[Morrison Take Rise]'s diary

1063045  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-01-16
Written: (5631 days ago)

Fourth Process

The noise is endless
It's time for a process
It can be the best or worst
I'm already sick of it
This repetition frustrates me
Turns thoughts to insanity
If it's sensless, forget it
It sticks to it's meaning
Do not be frightened
If it tries to force your choices
Dig deep and question it
Slow your brain down clearly
There's something beautiful hidden here
Embrace it before it's too late
Don't lash out at yourself
Close your tired eyes
Let yourself go into your soul
Feel the brightness purify all
Take it as it's beauty of healing
It stops the noise
It calms the mind
Now fearless friend go into strife
And appear fullfilled and at ease
Then begin to create your beautiful life

1063044  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-01-16
Written: (5631 days ago)

Deep Sleep

Store the dust of your dreams
In a basin beneath your bed
For when you awake suddenly and scream
From a dream that you sickly dread
All your fears and nightmares alike
Will come at you at your weakest
They'll tear you and strip you until you freak
And you will lay hopelessly choken
But if you sink down
Reach for the basin
Then swallow what needs to be taken
Build up the strength
And strike at the night
To hold the darkness beneath you
Lay down the dust
And burry your demons
Then sing for the angels to come
And they'll fly you
Higher and higher
They'll show you the place
Where fear is resolved
Then when you see the face
Your mystery's solved
Sleep the deepest sleep
Rest and the sun will rise with you

907316  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-07
Written: (6340 days ago)
Next in thread: 915634

Bless These Bringings

It seems when I search for simplicity
It slips away so silently
I'm left with lingering nothingness
No Angels nor Devils nor loving mistress
Barely floating on a slit of life
Stuck with an option which never keeps ripe
Blessed bringings to improve my story
A hope to fulfil some new found glory
But always lurk the darkest horrors
To curse my view with constant sorrow
Attempt to care I always pray
But blessed bringings are chased away
A hex on myself and whoever I love
My luck from below kills us above
With fear in my mind I try to embrace
If bravery I had, I'd be rid of my case
To open all doors for all the abandoned
And share empathy with hate at an end
And seek out only pure white dreams
To return the love that is given to me
But from Hell crawls a force that pollutes my thoughts
Leaving purpose and reason to never be sought
I pray for the goodness of grace and survival
To bring me to freedom and rid me of evil
And to set a path of a righteous beholder
An aspiration to live to be wiser and older
And I dream to become a glorious being
Who shows truth and emotion and comfort and feeling
As I ache and I crave for the one who completes me
Hear my calling, my cry for my destiny.

906615  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-05
Written: (6342 days ago)

Dragging Daggers

God made daggers through the hands of men;
Hands with thoughts and emotion.
The Devil saw how men were weak,
So he cursed their daggers with sharpened speech.

Round all corners, a killer instinct,
Blinded borders hide guilty stink...
A heated spur of adrenaline-
Men killing men and women and children-

Calous acts with no remorse,
'Til in a pit of self-discourse:
Questions and doubts and heavy regrets;
A shredded time 'til sentance is meet.

Self-abusive, unstable and cracked,
Tortured inside and under attack:
A war in your world leaves you polluted.
Your search is a healing revalation awaited.

Commited to your littany in a desire to feel pure,
But these constant prayers are finding no cure.
You're feeling doomed and forever forsaken,
Wanting to take control but control is taken.

Merely a puppet in a trivial game-
Must free your mind and break your chains.
Choose your life and follow its' road,
And either shine above or smoulder below-

If Devil daggers are digging your way,
Then sway to the light and try to be saved.

804347  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-07
Written: (6585 days ago)

Two Sides to Sacrafice (written on the 6th of the 6th of the 6th)

A splinter in my neck,
From The Beast that I hold-
A stranger in myself,
Giving birth to mirth,
Only to steal it as to tease,
As to drive my insanity,
Forcing me to bask in a mask,
And to kick sand that doesn't set.

But I remember White alone...
Even as I sin in irony;
Is it as a rock is?

Before the splinter is plucked,
An encounter most foul be got;
Dread it so sickly I cry...
Steal away Satan and bring sanctity.

If impasse passes and I am alone,
And enemies murdered with daggers of God:
How to live in Hell or with demons in Heaven,
Should never be but only in nightmares.

To live a pure dream of solid haze;
To save a life should I embark,
A sacrafice to a side of mine.
But to which path do I sway?
Show me, my End of Days.

727607  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-05
Written: (6738 days ago)

Dead Demons

As I close my eyes,
The Devil takes rise.
He looks to the skies,
Where faithfull ones fly.

