[aNgRy YoUnG n PoOr]'s diary

750154  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-02-18
Written: (6710 days ago)

 So recently we began running and such for dance and I decided that I needed to do my share out of practice as well. So today I went over to Kristen's house and changed her brake light and reverse light on her care (right break, left reverse...idiot...lol), then after words me, Alex, Wyett, Linnea, and Joey went to the YMCA. Hit the track right away and ran 6 laps and walked two because my asthma was trying to dig me a grave. Then we all when swimming, which was really fun and it was nice to be able to hang with my close friends and my baby at the same time. Afterwards we all hit up Fatzo's for some good grub, which totally kicked ass and now I'm here. Soon I'll be leaving to chill with my honey, but I just figured I'd write something because its kinda become a habbit. So thatz it for today...PEACE!

749492  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-16
Written: (6711 days ago)

Finally my day has come where I can just sit in front of my canvas and create whatever I envision! w00t! Also at 3:08 am this morning my baby sent me a text message and this is what it said:

 "Baby I love you and I will never stop loving you till the day I die, you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me and I just want you to know how much I love you"

Isn't he the sweetest. I wish he wasn't in madtown right now, I just wanna hug him..lol.

749334  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-16
Written: (6712 days ago)

Call me an idiot, but I forgot to write about one of the most crutial events of this month, the Sevendust concert. For all of you who have read me past couple of entries you will read about how Alex and I met for the first time. In case you forgot, or you haven't read the past entries, we met at the Sevendust concert on May 24 at the Checkered Flag in Appleton. About two months ago I was telling Alex how wonderful it would be if we could go to that same concert and relive it all again. Well coincidently we got what we wished for and Sevendust, along with Social Burn, Wicked Wisdom (lead singer Will Smith's wife, YUCK), and Nonpoint. I couldn't believe it, but it gets better...it was actually at the Checkered Flag! This would be our third time going to see Sevendust at the CF but the first time as a couple.
 Though the crowd was really rough, more so than usual, it was a confort to know that I had my Knight standing behind me, holding me the whole night through. It was simply a dream come true. Though we had a few scares where another guy put his arms around me, and then I another guy, well he just came off as being really creepy and he prolly would have tried something had he not seen that my man we towering over him from behind. Although I feel I held myself really well, I definently needed my Baby there beside me.
 I strongly feel that knowing we had that night together once again, will really help ease the pain when he leaves because I know all I have to do is look back to that night and I will shed millions of memories on me. I'm going to really miss my body guard for those future concerts when I know he won't be there, but I think I will be ok. Well as long as...well..."it" doesn't happen again. I don't know what I would do if it would. I swear on our love I would definently go insane and prolly get sick like last time. That wasn't pretty. To kind of sum it up, I lost 7-10 Ibs in about a week. But n e hoo, I rather not reflect on it any longer, no more nightmares. So this is all I have for tonight. Peace out!

748213  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-13
Written: (6714 days ago)

To My Love

Love whispers in my ear
As lonliness subsides
Your hands touch me softly
Reminding me of why I'm alive
I live through you
All the passion of truth
You kiss me gently
In your eyes I see myself
I'm so happy, so revived
Who, but you could have possibly done this
Buried all the reason I cried
Brought back faith in the loveless
Your my one and only treasure
All that I desire
Captured by your eyes, your body, your taste
Never could my soul wash away again
My heart is mend and my future so clear
Though I know not what I want to be
I know I need to be with you

748207  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-12
Written: (6714 days ago)

So tonight I received quite the reality check. I spent the entire night with the man I know now, that I cannot live without. Tonight we still have 17 days, but tomorrow leaves us with 16. It’s hard to be optimistic when each day ticks away a part of your life. One that you know can’t be replaced. Sure I’ll have plenty of things to do while he’s gone, but in the fine, brief moments all I will do is sit and wait. Wait for the day that he just comes walking through that door.
It’s crazy to even think that I could possibly be in love. I mean, we are going on a strong seven months tomorrow and already I feel like he’s the one. He has to be or him leaving me wouldn’t be so hard. If not for him I don’t think I would be the person I am today. I’ve nearly hit bottom quite a few times in these past few months, but he was there to catch me and to cradle me in his arms every time. I don’t know anyone else in this world that could hold strong for me the way he did when I needed him the most. He’s my knight in shining armor, and if all goes as planned, he always will be.

