[music, its addicting]'s diary

662965  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-10
Written: (6839 days ago)

we had a pep rally yesterday for the arthur hill homecoming. wasnt really exciting to me anyway cuz i dont really show much school spirit, and plus i didnt feel like loosing my voice. the band was up in the balcony of the gym. its was like rediculously hot. i was soaked in own sweat just from sitting there, very nasty. i got to sit and cuddle with nanashi the whole time though which was really relaxing, and got to be with her for a little bit before the footbal game too. our performance was better then last time but theres still people not even trying and its really holding us back, but at least we made an improvement. went to tonys afterwards and pigged out on some nachos, dang they were good. well over all it was a awesome day, mainly cuz of nanashi :) love u!!!

660939  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-07
Written: (6843 days ago)

well i stayed up tonight to watch the drum core international world championships on espn2. was quite awesome, my favorite core, phantom regiment, got third i was so happy. it makes me mad though that theres good groups out there like that, but i have to put up with my high school band all the time. what makes it even worse is that they're all good musicians cuz there good sounding when it comes to concert stuff, but they go to crap when u add drill to it. there backwards i swear. concert bands the one that supposed to be boring and not care about, that u barley put any energy into. marching bands supposed to be the one thats exciting and fun. o well, only got two more years left of it, i just hope i can get better by the time i graduate cuz with my level of talent now i dont even think ill make a college level bass line, let alone snare. plus if i try to go core the audition money will be wasted. o well im gonna stop whining about band related crap cuz ive been doing that a lot. got some decent time to spend with nanashi today. she says im like a big cuddle bunny or somethin, but thats good cuz i think she likes all the affection. :) love u!!  

660006  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (6844 days ago)

last day of labor day weekend. nanashi finally got her modem back so i got to rp with her for a bit. :) my allergies have been actin up though. ive been sneezing since i woke up this morning. have to go to school tommorow which is good cuz i get to see nanashi at practice, but sucks cuz i dont wanna put up with everyone else. o well for nanashi its worth it. love ya :)

655561  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-28
Written: (6852 days ago)

we had our first actual performance last friday night and it sucked just as i thought. no one in the band gives a crap or will put enough effort into accually getting better. there being lazy, always waiting for someone else to take care of the problem and im sick of it. only two good things happend that night. i got to see nanashi, and i went out to tony's with my friends after the game. wish nanashi couldve came with me but she had to go home, o well. i have one thing to look forward too though, the band can only get better since we suck so badly. lol 

652298  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-24
Written: (6857 days ago)

ya i got up at like 8:00 this morning like and idiot cuz i couldnt get back to sleep. started working on my friends other cd she wanted to burn for me. school starts tommorow though, im not really feeling anything about it. i get to work on cars cuz of my SCC class which is cool, but i still gotta put up with the stupid retards at my school. i went to take my road test after band practice today and passed. o yea! FREEDOM!!!!! got to see nanashi again since she wasnt sick anymore and could go to practice, plus she made me a bracelet with my name on it, thanks nanashi, ill always wear it. love ya!!!

650720  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-21
Written: (6859 days ago)

well im having a relaxed day for once. ive been sittin here burnin a couple cd's for my friend sherrol. shes really into rap and R&B which is cool, i kinda still like it, but i prefer heavy metal. yesterday was the last day of band camp thank god. we had a really long lunch break cuz of orientation which was good considering the morning was brutal.i got to cuddle with nanashi for two and a half hours. :) love u!! we a had a huge water ballon fight which was soo hilarious. then we had like an all dessert dinner. i got such a shugar rush lol. only bad thing is i gotta go back to school in like three days, but ill get though it. 

646168  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-14
Written: (6866 days ago)

well ive had a weekend off of band camp and its been completly boring. ive been playin world of warcraft but it laggs a lot and halo2 bores me now. i ive roleplaying with nanashi most of the weekend which has been accually more fun then i thought. definatly beats being bored lol. i got band camp again tommorow which is good cuz i get to see nanashi but its bad cuz i gonna be sooooo tired. o well thats life deal with it lol.

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