i'm so sorry for today...i screwed up majorly...i'm a reject...i can't even be in a group of people any more...not without feeling like the outcast of them...even if they try to talk to me...i hate this so much...i'm falling again...
everything is rubbish...i hate life again...this weekend shall be interesting...
today has been weird...
it's not been a good day for so many reasons but anyone else wouldn't see why it's not been a good day...
but exams are over...2 days of sleep
classics revision is utter rubbish...cram
and doesn't it just annoy you when you're having an awful week or so and people come and say "i've had the most awesome time ever..." stop rubbing it in...yeah i'm being a bloody hypocrite, it's what i did at easter...but so what...i know how much it hurts now and i won't do it again...
i'd be better off dead really...serio
why is it so hard to talk to people...
...and that's why...i give up with life...serious
i've screwed up again...
so i went shopping today...met up with two people from camp...was planning o na nice day getting away from all the couples...i forgot the two people i met up with are going out...so i spent over an hour watching clouds while they attached themselves...a
i've ruined everything...j
ok i know i've made myself a reject...i've done the things that mean i act the way stated below...i have no answer for why i did those things...but i'm just so worried...what will people think?
ps...if you don't know the things i've done then you don't need to/wait until you hear the gossip...it's already being spread around(it's nothing too awful to everyone else but to me it is...)
i'm sure i'm some reject or something...i get intimidated by emails...i refuse to swim...i'm scared of going to a friends house...i'm a freak...seriou
so my dad has just come back from Belgium...and bought me a mahusive bag of chocolate buttons...as if i'm not obese enough already...
i'm not worth talking to anymore...
rawr...sundays are boring...they shouldn't be...but they are
so i saw POTC3 tonight...awes
urgh english exams are hard to judge whether they went well or not...
today's question: do i go or not?
english exam in 2 hours...kill me? or do it for me?
i really need to get over this don't i? *screams*
so yeah...my nana came home last night...they couldn't find anything wrong with her...which is good...i'm so rry for being such a depressed and moany cow on here for the last few days...exams are stupid and are driving me crazy...sorryy