Shadow says:
imma go fix a sandwich >_>
.悪態.[.Dies Irae.]("\(.:...:.)/") says:
Kay <_<
.悪態.[.Dies Irae.]("\(.:...:.)/") says:
Shadow says:
-comes back with a steak and abuse marks-i-i-i made your favorite dinner tonight honey...
.悪態.[.Dies Irae.]("\(.:...:.)/") says:
That's what I thought, bitch. *snatches it*
Shadow says:
-whimpers and mutters-you never look at me when we make love anymore..
.悪態.[.Dies Irae.]("\(.:...:.)/") says:
I look at the picture of your sister on the dresser =|
Shadow says:
-cries and runs to the bedroom-
.悪態.[.Dies Irae.]("\(.:...:.)/") says:
*shrugs and eats steak*
for all the people that live in america yet bad mouth it with hippie drivel,go live in china,there youll get sent to a military torture facility and get your ass kicked every day just for getting on the internet and playing counter strike or something.Comm
alrighty,some of you are already aware of this as i have told most of my friends on msn and yahoo whats going down,but for some of my friends here on ET that are a bit out of the loop heres the deal: Ill be heading to basic training in around 3 weeks.Its a 12 week long ordeal so i wont see you guys for quite awhile.wish me luck and best wishes to all my friends here.
on second thought, http://www.loo
so wait,lemme get this straight.a riot,were people were hurt and possibly killed,was started by muslim preist over...some jews repairing a ramp that makes it safer and faster for people to come to and from their mosque?
..... http://www.loo
now thats living.
got bored on youtube again
well folks,ive been weighing the likelyhood of getting a seat in a fixed wing aircraft in the air force,the pay,the time spent flying,and the likelyhood of even gettign a slot,with the other 3 branches of the military that provide combat aviation (marines,army,n
tell me whatcha think?being a gunner sounds pretty bad ass.
found this on my desktop this morning O_o
i dont even remember downloading this.
dear god,a british rap battle
asians lawl