man my life sucks and I have no way of fixing it will some one help?
my energys are stonger then all of my kind and no one knows it my prowis in changeing the souls of others and my being empathic dose help.
meny don't understand the complexitys of life and the univers but at certintimes I do un like most of this plane I live in the asteral and phisical relms so dont piss me of or you will have to regret it in eternity.
iam alone in this world and just want to die is any one willing to help me? the pain is unberable.
iam so depresd dose anyone know how to heal this pain this deep dark abiss of sadness.
mostly dont listen to ideotic humonoid life forms those only spell trouble no mater where you are frome be leave me . oh yea i sugest you dont fall in love it bringes not but heart ache and you dont want that also enjoy life cause mischefe that almost all ways works for me besides a littel mayhame couldnt hurt any body and that also may wake you up if your not carefull. oh and no ploting to destroy the univers thats my job ok.