[Melocrie]'s diary

743341  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-03
Written: (6693 days ago)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

update at Elfje Midi's! Go check, it's worth it, I promise!!

743234  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-03
Written: (6694 days ago)

Gyus, please go to the landscape contest!!

737759  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-24
Written: (6704 days ago)

Dear Elora,

in the passing two weeks I've yet had more dreams, only I can't really remember them. Though, last night, I had one which was so familiar!
Me, my dad, some friends, my sisters and my niece were all in this little, round, orange rubber boat. We were drifting along white rocks. Suddenly, we bumbed in to another boat and my niece got all wet. I brought her to shore and started swearing to the people in the other boat, in chinese! O.o
Then there's a black hole...
Next moment, I told my dad and friends I had to get something out of the sea. I climbed up a cave, which was half concealed by a waterfall. There were two drains, each would send another flow of water down the cave. In the middle stood a statue (I think of a dragon). So, I pulled the drains, water flooded out and I dived after them, out into the sea. I climbed up a marble rock, and was holding a sword O.o
Well, that's all I can remember, but I am sure there was more. I just can't help thinking... I pulled the Dragonsword from the sea, from my novel O.o I think I'm gonna use this dream in the story...

728432  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-01-07
Written: (6720 days ago)

Dear Elora,

right, something happened to which hasn't happened for a long time: the strange-dream period.
Yesterday I dreamt of a beautiful forest in autumn. The trees had some kind of red glow. It was almost like a movie. I was walking over a path when I saw a close-up of a burning sigaret. Then, I saw a cat lying down with her three kittens. I told the cat she was a good mother.
Then, I head my brother laughing. So I started calling him and we walked for a while like we always do, but I never saw him.
Suddenly, I was climbing a huge pine-tree. In my view, there was a vaste land. I saw a cop running with two more people, and far away in the distance, was a HUGE fire. So, I started climbing down and running, calling for my brother, but he didn't answer. I tried to take the cats with me, when suddenly the sigaret broke into a fire.
That's when I woke up.
But I don't get it... The place seemed so familiar, like I've been there for real, or in a dream. But I am sure I haven't dreamt of it before.... I don't know...

Ok and last night - I hardly remember anything from it though. Let's see...
I was walking down the path past my old lower school. But it was different. Many strange children were playing there. When I reached a certain point, a face and voice appeared out of nowhere and images flashed trough my mind, of a city and water.
One time, I went back there, and I saw a girl sitting. Again the images flashed through my mind and I asked the girl if it was atlantis. She nodded and started crying. Then the voice became louder and angry and started following me. That's where Vikram (my martial arts master and good friend) came in. He grabbed my hand a pulled me with him. We ran up a hill, but I slipped and fell. Eventually, we reached the top. But from there I don't remember... though I am sure it wasn't the end of it...

You know, I am sure more of these will come in time. And I plan to write them all down and find the meaning of them. They might just be illusions from my too-imaginationed mind, but after these years, it just doesn't seem likely anymore. Perhaps these dreams are the key to what I am looking for...

723896  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-30
Written: (6728 days ago)

Dear Elora,

I must be off now! Gonna fire some really good snowballs at [Gilraen Miriel] =P Wish me luck!

697141  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-10
Written: (6777 days ago)

Dear Elora,

Well, went to school, and back again. In my free hours, I took [May-lea] to a mallcentre called "Heksenwiel" (Witcheswheel). While I was at school, she went shopping a bit, especially chocolate! Then, we had a whole adventure returning to my house on my bike O.o. We went to the city again afterwards. We took a walk through the park, I showed her the fountain and statues, and we even saw roosters fly! I showed her some more shops and statues, and then, unfortunately, we had to go back again.
I had so much fun, [May-lea]! Good luck and have fun on the rest of your trip!

For a full report go to may-lea's roadtrip to the netherlands.