746979  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-02-11
Written: (6716 days ago)

Looking down, I stare at a beautiful treasure. One that I know I will cherish for the rest of my life. This gift came from my love and it’s a symbol of a promise that will never break a promise of “forever.” Being the impatient person that he can be, Alex presented me with the early Valentine’s Day gift of a simple sterling silver ring band. Although I already knew that I would be receiving this token of promise, I nearly cried. I feel that this ring is not only the symbol of forever, but of all the memories and everything we went through together. Looking back, I can remember almost every memory, but mainly the memories of how we came to be.
Towards the end of my sophomore year, my brother invited me to my first concert. Man was I pumped, I mean I was going to see Sevendust and Cold! Little did I know that I was also going to see the man that I have grown to fall in love with. We were waiting outside in my brother’s old Catalina waiting for the doors to open when two guys came and joined us. One was a short fat guy with orange/red hair and beard, the other was tall, muscular and dark haired. We sat there talking and soon go onto the subject of how these two strange friends of my brothers decided to go to bean snappers, a strip bar in Appleton. They were telling us all about the nude dancers and the moves they were making until my brother shut them up…of course. Despite the conversation, I couldn’t help but stare into the eyes of the taller guy. They were marvelously beautiful and had this strange fire to them, almost like staring out into the stars. Instantly I had a crush on him.
Eventually the time came when we could finally get into line to enter the Checkered Flag where the concert was going to be held. When we got inside the room was packed! Bodies of strange people everywhere, and it kind of gave me a sick feeling. Slowly yet surely the room began to get loud, music rockin’ from the band Atomship and the crowd was insane. Between the mosh pits and crowd surfacing, I felt so out of place because it was my first time. Of course, however, my brother stuck by me for a good chunk of the night to ensure that I was going to get moshed into the floor. Eventually, boys will be boys, he decided to take off into a pit and I was left alone. The crowd began to get even more violent and I was getting shoved from every direction. Considering the fact that I was one of the smallest people out on the floor, I knew something bad was going to happen, but it didn’t, and it’s all because of him. As soon as he noticed me standing all alone he came over to me and rested his warm, strong, yet gentle hands upon my sides and held me the rest of the night through. He also helped me get up front, close to the band and eventually he lifted me to be crowd surfed after the crowd started to suffocate me because of my little size. He even lifted me to be noticed by Sevendust’s lead singer Lajon and he blew me a kiss! The night was simply amazing and I will never forget it.
Like everything in this world, sad to say, the good times came to an end, and my knight and I went our separate ways. A few days passed and after talking him up to my closest friend Kristen, he suddenly appeared once again. Kristen and I were outside in my yard working on our dance routines for our up coming try-outs when a very handsome man with beautiful eyes came rolling down my driveway in is sexy orange Chevy Impala. Of course he wasn’t there looking for me, but just being able to see and talk to him once again sent me floating. I couldn’t believe he was there. After he left I was in a daze and all I wanted to do was sit and dream about him. Months later we would see each other again for the demo season preparation at my brother’s garage. I couldn’t believe it was him; I nearly jumped for joy when I saw him yet again. Of course I didn’t because I would have made an ass out of myself. I was 16, he was 18…no way would he want to date me….right? 
The sad thing about our reunion was that I was no longer the little single 16 year girl that he had met three months prior. I was dating a guy by the name of Kyle LaCrosse, a friend of a friend who somehow won me over. Sadly enough, I kind of used him as bait…just to see if actually was interested or not.
I never got n e hints to suggest that he was jealous so I gave up and moved on. Eventually I went through three boyfriends, Kyle, Cliff (puke vomit barf!) and Mike Vincent. Him and I lasted nearly three months, but the relationship was still no match for what was to come.
Demo season rolled around once again and my knight was there at last. He was now 19 and I was 17. Much more older and mature of course…lol yeah right. But n e ways, we were hanging around again, but this time something was different. He seemed more interested in what I had to say and he kept asking me to hang out and was always the first one willing to help me with the more difficult parts of getting my car ready. We were practically inseparable. Then one night, him, my bf, Kristen, Tom, me, Dusty and Matt Buth all went to the Slipknot concert. That was off the hook! Nothing but mosh pits, awesome bands, and weed. The concert off all time, except for one thing. Right before Slipknot entered the stage, Mike and I were split a part and were forced by the crowd to move our separate ways. Normally I would feel a lil uneasy at the fact that I was alone, but my adrenaline kept me pumped. I got right up to one person away from the rail and couldn’t believe the view. Corey Taylor right there in front of me, and he actually spit in my face on the song “Spit it Out.” Coincidence? I think not…lol. But n e hoo, back to the story. After accomplishing my journey to the rail, I felt a set of arms wrap around me from behind. The hands grabbed the rail and a voice of which I didn’t recognize whispered in my ear, “don’t worry, I got you.” I felt the feeling of all my blood rushing out of my face, who was this guy? Well, whoever it was, he kept….and…ok I can’t go on, but either way it wasn't good. Let’s just say that I ended that concert nearly in tears and sick to my stomach. After the concert I fell into a strange type of depression, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t tell a soul. Soon I realized that I had zero support from the one man that I thought I could count on and we eventually broke up. A close friend of mine then decided for me that I was not to date anybody until the end of the summer of my senior year, and I willingly agreed. So once again I took art and I started to hang out with old friends that I felt like I hadn’t hung out with in years. One in which I became close to. We won’t go on much further then that with that story.
Then around July I started to see my knight again. Not having seen him since the slipknot concert back in April him and I had a lot of catching up to do and we once again started to hang out more. We spent many nights just lying under the starts and talking about n e thing and everything. It was wonderful to be with someone who knew how to listen and who actually cared about the things I had to say. Then one night I decided to have a little campfire over at my house for the pit crew and drivers. It was me, Mike (my cuz), Dick Dick, my knight, and my bro. We were all talking when Bookum decided to go to bed and Dick Dick and Mike got into some weird deep conversation. Soon I found myself lying on the ground with my head on his stomach and we started up yet another one of our conversations. Eventually he came to the conclusion that I had to come to his house and we would watch movies, just the two of us. Naturally I agreed and two days later I found myself sitting next to him on his couch in his basement. We got to about the middle of the movie when he started to lay down and I willingly curled up with him on his chest. Never have I ever felt so comfortable as I felt when I was in his arms that night. I knew right away that the moment I had been waiting for, for 1 and 1/4 years was coming, it just didn’t occur to me as to when. So it was a little past midnight and he started to walk me out to my car on a quiet night on July 13 and we said our goodbyes. As I turned to open my car door, he reached out and touched my arm. I turned back towards him and stared once again into those beautiful mysterious eyes, and he asked me, “hey uhh, Talia, umm, I was wondering, if you uh, wanted to go out with me?” I nearly melted right then and there, but I didn’t because I said yes instead lol. Well according to Alex I said, "Well I guess I can trust you." Ever since that magic moment, the two of us have been inseparable. So many memories, so many moments that I can’t believe he’s really going to leave. I mean, I know to any of you who read this, it probably makes it sound like he’s leaving me forever, but that truly how its going to feel for me. All of you, who know me out there, know that I am not one to cry. Especially in front of people, but as I write this entry I cannot not help but let it all go. Weak, yes, but preventable, no way. He is everything and more to me, and I’m going to miss him with a deep passion. Thankfully I know and he knows that we both love each other with all our hearts which means that we can get through this, no matter what happens.

