A common trend I've found here: the hatred toward school. Personally, I don't really understand this phenomenon, for I enjoy my education. Learning and expanding my horizon is one of the most awsome feelings I experience.
Education allows one to interact with others at a much higher level of intellect.
The rejection of this gift bewilders me. If people truly feel they are capable of higher status at the age of 15, so be it. Let's try it out. Allow these people to wander as long as they can contribute to the advancement and betterment of humanity.
If this experiement proves to be a failure, as I'm sure it would, we can have something to compare results to.
Argument I've often heard in opposition to school are not strong: boring, prison, hierarchial.
Boring: What is boring about expanding your horizon? What can be lost from it? What cannot be gained, if not merely for self-bettermen
--History is the study of past events, how one led to the other. You almost get to delve inside the mind of greats.
--Science is the study of how things work. It ranges from how you are able to breathe to they physics of how to skateboard. Like boarding? You should major in either anatomy or physics.
--Math is the basis of science (however, I will admit, I hate math).
Prison: Does prison allow you out every day at 3:00? Does prison give you weekends off? My father was in prison for 2 years, and he traded that life for a life of academic respect.
Heirchial: Isn't everything? Within your family, who gets the most stage-time at dinner? It's not intentional, but it happens. All you need to do is end your juvenille envy and put your head to positivity.
I've noticed many people who seem to be very against "preppies." I do wonder if these individuals have truly thought this out. Chances are, unless you get an awsome break in music and feel the desire to complain about life ever more, you will end up getting a job in which you will be required to dress in other things than black t-shirts which have smartass comments.
Yea! It's back up!
I was gonna mention something I did on Saturday, but now I can't remember what I did...
When people sing "Rain, rain, go away...," it's very selfish. "Why?," you may ask.
No matter what day it rains on, it rains on someones birthday, anniversary, picnic, or other important and personal event.
----Besides, we need rain. Do you like food?
Today, for a Pre-Law Society fundraiser, I went in a dunk tank.
I think I'm gonna take a few days off from sarcastic remarks and write down real thoughts. Why? This is because I need to think of some more sarcastic remarks.
I really can't think of anything to say today. I must be losing my touch.
The phrase "as far as I know," what the hell does that mean? The distance you know something is only the distance from the back lobe to the frontal lobes of your brain. So, in reality, if someone says, "as far as I know," be cautious.
My buddy, Bobby, he once had a shirt that said, "Find a penny, pick it up; all day long, you'll have a penny." However, there is a small fallacy: what if you spend or lose that penny?
There may be no "i" in "team," but if you rearrange the letters correctly, it spells "meat."
When the choice is between "this" and "that," I would compromise and choose "thas."
If at first you don't succeed, don't try again. Why not? It's because you'll probably fail again.
Some people have sarcastic quotes to manifest their humor and wit. I have bling.
Today I asked myself, "why am I using this public diary?"