697138  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-09
Written: (6777 days ago)

Dear Elora,

I've met the first elftowner for real: [May-lea]!! She's on a roadtrip through the Netherlands, and spend the night at my place^^ It was really fun. We met on the station, standing 4 meters away from each other, still without recognising! Eventually we did, of course, and then we went into town. We ate at a sandwich place, then made some music in my room before sleeping. I had to go to school the next day -_-

692825  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-04
Written: (6784 days ago)

Hmm... I feeling rather.. I don't know. I'm not depressed, I never am. Still, I'm feeling so down. Well, it is going down hill lately, though some things are better. I guess it has to be ying and yang all the time, huh?

687502  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-25
Written: (6794 days ago)

martial arts reopened! Need volunteers!

657131  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-31
Written: (6849 days ago)

School's started again. I few days ago I felt like it, but not anymore. My schedule sucks big time...

624666  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (6895 days ago)

UUUUUUUUUUH I've got a new pc!! HELL YEAH!

580299  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-22
Written: (6950 days ago)

You're only strong when you have the strength to hold to your promises.

You walk against the wall when she climbs over it.

Which path to the future do you take? It must be one which has a dead end. Or one which takes a sharp turn back to the beginning, or maybe even further.

You have broken two promises one one night.

You SCREWED my 16th birthday!

~I don't know what to do anymore. There are two lovers. The boy has a drinking/smoking problem. The girl hates this so they made a deal: Drinking allowed, but not too much, cause he can't deal to well with alcohol. No smoking when they're together.
Once, on a party, the boy got drunk and he and the girl had a terrible fight. He kept blaming her for his mother's illness and more more things. After, they promised that such a fight with hitting and screaming would never happen again. Not just a promise to each other, but also to me and many more people.
On the night of my birthday, he broke both promises.
She doesn't know what to do anymore, he's outta control. No future, no honor, no love, no strength, no realization, nothing.
What can I do...
He's my best friend...
What can I do...

572362  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-05-11
Written: (6961 days ago)

Hmm... Life.. strange isn't it? Sometimes good... sometimes bad... But who decides what's good and bad anyway? And who decides what's reality? People say: "Stop daydreaming! Live in reality!"
But what if this life isn't reality at all? What if the spirits live in reality and we just live in the parrallel world? What if we aren't real... Who knows whether we truly exsist? Maybe we don't exsist...

387366  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-22
Written: (7163 days ago)
Next in thread: 389057

I live with my dad now!! So wonderful, everything's gonna be alright from now on! And guess what...

For the first time in two years, I feel happy again..!

127868  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-01-18
Written: (7440 days ago)

For [Tuquah]

You're an angel
the heavens chose you
wish this could be other way

we refuse
to say goodbye now
Hope you hear us
when we pray

We will see you
until judgement day

This is not the end
please do not weep
we will meet again
when we are asleep

I can hear the bells
ringing silver sounds
within dreams we will dwell
it is faith that bounds
us to a sweet farewell

62557  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-08-28
Written: (7584 days ago)

Dear Elora,

my parents are divorced. This monday, Semptermber the 1rst, my dad is gonna move out and my mom is gonna move in. But we all (me, my bro [Makeda evil mage] and my youngest-older sister) really don't feel like living with my mom.
Our first thought ,of my dad's new place, were that he would buy a house on the other side of the city. But we were so wrong. Because guess what dear dairy? My dad is gonna live across the street! A few blocks away in a nice appartment WITH a garden! Lucky him, my dad loves nature! We already got a key to his new home, and I already like his better than the one i have now.
But you know Elora, it will never be the same, even when he lives this near. It's gonna be hard living with my mom. She's really selfish you know, though she might say she isn't at all. She says bad things about my dad day in day out. But my dad says nothing about her, simpely because she's our mother. But my mom cannot even say *one* good word about him. I must admit, the house has never been cleaner than before, since my dad started to clean.
Thank goodness I've got my sisters. They're really supportive to my and my bro. My are gonna make a list of all teh bad things my mom does and we're gonna give that list to my dad's lawyr. Hopefully, we can move back to him.

