hey whoooooooo it was my birthday yesterday. it was awesome i got loads of prezzys including a motorola v3i, dig cam, jeans etc etc etc.i had so many visiters i didnt know i knew so many people!. i had this huge bday cake which was called a chocolate surprise and blimey want it a surprise!lol. i spend a couple of hours wid me mate Leighton, good to see ya again!(thanks for the prezzy dude! an the card hehe :) lol) then i had to go home to get ready to go out. at round 7pm some of me mates came round and then went down town to the red lantern for a meal. when we was there we couldnt understand this woman an man who was servin us an we all keeped laughin wen they went away :). then once we had finished our meal they dimmed the lights and sang happy birthday to me and brought out 2 sparklers in this dishing thingy with ice cream and these funny, weird things!. we took loads of pictures of us all(wid my new camera!:p) then we went down town.
i just wanted to say a big thanku to every one who wished me a happy birthday (especially victor luv yaxx) (tom for the pictures and writin!!!) ( stu for the bday song!) and an even bigger one to those who brought me prezzy! THANKYOU! luv you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx