[papillon.]'s diary

564084  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7005 days ago)
Next in thread: 564086

when every entry in a diary becomes something to marval, what becomes of anticipation?...

563746  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-28
Written: (7005 days ago)
Next in thread: 563802

square peg, round hole, this time we'll try something different.
The left side know's you're wrong, the right side takes too long, Let's try something different. Happy face, a charlatans case, So now let's try something different...

562713  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-27
Written: (7006 days ago)
Next in thread: 562714

(work in progress)

Oh now stop this thing that persists, let me acknowledge a moment exist, when present becomes past and future comes fast, what is the feeling we know from the last? Memories are liars that exist merely to lend, For one moment please let time come to end, let me acknowledge the feeling of freind...

Oh but the paradox knocks, says 'pull up your socks', waves key at the locks and explains the impossibility of time stopping for a moment, because time cannot but be spent, it is meant to be lent, a moment would consist of time passing and for this to happen would mean time surpassing the request to

554756  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-18
Written: (7015 days ago)

Something or other

This is a warning to those without that thing, a soul, you have a hole created by the prospect of a goal worth achieving, the truth is that you're decieving your inner being so close your eyes and try see him, God, that's you, yes you're God, actually I am untill you start believing and then start speaking 'I am what I'm thinking', now stop blinking look at the world start shrinking, to a tiny space for you to think in, a place where no one else can get a wink in. This is the first day of your life.

553053  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-16
Written: (7017 days ago)

If I were Jack - Part Two

Here take some of these, they're E's, they'll make you love trees and say please can I touch your knees, but ignore that feeling for now I must warn you of the comedown, it will make you frown, make you want to hit a clown, you'll just want to lie down and hear no sound but for now enjoy your new found happiness it will be the best feeling ever during any weather, I know it's not clever to use substances to replicate circumstances but this is the life for me, did I not explain you'll want to hug a tree? you're going down anyway, the iceberg is on its way, this may seem gay put can we play? You'll start feeling it in a bit, for now just sit and think happy thoughts, we wont get caught, hey here's a thought! Can I touch your breasts? Lay down and lets test our feelings for one another, you want another? Here have four, no more because these damage your back, you'll hear a crack and wont be able to walk, talk or eat for that matter. You feeling a little up now? I told you so, so now lets play silly word games, like replacing words in movies names with 'cake', watch it's real fun, 'Something about cake', now you try, dont be shy, oh you have an idea? 'cake fear', bravo! now lets go play in the snow! the snow? Well there's no tomorrow, no time to borrow, glad you never said no? Look the ship is turning up, lets run up to the top so we can watch people drop and not stop, ok now the comedown begines, you'll think depressing things and even daydream things that make no sense, utter nonsense, like sheep driving cars or jumping to Mars, We'll also talk less so I must stress, that this is the best night ever, regardless of the weather. I love you. Goodbye.

552958  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-16
Written: (7017 days ago)

If I were Jack.

Iceberg ahead! Get out of your bed, did you hear what I said? Theres an iceberg aimed for your head. Quit the toungue twisting and start listening, maths wont help you here, your worst fear, it's clear. This is your chance for freedom and some other feelings that aren't created proceedings of other things caused by needings directly relative to false believings. Try drugs or music that isn't in hugs with corporate thugs, fuck those mugs, be in love.
Look into yourself question your fears, are they related to the eyes and ears of your peers? Get a hold of yourself, you're not an elf, you wrongly value wealth, you place yourself on a shelf, with boxes and in those boxes are foxes sharp and witty apparently they appear to be. I'd like to see a human quality that was not based on hipocrocy, what about self belief?

551888  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7018 days ago)

Read something else.

This one is nonsense, not meant to make sense, a matter of irrelevance, so dont pay by the pence, just read the begining, since the end is of no more importance. Isn't it stupid? To write about nothingness, and pretend no less that this is poetry's finest, probably my best. Did I explain the end is pointless? You'd be better off reading the title again it might explain that you can avoid the pain of disdain if you ignore this and remain dignified in your intelligence because this is nothing more than a false pretence, a matter of no great consequence. Do you feel cheated? maybe slightly heated? The prospect of losing time for not a dime, merely a rhyme, now try to find the humor in all this, I was always taking the piss, did you miss the point, mis-joint the meanings and think serious things will spill from this inferior thing I sing? You clearly was not listening, now go back to the begining and learn something, I'm not pretending, this is the ending.

551863  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7018 days ago)

Trust me.

