[papillon.]'s diary

435774  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-06
Written: (7244 days ago)

Previous description:

Hmm... what could I fill this space with?...

Monotonous garbage about what deodorant I use, what my favourite color is or what TV show I like... somewhere along the lines revealing my 'lucky number' is '13'... clearly under some kind of false pretence that irony is cool... Written up in an easy to read questionnaire style that I copied and pasted from another members page…

Endless (strangely familiar) lists of bands and artists I like such as Jimmi Hendrix, Pink Floyd and Nirvana... that I ASSUME will make me more accepted because... thats what cool people like... right?...

A few paragraphs filled to the brim with reasons why I'm different to everyone else, using words such as 'freak' and 'strange',
Hoping that you somehow forgot the last time you read the same thing on a another members page…

A list of reasons explaining what you cant messege me... Including the almost universal conversation starter... 'Hello' or 'Hi'... Ultimatly rendering all known conversational skills defunct due to a lack of wanting to hear anyone elses opinion... which by the way isn't because I'm just crap at making conversation...

A few lines warning other members not to send me messeges like 'you're hot' because frankly... I KNOW... though of course I'll give a less arrogant reason like... 'it isnt intelligent'...

A short description of my physical appearance... Portraying myself as a sexy young teen dropping in casual hobbies like 'basketball' and 'painting' to hide the fact that I'm clandestinely selling myself for 'cyber-sex'...

Paragraphs of 'personal' philosophies that I apparently thought up myself could work... such as why humans aren't the most intelligent species on earth and why the meaning of life is '42'... unaware that 90% of people on this site have read the 'hitch hikers guide to the galaxy'...

If I had the talent or patience... masses of poems or song lyrics divulging in the teen-angst side of my persona that seems to be mandotory in order to gain some respect amoungst the more 'hardcore' members could prove useful...

A bunch of conscious incoherent crap written merely to placate myself and the like minded fools ammoungst the members on here who feel they may be alone... or simply for the sake of being different...

A short rant about how I think all you people that think you're vampires, demons, elves and whatever else are just plain stupid... Or… I could just become one of you…

Quiz results telling me what kind of Smurf I am, what Lord of The Rings character I most resemble or how aberrant I am...

Long sentences and paragraphs, talking about how I hate superfluous conformity and social labels... Using words that exceed the average users terminology in a subtle yet extremely shallow attempt to appear 'avant-garde' and win over the more socially aware members...

Even a nifty step by step guide on all the banal things you should do to seem cool on Elftown... could work...

But I wont... I shall tell you all something new and interesting...

 The logged in version 

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