[Unnamed Swordsman]'s diary

1120086  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-07-24
Written: (5172 days ago)

How come is it that I am always being judged?
By friends, by potential boyfriends, by everyone?
Just cause I act one way online doesn't mean that that is how I act in real life! I do act completely different from my internet self and yet everyone judges me by saying that I act like my online self in real life. I do not. Please, to anyone reading this who has judged me, don't think that my online self is the same as my real self. If you really and truely want to know who I actually am, then either come to where I live or let me come to meet you. You will know who I really am that way, not from the internet.
If you still want to believe that my online self is my real self, then go ahead, just don't think that I will still meet with you, cause I will not be attacked because of your own stupidity and misjudgment. I do not deal well with people who judge me before they even know me at all, let alone those who say that my online self is who I really am.
Thank you for reading, all who do read this. It is up to you how you act towards me, now. I hope you all realize that in order to really know me, you have to meet me face to face, not in a chat room or on cam. In real life, right in front of each other. Nothing else will give you an insight of who I really am besides meeting me in person.


1119324  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-07-11
Written: (5185 days ago)

My mom had found this really cute song! The music video makes it all the more funnier. It's called Pray for you by Jaron and the long road to love.
Also, listen to I hope you hit traffic. It's my favorite!

1118983  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-07-04
Written: (5192 days ago)

Who you are never changes, What you are never stops changing - Grisom

1110376  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-02-17
Written: (5329 days ago)
Next in thread: 1110395

I am a little sad as of lately. I was really, really happy about going to jury duty, since I was into forensics and the court system for a while, but now I am depressed about going.... On the 26th is a concert in Delta, Utah that is in celebration of my step mother's, Josie Greathouse Fox, life and honoring her death and I can't go because I have jury duty...
Alright, now that I have that off my chest, I feel a little bit better about life now. Thank you, whoever has read my rant, for, well, reading it. Heh.

1077503  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-04
Written: (5618 days ago)

I feel very good today! I just spent a few hours with my mother and I feel so light. I told her some things that I was too afraid to tell her, like what happened with my friend and his gig yesterday. I even got the guts to tell her that I was raped three years back. It made me feel really good to finally tell someone in my family about it. I don't care if my grandma or anyone else finds out about me being raped. I told my mother and she knew exactly what I went through... It happened to her as well.... I love my mom so much.

1077384  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-03
Written: (5619 days ago)

Well, I have officially become the worst friend in the world..
One of my friends is in a band and he had a gig tonight, and I completely missed it! My stupid phone nor anything else that I had an alarm clock to didn't go off and I missed him! My ex just called and told me that I had missed it and he wasn't happy, but I don't care about him being upset with me. Right now, all I care about is my friend, Dante.... I'm just some horrible person who doesn't deserve to be around anyone.... I can see why everyone I meet hurt me in the end.... I'm a horrible person and right now, I really don't like myself....
Fuck... I'm so sorry, Dante. I wish I could tell you how much I really am sorry. It's my fault that I forgot it and I hope that Karma takes her full revenge on me for what I did to you. I'm so sorry my friend....

1074455  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-13
Written: (5639 days ago)

I thank everyone who has helped me with my problem with my dog. The animal service had come and harrased my brother. The pup is now safe and sound, though his hip is hurt and his leg is distorted from standing on it for too long. They will find him a good home, but my brother has been harrased by everyone, even our family members. Damage control is really hard this time around and I don't think I can finish it... Again, thank you all for your help and I hope Loki finds a good home where he'll be treated right.

903171  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-26
Written: (6447 days ago)
Next in thread: 903491





902686  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-25
Written: (6448 days ago)

For those of you who care to see my drawings...




879364  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-11-27
Written: (6508 days ago)

Hello all and everyone who's reading this!!

It's about 6 over here and I'm bored because my mother has yet to make dinner and I'm starving!!!! >.< On a stand point, I have had this Saiyuki movie for about three weeks and just a few days ago, I watched it. I watched it again yesterday and the friend I had over, at first she didn't like it cause of the voices, she cracked up when she heard Gojo say 'Ha ha ha, my ass.' and he sounded like a complete gay man! It was funny. We listened to the commentary after watching the movie all the way through, and by far the best one of the guys is who played Goku. He sounded just like him!!! >.< It was awesome! and another little tidbit, Sanzo sounds completely hot with is deep voice actor.. *faints*

Okay, down to business. I'm a bit of a screwball right now because I didn't get much sleep last night, but I got to make a mii of my friend David!!! >.< Oh, yeah... I also have the Wii!! Proud Owner of the Wii!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, need to calm down..
Well, I just figured out that next Saturday is my 18th birthday and I don't want it... It's not that I'm afraid of growing old, I just don't like to have a birthday; too much attention on me and I always feel very weird.. As if I don't have enough attention at school... I have about five other guys after me and I can't shake them loose!! One is a football player at my school who tried to rape me last summer..(o.O don't ask) another is a guy I've known for a while, one that I've known since sixth grade, a 21 year old guy who use to be friends with one of my former friends... The list goes on... -.-' As if I don't have enough trouble, too... I just got over a serious staff/strep infection I had in my throat and I feel as if my whole world's come crashing down... I don't know what's going on, anymore and it's driving me crazy!!! 
My family isn't helping at all, either. My mother( whoa... wait, she's not my mother, she's Christine Music, not Fox, but she was never my mom... eventhough she gave birth to me..) thinks I'm the dumbest family member we have and I don't know who I am and I can't love because I'm too young... -.-'' My dad is better, though, he know's I'm dating someone and he doesn't care, just asked me if he needed to go kick his ass... Heh, good old dad. But my grandma and my mother are the worst..
My grandma keeps trying to push her religion on me and I don't want it, then she keeps telling me that I'm too young to know anything at all, basiclly saying that I'm the dumbest family member and girl.. I want so much to just run away from this place and live with who I love dearly, but I have to wait until I at least graduate high school.. -.- I've talked too much, now... there's been soo much that 's happened to me, but I'll cut it short right now... I'm starting to stop feeling my legs...

 The logged in version 

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