[The High Charity]'s diary

627699  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-23
Written: (6916 days ago)

Journal Entry: Numero Quatro

    I just noticed something, I did NOT read the rules... damnit, so i am hoping that in writing this perosnal diary i am not breaking any rules. Is this Diary only used for Fantasy art? Are all of teh writings i place in this perosnal diary supposed to be fantasy related? Teh site description says anyhting you like or want to write aobut... as long as you are not being an asshole. SO i will jsut hope for the best. I hope i dotn get taken away by the man... FIGHT THE POWER!

"Sword Of The Samurai"

Within this, his noble blade
Lay his strong willed soul, forever more
So long pledged, forever there
From start of life to dawn of death
He stands there loyal, his sword in hand
Soul forever locked within this tool of steel
He stands at the ready, protect those in need
His only mission to master the sword
To understand its meaning in every way
So misunderstood, so forgotten by all
The very symbol of a warriors life
Built through pain and the hardest path
Still standing rigid, through the test of time
A warriors blade is his only friend
His one protector and loyal allie
The only thing that speaks his soul
Reflects his passion, inbodies his mind
The one thing that is always there
When his comrades down, his allies gone
Standing there a beacon of light
A warriors symbol, the symbol of life

-Inuyasha Hetashimo

627695  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-22
Written: (6916 days ago)

Journal Entry: Numero Tres

    Ok, now in reality today is Wednesday the 20th, but, i am going on vacation soo (Friday the 22 to be exact) and i want to fill this journal as best i can so that it dont look like I am being lazy... ah dmanit, i wasn't supposed to say that was i? Oh well, i cant wait to go on vacation ^_^ I am going to a place called Marsh Harbor in teh Bahamas. You see, i like to ahve fun, nad i REALLLY like to ahve fun with peopel especially people who dont know me. Now, imagine this if you will, me, on an island... at night, in new territory with a bunch of people of all ages. Scary huh? I will try not to get in too much trouble though soemitmes it is ahrd for me to resist... lol. Oh, lately peopel ahve been asking me these questions.. i thought some were interesting and i wrote down the question and my response:

Q: Are you crazy?
A: No... not legally anyway

Q: Why are you so weird?
A: Why are you so normal!?

Q: Whenever you say soemthing that you are not going to do
  you always say 'yet', why is this?
A: Well, peopel around me always know that i will end up
  doing something stupid SO they literally forced me to add
  that comment to anyhting i say as not to give people
  false hope that i 'wont' do anything stupid. lol

Q: Why do you have a Sword and a Bow in your room?
A: Because i'm a Samurai! What do you think?

Q: There are a bunch of scars on your arm... what from?
A: I dont wnat to talk aobut it...

Q: Why is your hand cut up?
A: Me and my friend, Tommy, were sword fighting outside
  with metal poles. why?

Q: Why do you write poems with a morbid tone?
A: Because I feel like it! GAWSH!

Q: What is your obsession with guns and weapons?
A: I havn't the faintest... i just love them... STOP STARING
  AT ME!

Q: When you mumble to yourself what are you saying?
A: Usualy odd quotes from games 'n stuff

Q: How do you make friends?
A: This is my favorite ^_^ You see, i have five methods.
  1. I find some random person sitting by themselves and
   go over to them, start talking, and insist they come
   sit with me and my firneds. how coo is that?
  2. I curse them out over the phone... fell bad... call
   them back and apolgize... they say i am a sweet heart
   ... and then it follows through from there
  3. I meet them through my other friend, Robert's, Cell
  4. I just see soemone in school who looks coo, talk, and
   then the rest folliws up from there
  5. I get the Screen Names of someone (MSN, AIM, YIM) and
   I jsut talk to them (completely oblivious to them as
   to who i am) and i just be nice, talk, then we meet
   and become friends ^_^

Ok, these are jsut some questions i have found interesting lately that people ahve asked me... i think tehy are collecting information for a conspiracy against me! Those Fendish Little...!

627668  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (6916 days ago)

Diary Entry: Numero Dos

    I decided to go through with what i said before and submit some of my poetry stuff on here. I know it sux and is uber bad... but at least my diary wont be blank and sad
:). Tell me waht ya think k?

"A Purpose"

There must be a reason
There must be a purpose
Somebody Please tell me
That my soul is not waisted
I have walked the earth
I have seen the pain
The things i have done
I know are not sane
I know i am strange
I know i am odd
But what makes us so differnet
Makes us the same
I know i am weird
I know somethings not right
But please do not hate me
I am just here to help
There must be soemwhere for me
A place i can call my own
A place where everyones differnet
And all but the same
Where everyone knows
The things that i see
Where i know i can go
To find someone like me

-Inuyasha Hetashimo

(For all intents and purposes 'Inuyasha Hetashimo' is my writing name... i dont know why, my friends just call me that...SO since they gave me the anme i showed gratitued by using it when i write stuff. ^_^)

627666  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (6916 days ago)

Diary Entry: Numero Uno

    Ok, well this is my first diary entry and i feel so uber special in the respects taht i actually did something constructive! How cool is that? Well, i guess i sohuld talk aobut myself 'cause i cant think of anyhting else to say... for now. Well, i was born a while ago in Florids, I like tow rite poetry and i am learning to do some art from my friends (yeah... i suck) However, even though i am bad at drawing I am trying to learn. With this kind of initiative what can ya hate?
    I hope that wihtin at least a month or a month and a half i will ahve a whole collection of bad art done by me. yay! ^_^ Which i guess is better then a whole collection of no art 'eh? (No, seriosuly i am bad and not trying to be modest or trying to cover up for any real talent... jsut in-case ya wanted to know) This site was pretty coo, and honostyl at first i didn't like it. As we can all see... that changed lol. It was reccomended by my friend Annie, who is one of the best artist ever, or at least one of the best i have seen... Anyways, i thought this would be coo so i tried it... ok, well i am out of stuff to babble on aobut so i am gonna stop now. Oh, by the way- do you think i should write some of my poems in here as a journal entry? hmm... i think i will HA! i came up with a good idea... yes, a god idea... my precious. Ok.. i serisosuly gonna go now. ^_~ Bai for now

"Be Of One Mind... My Mind"
Sincerely: Nicholas A. Suhar

 The logged in version 

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