This concept that rules the day, makes no sense, am I gay?, I've never said I'm not, but I've spoke of some hot females with trails of tales so dont question this fact, do you see my point that this oint-ment is meant to create a preference and since whence has this become relevent of this life so bent? The media warped histeria could be the marta of trust because lust is a money making thrust by the companies to please females that need to feel better in this world that is wetter than you want to believe so dont be naive just believe in me when I approach this concept with caution, Trust is truth abortion, men and woman are just organs, to trust someone is distortion and pays the media, if I smell like Ralf Lauren or Hugo Boss for men then I'm accepted as friend because this is the right thing for men a messege to send to women to then judge on appreciation and when this is all taken away we then have a lot of ways to distiguish that it's wrong for you to belong in a world where trust matters aslong as you belong to someone that flatters.

551835  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7018 days ago)

A sorry, a hand shake and a good bye

That thought never crossed my mind, I'm blind, not designed to find your metaphore, a brain law, You share with no more, than three or four other weirdos, with hair that grows, manky toes, a big noes and who knows what other traits I associate, with your mate as of late, I just wish I was not scary to you because Im wary of the few that make being lary true to you, so let us rejoice in this friendship of choice, lets make some noise and pretend that rhymes with 'choice', These words are toys, for little boys, to play with and find ploys to hate me and my noise, This is wrong my song is too long I'll end on the wrong side of this ride of a high tide so confide in me and let it be, see that I only wish to be free of hatred, it makes my face red with embarrasment and this is not meant to be sent the wrong way I guess what I am trying to say is that I'm sorry for the delay in my appology today, so listen to us, I mean I, watch me fly away now goodbye.

551687  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7019 days ago)

Ignorant, working class, wanker who smokes too much and knows it all. But atleast I gave you good ideas.

You love me.



551679  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7019 days ago)

look at my first photo... the rose tinted glasses... yeah. precisely.... who won?

551645  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7019 days ago)

Im good looking, special and not as intelligent as I thought.

Ta da.

551612  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7019 days ago)

Capitalism = Take what you want, bribe the rest.


551602  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7019 days ago)
Next in thread: 551606

I hate you all, fucking tarts, the lot of you.




551586  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7019 days ago)

I'm Just a Radiohead fan, that's all.

551144  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7019 days ago)
Next in thread: 551153, 560856, 562921

If I explain that I know how to make you cry, but choose not to act on this knowledge, am I a better person in your eyes?

550999  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7019 days ago)

I had a dream... I should start putting a price on my DNA. I may well be the most important living being in existance.

550997  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7019 days ago)

Something Special

Hello, I'm Alex, The greatest person to ever of lived and told about it. I've done nothing special, but special is relative so we'll hear no more about it.

I've spoke of language and it's problems, for those people with no brains, just stains on this earth of water and rock plains.

I've spoke of sanity and it's irrelevance, for the full-stop is key to my understanding and yours. Perception and doors, time and it's laws.

I've explained the mystery of human chemistry, the mystery that it is he and not me that knows thee, the thee I see is the he you be.

Now I shall speak of endings, the full stop which rules conversation, the dominating factor in hesitation, the silence that makes sound relevant. This.

550979  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7019 days ago)

something sorry

Turn the page, pay attention to the details, this is the way to live.

Come of age, give affection to pretty girls, this is the way to live.

Claim a wage, protection for wedding bells, this is the way to live.

Lifes a stage, disection of truth is hell, this is the way to live.

549602  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-13
Written: (7021 days ago)

Clapham Juntion, Platform 5, My Vending Machine

Entry one,

As if it's only meaning was to be orderless, It sits there. Gaining no satisfaction and in turn giving none. This vending machine does what it's glued on sign suggests, 'Out of order' it says. I wonder how many orders it has disregarded, before someone decided to put the sign there? Who puts them there anyway? And how did this person come of this knowledge in the first place? Is someone watching it aswell as me? Maybe more so than I?
I daren't test its validity, maybe it's a joke, a hoax played on me? But who would do such a thing? I have my suspicions, But I'll keep them to myself.

Entry two,

Today, early this morning I witnessed a rather vicious dispute between it and a blind man, so my suspicions can lay at ease for now. I still wonder who could of put the sign there, the sign in all it's splendor, such a perfect rectangular sign, this certainly has the mark of a professional, the font too, it's clear this sign was designed to attract attention, or not as the case clearly is. I'll stay here just a little longer, maybe someone will remove the sign and I can use it again, oh how I hope this wish may come true, to bask in it's glory once more, to touch this magnificent machine, to abuse its role, alas the time has not come, but I'll wait, just a little longer.

548836  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7021 days ago)
Next in thread: 548869

Mistaken Identity

I go now to the place of tears. My room with no eyes or ears. Talk of profanity and those disgusting years. Lies, Lies, Lies to none but my peers. Truth, Truth, Truth to none but my fears.
Cast a shadow over this time of doubt and crime. Wonder how I made it through this time. This time of crime that was so unsublime.
My mistaken identity did me no good, This me you see, he never would. So let me be misunderstood. problematic, dramatic, automatic and probably not good.

 The logged in version 

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