[SilhouetteGirl]'s diary

1037534  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-16
Written: (5814 days ago)

it's coming back...it's taking over...and i can't stop it...i'm scared...

1036970  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-14
Written: (5816 days ago)

race is on...gotta lose 5 pounds faster than my friend...how shall i do this? other than that things are good-ish =)

1036743  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-13
Written: (5817 days ago)

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i put on 2 1/2 pounds on on Wednesday alone...and my weight is still going up...what the heck I'm walking everywhere and not eating so much...what's going on =(

other than that it'll be a year on Thursday and as it gets closer it hurts so much more...

1036343  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-07-10
Written: (5820 days ago)

my father: "now you're 18 you can bugger off and get married without our permissions"
me: "i'm alright thanks"
my father: "damnit"

that's the most serious conversation i've had with my dad in weeks...what the hell does he think of me?!

1035706  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-07
Written: (5823 days ago)

24 hours, 21 minutes until I'm 18 =) really rather excited now...especially as I know my parents have started hiding my post =P they're highly subtle about it *rolls eyes* yaye!

1035453  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-06
Written: (5824 days ago)

I have a floor in my bedroom...oh my gosh where has it been for the past year or so?!

1035443  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-06
Written: (5824 days ago)

grrrrrrrrr lost a month's worth of diary waffle =( I've spent 4 out of 7 days with children this week and it's been fantastic...I wish I had a bigger family or at least one with a few younger children =) The family I stayed with at the start of the week were lovely. It's been ages since I've seen them and it was so nice just to chat like we'd never been apart. Still don't think I want my own children though...if you need a babysitter I'll be more than happy to help =) Picnic on Wednesday was such fun also =) In the rain under an uber cool shelter =)

cried a lot at Doctor Who last night...dad thought this was hilarious...I'm just getting annoyed at all the little things making me cry =(

on the other hand I'm now cleaning my room due to two friends staying on Tuesday night...I could be mean and make one sleep on the floor but I'm too nice therefore my room is being cleaned thoroughly =) So much dust though! Lots of sneezing =( Aren't I nice? =P

Cannot wait for this week...cinema Monday, out Tuesday evening, Belgium on Wednesday, driving on Thursday, Founders Day(or maybe London) on Friday =) Going to bed at 1am-2am, getting up at 8am...summer's properly started =)

1034702  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-09
Written: (5851 days ago)

A review of the Odyssey on the bookdepository...
"The Odyssey in 24 words:
Mediterranean cruise with divine beauties and blind shepherds, swine and swingers, Scylla and Charybdis and Hades minitour. With wife at home taking double turns."


1034631  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-09
Written: (5851 days ago)

so i was a bit bored earlier and so was floating around the internet and happened to find out that i actually share my birthday with the baby on the Nirvana album Nevermind, Spencer Elden, ahahahahahaha and even cooler i'm a year older than him heehee =P yeah enough of the random nonsense for the day =)

1034438  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-06-08
Written: (5852 days ago)

why does it always happen to be when i'm the only one in that random relatives drop by? goodness sake...i was enjoying my sleep on the sofa! =P

1034239  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-06-06
Written: (5854 days ago)

ok...crowded cinema...what are the odds of knowing people there? minimal...the odds of sitting next to these people that you know(bear in mind you haven't gone with them)...even smaller...so why the heck was I sitting next to Erin and Ollie this evening at the cinema...oh dearie me...

whatttttttttttttttttttttt? sex toy adverts on tv?! seriously help...i did not want to see that advert...

strangest conversation of the day:

small child: look mummy! these are my knickers!
small child's mother: why are your knickers not on you?! you know you should be wearing them!

then i walked too far to hear the rest and to be honest why they were having this loud discussion in their back garden with is next to the pavement that goes up my road i do not know...

1033987  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-06-05
Written: (5855 days ago)

oh my gosh i've never been so nervous about an exam...it was worse than even the first GCSE exam we did...i've never felt so ill...ok really i'm still ill so maybe it wasn't enitrely nerves but still...eurgh i'm fed up of having a rubbish immune system in SUMMER! grrrrr

1033613  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-06-04
Written: (5856 days ago)

i don't understand why when i'm desperately trying to catch up on sleep on the sofa my dad needs to come in and turn the tv on...then turn it up quite a bit to watch a shiity Simpsons repeat...then complain that it's a repeat...why can't he let me sleep? it's now or in the class civ exam and really i'd prefer it to be now...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr

1033428  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-06-03
Written: (5857 days ago)

grrrr ill again...stupid cough, headache and dizziness...my mum's suggestion was "sleep"...how the heck do you sleep when you have an exam tomorrow and you don't feel at all ready and know you won't be able to do for feeling so rubbish? bleh...if i'm still ill next week i'm gonna be really annoyed...hmmmmmmmm

1033152  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-02
Written: (5858 days ago)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm to stop revising chemistry and fail it for a third time, knowing i'm 3 marks off a decent grade or to not learn classics to start with and never have a chance to resit it and show the unis how useless i am at the subject i want to study..hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

NOTE TO SELF: remember to take a calculator on Wednesday or you'll fail for sure...

1032813  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-31
Written: (5860 days ago)

i'm not going to get annoyed...i'm not going to get angry...i'm going to remain patient and calm and not react...hmmm

1032542  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-30
Written: (5862 days ago)

eurgh...as much as i love my friend Leanne she came to visit the other day with a dreadful chest infection/cough thing...ok it's probably worse because she smokes but she was going to cancel then thought "ah becca won't mind if i'm ill" so guess what...now i have a stupid cough and sore throat...grrrrrrrrr back to being ill again...

1032483  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-29
Written: (5862 days ago)

"preaching to people isn't being much of an accepting friend tbh"

someone directed that comment at me earlier...am i really that awful?

1032439  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-29
Written: (5862 days ago)

59% on last year's paper...that's absymal but ah well...actually not ah well i have less than a week to get that percentage a lot higher...intense past paper wokring on Sunday methinks...

and the healthy-ness has improved slightly...went for a 40 minute walk to mummy's work today, then of course 40 minutes walk back again...and i've eaten a huge bowl of beans and peas and a banana and a carrot and maybe i shall have an apple later...let's ignore the icecream i've also eaten today...oops

1032363  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-29
Written: (5863 days ago)

having not really looked at module 2 for chemistry forr a year why did last summer's paper seem so easy when i did it half an hour ago? hmmmmmmmmmmm having said that i'm yet to mark it...off for a walk to mummy's new place of work first =)

1032349  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-29
Written: (5863 days ago)

in the past 36hours i've put on 4lbs...that's not good so starting from now i'm going on a diet...fruit and veg mainly methinks...no rice...and minimal pasta and potatoes...let's see how long this lasts...oh and lots of coffee...of the decaf variety...strangely all my caffienated coffee has vanished =(

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