And inside my mind,
As I look inside,
All that I do find,
Are thoughts asinine.

With angels He fights,
With devilish might.
They sore to such heights,
They both lose their sight.

With my eyes shut tight,
My ears must suffice-
I hear buzzing flies...
I now see the light.

This herendous plight,
That comes every night,
Turns men into mice,
And fire to ice.

My body here lies,
Due to my demise;
A Devil now dies,
And nobody cries...

663833  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)
Next in thread: 664099

Clouded Vision

I am blinded by a situation,
As I stare directly into the sun.
I feel every cloud that passes over-
I contemplate every waking hour.
Hand on my forehead I look on in vain;
Dealing with burdens hoping for no rain.
Concluding an era, now time for change-
In the next era, no torture, no chains.

You cannot always depend on the light...
What will happen when the sun doesn't rise?
Your world may seice to exist but not you-
Your true form will keep if whispers be true.
Affliction in you has only loose hold;
Completion of freedom follows the cold.

663824  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

To Kill Tonight

You tell yourself that you don't care,
Because you ignore all your fears.
The buzzing lights and buzzing flies;
You never care before you die.
The midnight sky and midnight stars;
Your brightest light was always dark.
Before you die, your darkest hour,
You lay in bed, in fear you cower,
You drink the poison that brings end to you,
You think of things you'll never do,
You churn inside, I know this pain,
I yurn to say we're all the same-
All in a cell all with our own key,
Buried within yet too far to reach.
Hand in hand we pull together,
Weaving the road for untold futures.
Whatever will come will fall into place.
To kill tonight is to fall from grace.

663818  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

Cause and Effect

I am lost between two lives,
So I start my own in my mind.
Decisions, decisions in my head...
The fallen fall into forfeit.
And all this, all this everywhere,
Everything defined into the smallest square.
It's senseless and yet it is instinct,
To simplify on how we aught to think.
Confusing, torn between the two-
Abnormal with normal looking through.
The circle, such a vicious world;
Infinity remaining new and old.
Analyzing with conclusion to be made-
It is you who creates your own fate.
So go, go create your own.
Revolute, break away from what you know.
In the end of the day one road travelled by,
Causes the effect of every way.

663812  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

Deadlocked in a Dilemma

It feels like hitting hell,
When no one else is here for...
You feel like you don't care,
When no one else is careful.
It feels like hitting hell,
When you know you're not cared for.
The secret you won't tell,
When you look in the mirror.
You gave yourself some hell,
And now you look for heaven.
The demons in your head,
Torture you forever.
An answer to your prayer,
Eternally you wait for.
An answer you won't get,
Because clearly you're not cared for.
When you're lying in your bed,
Dreaming up an answer.
Come morning you'll forget,
And pretend to be hopeful.
As if you didn't care,
Until you remember.
You want your wounds to mend,
Before your life is over.
To throw away regret,
Have a life and have it all-
This is if only and what if,
You weren't restricted from love.
The choice it still exists.
Will you keep on being hopeful?
As you clench your fist,
You dwell on your dilemma.

663804  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)
Next in thread:

Peace, Love, Lies

I get distracted easily by mirrors.
All they attract is inner humour.
I stop to stare and I look and laugh-
Laugh at the face of my better half.
Suprisingly he doesn't laugh back,
He looks with disapointment as he turns his back.
Then I realise it's me who's walking away;
Broken glory but no pain to display.
In the dark a broken heart, yes I saw the tears.
A lions power in its' darkest hour even has its' fears.
Where was I with altered mind when you needed me?
I returned and stomach churned, oh God how could this be?
Grab a gun, open fire but it was too late.
Peace, love, lies, broken eyes, God is far from great.
Nothing said leaves all repressed with one more broken soul.
I'd ask God why but He'd only lie, these prayers are getting old...
This vicious circle sends us back in time delaying any progress.
That heavinly bullshit up in the sky is only a burden above us;
Leading youth to mutalate and celebrate their hate,
Without fear if they believe that God is at the gate.

663798  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

My Place and Your Time

When my light burns out,
I must replace it?
To sort my life out-
I cannot fake it.
It is this chair that I lay.
And watch it go by...
It is here that I stay.
It is now that I lie.

I'm tied by the stress!
I'm torn by the noise.
My mind is a mess,
I ponder a choice:
One road or another?
But to where do they go?
And to whom is not my brother-
I say, "I don't know!".

