[Fiwen Indil]'s diary

58171  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-08-18
Written: (7624 days ago)

Hmmm... well, things have been kind of odd lately. First I discovered that almost every guy I've been obsessed with has been over 35 and married. *sob* Even Chris! *sad face* And... it's got me thinking: there has to be something wrong with that. At 16 you're not supposed to be attracted to like 40 year old men. Just a thought. lol. And... I'm kinda freaked out about a few things. Namely Joey's coming home in two days, and that means in two days I'm going to find out if he likes me. *shiver* Don't get me wrong, I love him to tiny bits (heck, we've been good friends for like 6 years now), and I think I might like him... but I'd rather not have to go through all of this drama to find out what his motives are. *sigh* Guys suck. All of them.


52918  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-08-03
Written: (7639 days ago)

Yeah. So what if my Linnell obsession is getting increasingly more pathetic each day. So what if all I play on my electric guitar anymore is purely tmbg tabs. So what if when my sister went to get her hamster today I suggested getting two and naming them both John. SO WHAT?!? Ok, so maybe that *proves* that I've finally lost all my marbles... but this is one marble-less girl who doesn't give a shit her sentences no longer make sense! That being said... *ahem* erm... yeah. "Direct From Brooklyn" is poisoning my mind. I'd go bury it somewhere, but I think I'd die of withdraw after 24 hours. Yeah. It's pathetic. But it's something new I have to deal with. Fun. :-p Yeah. And the sudden need to learn to play the accordion has to be redirected to something else *soon*. *twitch* Ok. Perhaps I just need to take a nap. Perhaps this is all just a product of my current sleep-deprived-self. Dear god I hope so. *trudges off*


50513  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-07-28
Written: (7645 days ago)

WOWOWOW. Amazing happenings in my basement last night! Ok, that sounds odd... BUT TRUE! I was being an insomniac with Elisa last night on the phone, and I was laying about in my basement chatting with her. I was also listening to the radio... I think it was Y102, some New Jersey rock station. So I'm happily listening to "Bad Moon on the Right" and being odd, and then this familiar guitar pattern comes on. For a second I couldn't place the song... but the I fully took in the AMAZINGNESS of what was going on... FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE WAS ON THE BLOODY FREAKING RADIO!!! Needless to say I turn the volume almost all the way up and scared poor Elisa. *shrug* But it was FOW!!! *does happy crazy wonderful dance* All of a sudden things are happening for them- a week or so ago, their new music video for "Stacey's Mom" was put in rotation on MTV... which is kinda weird. I HATE MTV... but I love Fountians of Wayne to little bits. So I guess MTV's alright for now... as long as they can use it to get noticed and can finally quit their day jobs again. :) I saw them in concert earlier this summer at the Trocadero downtown, and they ROCKED. So splendidly orgasmic, lol. ;)


50238  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-07-27
Written: (7645 days ago)

La! Back from Washington D.C. :) Plus the most amazing thing happened... on the way down, my dad and I were listening to the radio, and we found out that THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS were playing at a festival in D.C. on saturday. So naturally, we stayed an extra night and saw them. :) :) :) Absolutely Amazing. They played litterally on Pennsylvania Avenue. The Congress building was right behind them, and they could see the White House from the stage. Sooooo wonderful. Plus, they had a video screen, so even though I was towards the back of the crowd, I could still see my lovely Johns in hi-fi, lol. :) Although one of the best moments was when they addressed the President. "Mr. President, we know when you lied, you weren't really lying. We found the weapons of mass destruction. They're in the accordian!" - Flansy. lol. Ah. :)

And my father and I visited St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland. I absolutely adore that school. :) I hope I end up going there. It's great b/c you don't major in anything... they have classes for every year already set up, so you have a much more rounded liberal arts education. The students read the original works of Descartes and Plato in their original languages and discuss them in class. And that's all they do- no one "teaches" them anything. They figure out almost everything for themselves- they usually have two dons in the room to make sure you don't end up wasting time, and will steer the conversation in the right direction... but they leave the bulk of the conversation up to the students. *sigh* I love it. :) Oh well... *waves*


48832  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-07-23
Written: (7650 days ago)

Hmmm... I feel as if I should do something with my Wiki page. Any ideas?


48734  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-07-23
Written: (7650 days ago)

I fixed up my elftown house! Yay! So now everyone's *sure* I'm a psycho. Score. ;) Ahhhhhh! I *cannot* take an entire week of driving class. And my dad just told me we're leaving friday *morning* to go to DC. *urg* I wanted to get together with Kelsey and Carla ***finally*** or hold a jam session with Joey and Cait (I finally got around to fixing mi electric guitarra, yay). *Rrrrrr* My parents really know how to piss me off sometimes, lol. Oh well... at least that means I'll be able to go to the Smithsonian on friday, and maybe some art museums on saturday. Then I'll come home. Yayness. :) Hmmm... I have to find some way to spend the rest of the night. I don't feel like sleeping at all. (damn insomnia) *shrug* Oh well. Perhaps I'll play "Can't Help Falling in Love" on mi guitarra until I fall over. That is such a great song. :)


48664  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-07-22
Written: (7651 days ago)

La. Today's been kind of... sucky. Oh well... driver's ed is the most boring thing ever. Boring and cold. *shivers* Why do people feel compelled to abuse air-conditioners? Abuse is never good. Unless it's fun. Like abusing Joey. That's just amusing. Then again, he feels compelled to abuse back... hmm... problem. *scratches head* Yeah. *listens to NIN* "Hurt" is such a great song. I think that and "Perfect Drug" are my favorite Trent songs. I mean, of course I love "Closer", who doesn't? But it's soooo overused. And most people don't understand the real meaning behind it. It's like "Good Riddance" by Green Day. Everyone uses it as a sad, sentimental song. But it's really very tongue-in-cheek. *shrug* Oh well. That's my rant for the day. :)


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