be interesting going around the city. Knowing my brother we will go through booksstores, cd stores and cafes... :)
I will there for 2 nights I think. Good night and take care of yourselves.
UFO in Hopeh, China, 1942
This is the latest.
No one is ever online at the same time I come here. I guess they just don't want to talk with me.
Not much to say. We're moving. Mom has another date with a guy he met at the dating commutity they talk to each other. This is I think the third date she's been during these past few weeks.
Yeah. That's all for now.
Good night. Take care of yourselves.
Also, go here. Beautiful music -> <3 http://www.mys
jos etsit kadonnutta aikaa jotain josta jouduit luopumaan
liian usein huomaat ei se totta ollutkaan
ja joku tuskin tietää mitä etsii vailla määrän päätä harhailee
monen vuoden jälkeen ystävälleen kirjoittaa
ne sanat jotka sanomatta jäivät sanat joita ei kai ollutkaan
sanat jotka pettävät kun niitä tarvitaan
ja minä olen miettinyt jo kauan jotain josta sulle kertoisin
vaikka tuskin muistan enää osoitettakaan
sun villakoirasi nimi oli Rin-Tin-Tin
typerä piski joka murisi mulle
hölmöksi tunsin minä itsenikin
vaikka kaikesta halusin puhua sulle
mä vain häntääni heilutin
olen hävittänyt kaiken joka sinusta mua muistuttaa
olen myynyt levyt joita silloin kuuntelin
ne levyt usein radiossa soivat tai ne voivat olla muitakin
lähes kaiken sinusta jo melkein unohdin
sun villakoirasi nimi oli Rin-Tin-Tin...
sinä hymyiletkö vielä sinä suuteletko vielä niin
että suudellessa olin mennä tainnoksiin
ja minä olen olemassa vielä minä vieläkin sua muistelen
vaikka monta vuotta sitten jouduin naimisiin
sun villakoirasi nimi oli Rin-Tin-Tin...
Everyone needs to see Michael Moore's new movie Sicko. See it. I mean it.
Mom has apparently "quite fallen" for this guy at the online dating community where she spends hours every night.
With someone called Sormu. And he's apprently 6 years older than mom is.
I still don't know how to react to it.
By the way, no one should ever see 'Pride and Prejudice'. I really can't believe Keira Knightley got a Oscar nomination for it.
Also, for the past weeks mom and I have been short on cash.
We've had to really think what to buy, not to buy any useless extra stuff.
I can't buy pizza :(
ps. hmm. "community where she spends hours every night", does that remind you of anyone? :P
I've had internet problems. My brother's friend Mikko came here to fix it (as you can see me writing this now).
So now to more important things that have happened. For 2 days my darling, kultapieni, Elvis... was gone. And I had no idea where he had gone. On Monday afternoon Elvis jumped out of the window. It took us about a half an hour to realize he wasn't at home. First, we just thought he was sleeping somewhere we couldn't see him (like he sometimes does, when he gets sick of us stupid humans). So wesearched everywhere, under every bed, closet, table. He was nowhere to be seen. Mette was just calmly sunbathing on the balcony during our search, so I thought shouldn't he be panicking where his brother was. Apparently not.
Well after about half on hour or hour of searching the house through and checking the upstairs as well, since he once got out accidentally to one floor up, since he just can't help his curiosity...
Then, we saw that my window was bit open. That's where we thought he jumped. I felt so guilty because it was my window.
We were all feeling hopeless and worrying about him. The worst feeling was the fact that we didn't know where he was or what had happened to him, was he dead or alive, run over by a car or eaten by another animal... We went through the forest on our backyard as many times as possible and I spread Lost-flyers everywhere...
Those two days were the most saddest, desperate... just plain simple stupidest feeling... I've ever felt.
Then came Wednesday evening. It was maybe 10 minutes after 6 pm, mom and I were going to go to the library since our internet didn't work and mom wanted to talk to her online dating-friends
We were about to leave to the library and going out of the door, but then I realized I didn't have my cellphone with me, and I had to have it with me all time in case someone would call me about whether someone had seen Elvis.
I found my cellphone and saw that someone had called me, and it was a number that I didn't recognize.
I called the number. Then a woman with a Russian accent said that he had just been walking outside with her two sons and had seen a scared animal is a small hole in the ground, very close to where I live. We agreed to meet outside, so I hurried outside to meet her.
She led me to the hole and there was an animal on the bottom of the hole. When I got closer, I saw that it was Elvis. I can't explain the feeling of happiness I felt, my heart "leaped" so to speak.
He moved a bit closer after seeing me, but he was still too far for me to touch him, so I had to go down in the hole and get him. He was shivering a bit, I just hugged him and was just glad to hold him again.
My mom hugged the woman we were both ready to dance from happiness (so to speak). I gave Elvis to mom, so that I could get up from the hole better without dropping Elvis from my lap.
When I got up, I hugged the woman excitedly and practically screamed "THANK YOU!!!" in her ears.
He was alive, that's all that mattered. No injuries, he was just hungry.
Elvis has been eating a lot, which is only natural...
Mette is picky when it comes to food. But Pete and Elvis eat almost anything.
When we took him back home, Mette was like he had never been gone. Weird cat.
Pete had been clearly worried about Elvis and had noticed his little brother's absense.
We had taken him and Mette with us to the backyard, searching Elvis, going through the forest.
All window's are closed now and they have their collars on.
So that's it. Happy ending. It's been an exhausting week.
I saw few very disturbing nightmares when Elvis was lost. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep better from now on.
One of the nightmares I saw was that Elvis hadn't jumped out of the window at all, but instead, we found him in a closet... and he had... choked to death since he didn't have any air there.
Last night's dream I can't remember, but it was pretty... let's say, heavy to wake up from.
So what else is happening in my life?
My mother started online dating. She has a date today with a guy named Jore she met at that community.
I really don't know how to react.
All I can say is... HOLY CRAP! ^____^
I can't wait to hear the new album.
I really hope this isn't the last album. Even though Harri Mänty left the band... :(
A 2,5 metre high vagina?!
That's an artwork of a Finnish artist... XD
I have completely fallen in love with the Swedish language.
Great Swedish bands I recommend:
-Håkan Hellström
-Magnus Carlson
-<3Weeping Willows<3
also, I really want to go to Stockholm this summer.
What do you know about the moon's light
before it has struck you broken under it
And what do you know about the dawn
before you meet every morning with sleepless eyes
What do you know about the sun
before someone has shut all the lights
And what do you know about that you don't want to wake up anymore
You'll see your youth rot before you
And what do you know about love
before you hated it in vain
And what do you know about that the heart can burn
for love which can never die
but not to live for either
She will never come back
She will never come back
It's my own fault
what happened to my heart
I've always known that you wouldn't stay
I'd rather be alone than happy with someone else
Spread gasoline over the sunset,
tear down the whole city
Throw away the only sea to the horizon
Silence the music
She will never come back here again
I didn't do my homework, but I ate candy and drank one cider.
Wuhuu, big rebel me.
and there was a lot of nakedness... xp