[Fiwen Indil]'s diary

48734  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-07-23
Written: (7652 days ago)

I fixed up my elftown house! Yay! So now everyone's *sure* I'm a psycho. Score. ;) Ahhhhhh! I *cannot* take an entire week of driving class. And my dad just told me we're leaving friday *morning* to go to DC. *urg* I wanted to get together with Kelsey and Carla ***finally*** or hold a jam session with Joey and Cait (I finally got around to fixing mi electric guitarra, yay). *Rrrrrr* My parents really know how to piss me off sometimes, lol. Oh well... at least that means I'll be able to go to the Smithsonian on friday, and maybe some art museums on saturday. Then I'll come home. Yayness. :) Hmmm... I have to find some way to spend the rest of the night. I don't feel like sleeping at all. (damn insomnia) *shrug* Oh well. Perhaps I'll play "Can't Help Falling in Love" on mi guitarra until I fall over. That is such a great song. :)


48664  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-07-22
Written: (7653 days ago)

La. Today's been kind of... sucky. Oh well... driver's ed is the most boring thing ever. Boring and cold. *shivers* Why do people feel compelled to abuse air-conditioners? Abuse is never good. Unless it's fun. Like abusing Joey. That's just amusing. Then again, he feels compelled to abuse back... hmm... problem. *scratches head* Yeah. *listens to NIN* "Hurt" is such a great song. I think that and "Perfect Drug" are my favorite Trent songs. I mean, of course I love "Closer", who doesn't? But it's soooo overused. And most people don't understand the real meaning behind it. It's like "Good Riddance" by Green Day. Everyone uses it as a sad, sentimental song. But it's really very tongue-in-cheek. *shrug* Oh well. That's my rant for the day. :)


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