746366  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-10
Written: (6718 days ago)

Yet another hate note to Alyssa Giraud, and her lil bitch owen. Fucking fags.

Today I fought the battle
Truth against maturity
Righteousness was at hand
And firmly took a stand
As the battle raged on
I realized more and more
That I don't care of consequence
Yet only that of defeat
The glory of a curled fist
Wrathing upon its cheek
Break apart all the falsity
The stories, the accusations
Reveal that of which truelly hurts
Every blemish, every tear
The reality of it all
And in the end feel the victory
Watch denial fall
Celebrate what I have prevailed against
And reopen the shutters and unlock the door
To release me from this world
The world of darkness and despair
Lift the weight of overwhelming rage
Return to the past and all its happiness
Before it started, before it even began
And spend my life not trying to remember
The wars, the battle
The childish catastrophe

745854  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-08
Written: (6719 days ago)

The days are passing by too fast, and the nights grow colder. As I can sense the pain coming closer, my art, my poetry and my devastation become slowly stronger. Every day a new discovery, every day a sense of vision. The sorrow feeds me the fuel that I need to be depressed, to be creative, to be dark. I wish that i could just sit in front of a pallet of paint, canvas, sketch pencils and paper just for one day, 24 hours. I'd crank my music, scream, out loud and just create. Bring to life all that is in my head, the frustration, the passion, the love. If only given the chance, I would, but until then I will rely on what little time I have left with my love and hold him until the day he has to let go.