57060  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-08-15
Written: (7597 days ago)

Dear Elora,

yesterday me and my brother [Makeda evil mage] went over to my mom and she took to Warner Brothers Movie World Germany. First you should know that I SUCK in German and that I simply hate hate that language somehow!
I heard stories that Movie World was one of the most boring theme parks ever exsited! I found it rather boring myself, with just a few exeptions. Like the Neverending Story tunnel!
There was an attraction of Batman's headquarter! We stood there in line, and on the other side of the street they held some kinda roleplaying/stuntfighting act! It was so awesome! They punched each other, not real though, but you did hear the sounds of it! And people were jumping into the water from 50 meters high! And then there was Joker! I don't know what he wanted, because it was in German. But it was something eeeeeevil! And then Batman came! I was so cool! Joker and Batman climbed op the ladder and Batman totally kicked his ass! He threw some kinda bomb to Joker, and he went on fire! So he jumped into the water! (part of the act!!) And then Batman jumped after him, and as soon as he fell in the water, there was an explosion of fireworks! It was sooooo cool!
Then we went inside Batman's headquarter and some lady began to tell things in German. Then the commander called her and he said something was wrong. And then a bookcase opened, and there was a door! We went into the nest room, and there was he! BATMAN! And numbers of screens and one big one. The commander guy told Batman about evil street clowns and such, kidnapping children and turning them into PUIGINS! There were screenshots and tapes, that is how I knew. And in the next room we had to sit down in a room which looked like a spaceship. We even had to put on safety belts! There was a big screen in the front! And on that screen we saw a door opening and it looked to real! It was like we were moving in a mobile for real! There even was turbelance! The cairs were moving too with the explosions and such! It was so REAL! And then I saw the Batmobile riding by, chasing a bad guy! It was so awesome!
Well dear Elora, that was on of my dreams come true. And if would go back there, just to be on Batman's side again!

55668  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-08-11
Written: (7600 days ago)

Dear Elora,

today [Hellcatje89] and [Angelica] came over to my place and together with [Makeda evil mage] my bro, we held a water baloon fight.
After that, me, [Hellcatje89] and [Angelica] went to the edge of the water to do... something. I was walking on bear feet (like i do mostly, i love to be a pilgrim). And then we saw a raven nearby. The poor guy couldn't fly! [Hellcatje89] caught him and we sat down somewhere in the shadow. We began to examine the bird closely.
At first we tought that we might have been bitten by some kind og bug. But later we thought he had a fight. The bird was pretty young, though. It was a early adult raven. Beautiful he was, still a few fluffy feathers. We called him Draven.
We decided to bring him to the Bird Centre, but it was closed, so it had to spend the night at someone's place. I took him to my home, but after dinner, I took him over to [Hellcatje89]' and [Angelica]'s neighboorhood. Walking though, i couldn't carry him with the bikecycle. Though Draven had been quiet all the afternoon, he was rather energetic the road I took him.
When we got there, [Hellcatje89] and I went outside on a field near [Angelica]'s house. And also she came after a few minutes. We examined Draven a little more.
He wouldn't eat, but the poor thingy was so thin! So [Hellcatje89] just put some bread into his beak, and so he ate it himself. He also drank a bit, though he should have more, it's was soooooooo hot!
Then it was about time he should spread his wings a bit. [Hellcatje89] took him by his paws and ran around in circles. Draven spread his wings a few times. But when we put him on the ground, he doesn't stand, he lies down but falls forth realy slowly on his beak :S:S:S.
Night was falling. That night, the three (four with Draven) slept over [Hellcatje89] place. We had lots of fun! Draven slept in a box in her barn. At first, we were so worried he wouldn't survive the night, but when we took a look next morning he was rather happy.
Then we brought him to the Bird Centre. [Hellcatje89] had this kitty box and she put Draven in it, and bound it on the back of her bike.
At the centre they said he wouldn't survive, but I am just so sure he will!

Draven we love you, and we will always remember you. The choice is yours whether you forgive us for catching you or not. But I just want you to know we feel no regrets for that. Because I know we did the right thing somehow. You are not going to die. Because that time when you crowed, another bird answered to you. That means that there's still someone waiting for you.

