[jables]'s diary

669135  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-21
Written: (6946 days ago)

         Les Champignons Magiques

Je t’aime, champignons magiques
Tu est trés magnifique
Mais tu sais pourquoi?
Pourquoi tu dois mourir pour que je sois haut

Tu ouvres mon esprit
Je vols dans mon lit
Je n’ai plus besoin de ma télé
J’ai besoin seulement de toi et ma tasse du thé

Je suis l’homme magique
Je crois que tu sais moi
Je te donnerai le magique
Et tu seras haut ce soir

Je te mange tous les jours
Je suis intoxiqué avec ton saveur
Je suis sous ton puissance
Et je ne peux pas trouver la déclanche

Désolé mon ami
Mais je dois te combattre jusq’au fin
Tu as été le grand force de malveillant
Mais maintenant, J’aurai defaiter ta besogne

669133  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-21
Written: (6946 days ago)

    Mo Fadhb is Mó

Tá Cuma na marbh orm
Táim mallaithe ag anam
Táim in umar na haimléise
A gineann le fadhbanna eile

Tá rud éigin ag crá ‘s ag creimeadh mé
B’fhéidir galar tógálach nó marfach é
Nó géarchéim den croí nó an ceann
Nó mar go bhfuil grá comh gann

Cathigh mé éalú ó mo aigne
Mar go bhfuilim ag smaoineamh an iomarca
Is doigh go bhfuilim ró-leochaileach
Don domhan seo bréagach

Is iomaí cúise le mo stáit laithreach
Alán dóibh a mbeidh ann go fadtéarmach
Ní aon rud nach fheiceadh ar fud na cruinne
Nó a chuireadh mé I dtearmann

Táim gafa le alcóil ‘s drugaí
Comh maith le sin tá mná ‘s toitíní
Ach I ndeireah an lae, mo fhadhb ba mhó
Ná go bhfuilim fós beo

669131  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-21
Written: (6946 days ago)

Let me just point out before you continue that I'm no poet, The below were all originally intended as lyrics.

           The American Dream

Crooked capitalism is taking over the entire world
Fat-ass McDonalds is killing all the boys and girls
While everyday Joes continue the everyday toil
The US government is stealing all the world’s oil

Imaginary weapons starting imaginary wars
The US marines were slaughtering innocent hordes
In less than a day they turned a country to rubble
Just so Bush’s oil company’s profits would double

The world it can’t be redeemed
It’s been destroyed for the American dream
For never-ending suburbia
The world’s been destroyed by America

American automobiles spew out green-house gases
While global warming is killing all our asses
All this emanates from one man one power
From the American government the whole world now cowers

After terrorising the world they gave bush a second chance
This time he’ll destroy us all without a second glance
He’s created himself a world controlled by fear
When the Americans start to die I shan’t shed a tear

 The logged in version 

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