They go to a place,
Beyond existing reach.
One: Whole human race;
To which I will preach.
Two: Beyond the grave,
And do it again.
The right way I crave!
Worse now to then.

This light left the alter.
I cut myself deep...
Blood thicker than water,
From eyes that do weep.
Light equals time-
My time is up.
Broken is mine;
So I just give up.

663790  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

From Nobility to Iniquity

I felt the hand of God on me,
Kneeled down and prayed for some release.
I wondered how He let this be-
Me in a cell and you set free.
I observe with my eyes shut tight.
For best effect it's best at night.
No devils in my head today-
My sanity drove them away.
Maybe it's evil speaking now...
It always finds it's own way out.
No conclusion to this debate;
Half full of love, half full of hate.
Who I am, I cannot tell,
Either from heaven or from hell.
My memory keeps failing me,
Don't know what was or what will be.
Is all of this a waste of time?
Should I do something more sublime?
The future holds some work to do.
I hate to work but must pull through.
I must ignore all distractions-
All devil noises and actions.
I hold the key to my own fate.
As devils rise, angels wait...

663779  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

The Plight of my Affinity

Bestowed in my mind,
My soul and my eyes-
Your face, I'm cold.
This place, not old.
What's up, I hate,
You fuck, You rape,
My mind, my soul,
My eyes, no control.

663774  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

The Faithfull and the Fallen

Now I see the unfair light,
Once stricken from my blinded sight.
And all this for my common Queen,
For seen in last night's but a dream...
All this has been taken away-
It's taken every painful day.
Demons evil have beaten her,
Like Apollyons possesive drums of Pearl.
Him and all His contradictions;
I forever have His damned restrictions.
Have them although I do not want them.
To be, that is the ultimate question.
Begrudge him I do but do not desire,
Then again if I didn't I would live a liar.
Lose I always all my mirth,
To go to sleep and leave this earth.
To go to endless sleep tonight?
Lose I always all my might...

663765  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

Subconscious Summary

Let me express myself in terms that I can stress.
Let me express myself in terms I understand.
Let me help you see and recognize,
My inability to keep you living life.
Is this another process? If so it is the third.
But were you paying attention to the two before?
One of life and one of death it's no coinsedence,
How things connect and break our heart and I lose all reverence.
I preach the words that come to me by sussing all the signs.
I do not think I just listen and it's I that they do find.
Understandable terms as I once said I strongly do believe in.
The problem seems to be to me that inside me it's killing.
As I retrieve these visions and make connections I realise that life,
Is a parradox so unorthadox and an impasse so most plight.
This distinctive vibe I can't describe never does conclude.
It's left up to me if I believe they do not just delude.
From time to time if time is mine I may earn an epiphany.
At harder times I must work for it to keep my self-control busy.
With the love factor of glory's girl in terms pre-recognized,
I hope to God that this facade in me won't always hide.
And I hope some day understandable terms will be worshipped and supported,
So the plan to damage my own interests will gladly be aborted.
And whatever destiny awaits me from this moment gone,
My purpouse filled, I hope it will, and hope will carry on.

663755  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

One Weak End

We could have been sober,
But we were together.
We have never been envied,
And that is not satisfactory.

We could have been sober,
But the drugs took over.
Now we dance in fire.
It burns as we prespire.

We could have been sober,
But I'd have never told her.
Coldness over you and me-
Ice between our unity.

We could have ben sober,
But it doesn't matter,
Because there is no remembrance;
All that's left is silence...

663754  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)

The Process of Death During Life

When death is brought around,
Coinsedences are bound.
I've gone twice through the process-
One of life and one of death.
I've blown the smoke away,
When I've wanted it to stay.
I've cleared the smoke by breathing.
My breath of life misleading...
I blew it by mistake;
I succeeded in that make.
But now I light the torch again.
On a burning flame my life depends.

663749  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6854 days ago)


Carve my eyes out, it's 1-2-3-5 again.
Got your fetor, it's all over my skin.
Black birds wait at the back door-
Thirst for blood, they're groaking for much more...

Reckless mind, vivacious impatience.
You are my soulfull malfeasence.
Detriment sources of malice.
Increasing guilt of certain offences.

Malefactors use malversation.
Full time actor, imbecilic asination.
Soporific through her apparition.
I quixotic, caused by imperfection.

One more time, fatality intervene.
Testify, no mistake of misdeem.
Calamition, nefarious deviant.
Incubation on me from a miscreant.

Indecisions come back to be ruinous.
Hesitations between the two of us.
Apollyons no more, he's done with you and me;
Now opens up the door to the core of our unity.

 The logged in version 

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