[Amish Hammer]'s diary

641239  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written: (7154 days ago)

The days are coming faster now. Once again, my sense of time is out of whack but that's not totaly different for me. I'm goin' home Thursday and I'm not quite sure I want to. I'm not in love with where I'm at I just don't want to go home. These kids (my cuz's) are wearing me out faster and faster everyday. I don't know why anyone would want four children. Strangely enough, I think they're trying for a fifth. There's the deffinition of insanity, folks. Anywho, I've been bored out of my mind, ya'll. Talk to me! lol. That's it for tonight.

615252  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (7189 days ago)

It's only 11:00am. Can this be? I feel as I've been up for hours now. Hours and hours and hours. I want to sleep. The days go faster that way.

 The logged in version 

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