54547  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-08-08
Written: (7604 days ago)

Dear Elora,

I got a message from [Merle]!! She sent me an e-mail over someone's mobile phone!!
Since a few days ago I was really worried. The news sad that the most fires in the woods were in Portugal! And since she was out of town, I was really worried.
But now she sent a message saying that she was doing fine!!
she at the beach, and she has this wonderfull view!!
She asked me of I was okay, but I can't answer. I miss her so, now more than ever.
Love you, mellon-nin!

53245  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-08-04
Written: (7607 days ago)

Dear Elora,

today my lovely new good friend [Hellcatje89] and her Father Marco and her Mother Sjan, took me to a rollercoaster theme park called: Six Flags Holland.
It was awesome!!!! have never been there in my life! And i LOVE rollercoasters!
Okay, the road there wasn't long, maybe an hour or something, but the time truly flew like an eagle!
In the park are several area's from different places in the world. Alright, behold a small report below!

We entered the park to the ticket lockets and such. After that, we came to a huge building the Promenade. There were souvenir stores, iceream shops and and photo machines and of course the toilets. But there was also the entry to the rollercoaster (R-C) Superman The Ride. But it was closed because it was broken *cry*. Well, anyways. We walked on and we came out on a place with a pegasus fountain!! There, the road splitted in two. Marco and Sjan turned left, so me and [Hellcatje89] turned right.
I was a bit exploring and examing around. But I got totally stunned when I saw the sign of the nest area. A wooden sign saying: Sherwood Forest..

Sherwood Forest
I was totally amazed. On the right was the first attraction called 'Sherwood's Revenge'. It was like three circles with wagons which go round. The three circles hang on another one in the middle. [Hellcatje89] and I went in. I went faster than we thought. The circles with the wagons spinned, but also the middle circle! And then we went up!
After that we saw some kinda couch swinging around. On below side of the couch was a sword painted and guess what? The attraction called 'Excalibur'. We didn't went in there. [Hellcatje89] told me it was rather painfull. And it didn't look too fun either. So we went on. We discovered a small, square shaped castle. Incredibly fake, but anyways. On the door it said 'Merlin's Magic Castle'. When we went in you heard the intro music of the movie Willow. There was an owl, Merlin's owl, called 'Argimedus', or something. There was a slight project of Merlin. He challenged the dark forces! Then we entered the next room and there were a few long couches and we sat down. Then we heard music from Braveheart. Then again the slight project and then it began! The room turned around upside down!!! We just swung a little forth and back. It was awesome! Lights, thunder, everything. On the end was the action music of Willow.
There was also a R-C called 'Robin Hood'. It was a wooded R-C!! And it went FAST!!!! It was awesome!
There were also stories and cafetaria's with names like 'Little John', and 'Friar Tuck'. Awesome!.
Then we left Sherwood Forest.

When we stood outside the area of Sherwood Forest, there were some certain attractions around us. Space Lauch were four couches in a square around a high pole. You were shot up fast, then went down and up again sometimes. But the line was too long, we didn't find it worth waiting.
There was also wallclimbing and trampoline bungees, but those were 3 Euro's per person! We didn't find that worth either.
But on the left was an attraction wich had a circle of wagons on a huge pole (stick, whatever). [Hellcatje89] and went in it behind one another in a wagon. It was awesome! It was going fast and round and the circle were lifted up so when you went down, you went straight to the ground. We didn't know the name, but there was a bog sticker saying Huss, so I called it that.
From there we bought was big rainbow lollies and then something caught our eyes. A green, purple, R-C, reaching the sky and the ground, the legendary R-C: Goliath!!

The line wasn't long at all! We choose to sit in the front wagon. I was fucking nervous! That R-C is higher than 20 meters! Then we went up! I was talking to myself LOL! When we were at the top, you couldn't see the way down! And then it was like we fell down! I yelled: "MOTHER!!" for fun! And [Hellcatje89] laughed her head off the entire ride! It went FAST!!!! Goddess! It sure did! And then we went another time and that time we bought the photo! I'll put that on up later. It was so cool!

53242  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-08-04
Written: (7607 days ago)

Dear dairy,

I think you need a name. Dairy is that almost every dairy is called. What about Anastasia..?
.. don't like it??
Owh! I know! Elora!!
Alright! From now on you are called Elora!!

 The logged in version 

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