745856  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-07
Written: (6719 days ago)

The story of my life, this goes out to a certain mother fucker and her bitch. Mess with me again...I dare you!

I need, I hope, I want
Just say it, Say it to my face
It's not that hard
Get me hyped, get me pissed
Let me release what I got
Built up inside
No longer wanting to hide
Just ticking until the day
On you, with a left and a right
To your mask
To the makeup that holds you sane
Driven into the insecurities
Wail upon your shame
Strike the fear
Retrieve the pain
Tear it open
Let it drain
With the dears
Beg for forgivness that wont come
Give up
Remain Ashes to Ashes
Dust to dust
You flip the switch
You get what you deserve

744687  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-06
Written: (6722 days ago)

If only one could understand the fear I am sensing. The reoccurence of a dark memory clouds my mind and my 11 months of lonliness approaches. The fear of a repetition is growing and I feel as though I will shut down. I will enjoy his protection as long as I can, until I am on my own, and the fear becomes real...

743211  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-03
Written: (6725 days ago)

The day of his departure grows nearer and nearer and I'm sitting her left with my thoughts. What seems like years, is only 11 months, and yet I cannot bear it. Every day for these last couple of months I have spent every moment that I had in your arms, and knowing that they won't be there kills me. With this said I am making a pact with myself not to break, not even crack. I will stay strong for the one I love and dream of the day he returns. I love you Alex, and nothing and nobody will ever change that.

741873  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-31
Written: (6727 days ago)

The childishness of the few, the proud, and the fucking ugly is becoming extremely old. Denial, dishonesty, and rumors are really pissing me off. She hurts those that she calls her friends and then they come to me for comfort. I don't mind being there for them, but there isn't n e reason for their pain. If I wasn't 18 I would kick her ass all over again. Jordan, if u read this, stop the fucking shit, quit hurting linnea, and worrying about fixing ur own fucked up and worthless life, I hate you and hope u take my advice and jump off a cliff into sharp, jagged rocks! Honestly, nobody would miss u if u did.

718991  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-12-21
Written: (6769 days ago)
Next in thread: 718992

Just had to make one happy lil note...for all of you who know and probably hate (forget the sorrow), her and I got into a lil quarrel this past weekend, and of course I won but the lil bitch was trying to grab my boobs! Sick huh? So basically I told her that "homie don't play that" and she later busted out crying because she didn't get the full contact feel up she was hoping for...sry HON some of us don't like that kind of touch...but don't worry, you have plenty of urself to rub ur butter fingers along. PEACE OUT ALL!

590778  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-04
Written: (6968 days ago)

I'm almost your average joe-siphina, but I have my shining moments of just plain weirdism. I have strong passion for painting, poetry, and idiotic stunts. I'm what a psychiatrist would call "special". I have friends, yay for me, but most are guys. There is a deep meaning to this, but to put it in simple terms...GIRLS SUCK! Yes I have friends who are girls, but don't fret ladies for you should not be offended, for If thought u truly sucked I wouldn't consider you my friend now would I? Anyhoo, I tend to express my feelings of the day, week, month, whatever, through poetry. Would you like a taste? Well open wide cause this is the representation of a day from hell:

Tell me why the pain won't stop
I feel it everyday
but for no reason
It lives, it breaths
inside of me
Like spawn of satan
Burning and screaming
I wish to
Just go off somewhere
Far from here
Far from society
The life in front of me
Whatever it's supposed to be
Away from the foes and the friendly
and just Scream
Just release all within me
Shatter glass with my fist
Kick to pieces the oaks of our past
Small pieces like my thoughts
All distorted
can't explain.
More hatred then love
then fear itself
Pray for death
death of drama, of tear
End the drear
Pull me up from the ashes
clear the dust
life shows through
A shadowy figure
dismembered and beaten
But alive
looking for the fight of her life
I just need the rush
I need the adrenaline

Heh can't quite remember why I was so pissed, but it most likely involves an overly dramatic fat bitch who loves to threaten to beat my ass down behind my back and spread rumors about me to the who don't know me!!! GRRRR! UGGGG! whew! Alright i'm cool, BUT SHE'S NOT SO SHE SHOULD BURN IN THE DARKEST PORTION OF HELL! Ehem...anyways. Thatz all I have, perhaps more tomorrow, or whenever I get as bored as I am tonight.

 The logged in version 

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