[Pnelma Tirian]'s diary

1079627  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-20
Written: (5492 days ago)

I wish my relationships IRL were simpler to define. That would save me a lot of grief, I think.

1078099  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-05-08
Written: (5503 days ago)
Next in thread: 1078138

Yes, you!
How are you today?
Anything exciting happen?
Some tragedy I can be swallowed by?
Some joy that can lift me out of me?
Is there something you need?
Some task to distract me from my flaws?
Anything at all--I'm at your service.
Perhaps you'd like your ego polished?
I'll put a spitshine on it, it'll shine so bright
I won't be able to see me in its reflection.
Maybe if I try to fix all of your problems
I'll learn how to magically fix mine.

That sounds like a good idea,
I don't mean to seem desperate.
Maybe I'm coming on a little strong--
Let's start from the beginning.
What's your name?
What are you like when you're alone?
How many little changes would it take
to reconstruct myself as you?
How much would I have to change to make you into me?
Not much, I think.

Then, we can peek at each other from the bottom of our foxholes
And we'll find reasons to hate each other
Almost as much as we pity ourselves.
That sounds like a good idea,

Or maybe I'll just stay here
And you can walk away
And maybe
just maybe
that will be the end of it.

1077581  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-04
Written: (5507 days ago)

I'm not sure what I keep logging into Elftown for these days. I mean, I've pretty much retracted myself from most of the rp's I used to be in, and I've never really used this site for socialising...the messaging system takes a little too long for me, and I end up going and doing something else.

Well, I AM doing the gladiator challenge, and my piece is in the dark arts competition, so it's nice to check up on those, but...

Might be leaving soon. I mean, I don't really do anything around here anymore anyway. Wouldn't be much difference.

I'll prolly be back, though. Something as addictive as this site, I always come back.

Because I have no self contol. :D

1077579  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-05-04
Written: (5507 days ago)


1075420  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-20
Written: (5522 days ago)

Elfwood got an overhaul at some point and is now slightly less godawful. Friends, Favorites, ease of editing Profile, all without having to sneak around behind the website on the extranet? Scrumptious--but still slow.

The upload system is still the ticket method, though...and at the moment is down for restructuring, I guess? On the one hand, it makes sense, but on the other, well...quality control is one thing. Waiting three months on a ticket is another. Here's hoping the new edition won't be quite that long a wait to hear you didn't include enough keywords for the search engine, but maybe we shouldn't aim our ambitions too high...

Not to be too critical of my first art community, but there's a reason I stopped submitting four years ago and joined DeviantArt instead.

1073281  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-04
Written: (5538 days ago)

I will be in Paris with my AP Art History class for the next week or so. Sorry, Audacious Septet! I know it's annoying to have the rp go so damn slow, but I'll be back soon enough with extra material! :D

I'll take lots of pictures. :)

1072164  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-27
Written: (5546 days ago)

I got accepted into Otis. :D

Now, how to pay that 40,000 a year.....>.<;;

1071614  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-22
Written: (5550 days ago)

I got a piece of metal rammed through my right eyebrow!



1071329  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-20
Written: (5553 days ago)
Next in thread:

I feel like utter shit. I don't know where I stand with God, I don't know what to do about my own sexuality, and I sure as hell don't know how to explain this mess to the friends who have questions I want so badly to answer. Christians are covered by the Grace of God by the inherent fact that they are Christians, but what is the margin of error allowed? When do we stop being Christians? When do we lose track of Him and when are we consumed by our own doctrine instead? How many of the sins that I commit everyday through action and through inaction are excusable? How many of them just reinforce the distance between me and God?

Every way I think about it I feel like an idiot. I want to give up.

If I speak in the tongue of angels and have not love I am only a resounding symbal. If I have the gift of knowledge and if my faith moves mountains I, but have not love, I am nothing. Though I know the One who holds the stars in the heavens in the palm of His hand, and if I give all that I own to the poor and the helpless, I still am nothing without love.

1070867  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-03-16
Written: (5556 days ago)

All of my friends got their college acceptance letters over the weekend.

I got a letter from Otis saying I hadn't submitted everything that I need to have to be considered for enrollment(an essay and the final transcripts). Which is such fucking bullshit.

But at least Otis had the courtesy to use paper. SCAD emails me saying that I didn't submit anything, even though I mailed every piece of information that was of any value.

not a yes
not a no


This means any opportunity I had for any in-house scholarships for either school is gone.

1065506  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-04
Written: (5597 days ago)

Why am I not posting?

Finals week
Academic Decathlon Competition Saturday.

Need I say more?

1064426  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-26
Written: (5605 days ago)

Sasha Reneau
Period 3

1. Three similarities between Piero della Francesca’s Resurrection and Rogier van der Weyden’s Deposition are the attention to the dynamics of a prone body, such as Christ’s body in Deposition and the slumbering soldiers in Resurrection, the detailed cloth work and modern fashion applied to a biblical story, and the varying and sometimes imperfect facial features on the subjects portrayed.
2. Two differences between Piero della Francesca’s Resurrection and Rogier van der Weyden’s Deposition are the Christ figure in Deposition is much slimmer and appears much weaker, whereas the Christ figure in Resurrection is defined by his musculature, and Resurrection features a rudimentary background of trees and hills, whereas Deposition has a flat, gold background.
3. The essential difference between the art of the west and eastern art such as Buddhist is…
4. Notes on 15th Century Worldwide Developments:
Boats, trade, banking, Protestantism, all sorts of fun.
5. Renaissance thinkers and artists of the 15th Century studied the classical cultures of Greece and Rome because it was an excellent base resource to start from. Humanists sought to learn the skills of the former masters and improve on them from there.
6. The historical events and developments that lead to Florence becoming “the new Athens on the Amo” are the Renaissance, the overtaking of the Medici family into a position of wealth and power, and the Protestant reformation, pushing religious artists into Italy.
7. The characteristics of Italian Renaissance Humanism and Art Theory are a belief in individual potential, civic responsibility, and rewarding excellence with fame and fortune.
8. Concept of Italian renaissance art theory outline
Italian renaissance art theory is meant to portray life in the most detailed, most beautiful way.
9. Changing patterns of patronage in Europe notes:
Because of the Protestant reformation, less and less of Northern art is focused on religious themes as a direct result of the cessation of church patronage. Everywhere, wealth was on the rise, and more and more of the rich class had money to spare to commission artists.
10. 15th Century Artists in Europe notes
Artists were part of the upper class, and depended entirely on the rich for their livelihood.

1064389  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-26
Written: (5606 days ago)

I want to get at least one industrial piercing, four earlobe, two on each side, an eyebrow ring, and two surface, right below my collarbone on each shoulder.

I've wanted an eyebrow ring since I was 12; I really want at least one pair of earlobe piercings, so those are for sure.

I'm going to hold off on getting a tattoo for a couple of years until I know absolutely for sure what I want.

I'm also going to for sure take a road trip up to the Sequoia Redwood Forest for my 18th with my dad and my brother.

 The logged in version 

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