[Drive Faster Boy.]'s diary

738985  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-26
Written: (6708 days ago)

Hey Ma.

Ryan: Hey Ma
Me: Whats up
Ryan: Lets slide
Me: Alright.
Ryan: Alright.
Both: Cuz we gonna get it on tonight.
Ryan: You smoke?
Me: I smoke.
Ryan: I drink.
Me: Me too.
Ryan: Well good.
Both: Cuz we gonna get high tonight.
Ryan: Got Drops.
Me: Got Coups.
Ryan: Got trucks.
Me: Got Jeeps.
Ryan: Alright.
Both: Cuz we gon take a ride tonight.
Ryan: So ma.
Me: Whats up?
Ryan: Lets slide.
Me: Alright.
Ryan: Alright.
Both: And we gon get it on tonight.

I love that song.

738979  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-26
Written: (6708 days ago)

I've got some super Sixthform Ahead Meeting thing tonight at school.
& Im rather looking forward to it. I was making such a scene in the form room.

I have some quotes for you today.

Tom: Well Atleast LAUREN fancies Me.
Lauren: ....What?

We were giving our marks out of 15 for a spanish test.

Simon: Thirteen.
Mr Coook. Oh come on Simon, You cant even spell thirteen.


Sara: So after you marry Wayne, what is your second name going to be?
Mrs Kendal: Kendal still...
Sara: ew..Is it your cousin?
Mrs K: lmao.
Other people: IMBRED.
Mrs K: No you see sara, IM not from Otley.


738509  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6709 days ago)

Today I was waiting outside the shop with Hatty and Martyn. Ben walked up with a chocolate bar that Hatty had obviously asked him to just buy for her (with the money she had given him). She takes it from him and is like "Thank you". She turns to martyn and says in this cute voice "...I got you a present".
It was so sweet <3.

Today, we learnt about rocks. I did so awesome in English. I was on FIRE. Ask Bruffy. <3.

738505  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6709 days ago)

I want you to know,
I would cry a 1000 Oceans
If thats what it takes.
To sail you home.

738495  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6709 days ago)

You and I were two of a kind.
I hate to say it,
But whatever made you tick.
Made me smile.

You said I should get away from it all.
Your my baby.
But im just another girl.

738473  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6709 days ago)

Lists make things easier for me.

Things to do

1. Have a shower. Shave :)
2. Make my hair good.
3. History Essay.
4. 10:00 - Desperate Housewives. (I might miss this).
5. German Homework.
6. Piano. MUST DO.
7. Make some ABS.
8. Pack my bag 4 school babe.

I have a life.

738397  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6709 days ago)

I want a boy who:

Is different and original without feeling the need to tell people about it.
Who will hold my hand before I hold his.
Who will cling onto me, and need me around.
Who will walk me places just to spend more time with me.
Who takes care in his appearences and hair.
Who is willing to spend his life with me.
Who is not afraid of commitment, but finds comfort in it.
Who makes me laugh my socks off.
Who is sensitive towards my feelings.
Who asks questions about how Im feeling and narrows the options down because sometimes I find it hard to talk about it. For example instead of just saying "Why and How are you feeling sad?", He would say "Are you feeling hurt sad or frustrated sad?".
Who would rather spend time with me rather than a group of friends.
Who's ideal date would be to sit on my couch and talk till the early hours of the morning.
Who is proud of me being "his".
Who tells me I am Beautiful or Pretty instead of just Hot or Sexy all the time.
Who tells me when im looking nice to them.
Who will respect my decisions.
Who will make my friends and family fall in love with them.
Who wants to cuddle with me.
Who will surprise me.
Who will write me long notes or emails.
Who I can talk to on the phone about anything.
Who talks about baby names with me.
Who wont lie to me.
Who doesnt act like a jerk.
Who notices the little things I do.
Who sends me songs that remind him of me.
Who calls me all the time.
Who will let me make him over.
Who understands each and everyone of my moods.
Who knows how to deal with me whilst im in these moods.
Who knows all of my favourite things.
Who will introduce me to people as his "Girlfriend".
Who ALWAYS knows.
Who I can trust.
Who will hold me tightly and smother me in affection.
Who will put his hand in my back pocket or my ass when we're walking :)
Who will choose me over anything, everything and anyone.
Who loves to plan the rest of our lives together.
Who has deep promising eyes.
Who are able to hold conversation and flirt with me.
Who will flirt with me and nobody else in a large group of friends.
Who will hold me in a crowded room as if I am the only person there.
Who is romantic.
Who is witty and intelligent.
Who is careful and sincere.
Who can be sarcastic and fun, but knows when to be serious.
Who I can talk to about anything and everything.
Who is willing to be ranted at or rant to me.
Who will buy me underwear.
Who will send me letters.
Who writes like a 6 year old.
Who has beautiful hands.
Who likes to watch movies.
Who will make out with me through a movie and not care about missing the story.
Who is able to watch a movie with me, WITHOUT making out aswell.
Who will go grocery shopping with me.
Who I can cook with.
Who wont make me feel little.
Who likes it that im small.
Who wont be rude and insensitive towards me.
Who is willing to wait, and willing to love.
Who is willing to forgive and willing to heal.

Who is that?

737557  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6711 days ago)

Vag: Oh have you seen whats on channel four? : "Gay Muslims"!!
Mom: what is it? anything good?
Me: well she says its hot, put it on.,
Mom: alright....

737364  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6711 days ago)

Sometimes I just think to myself,
What have I done?
Why cant that be me?
I know I fuck up, but im filled with all these good intentions.
That never turn out the way I planned.

737342  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6711 days ago)

Me: Ian lets go in to the form room.
Ian: Alright *starts walking away*
Me: *Starts talking to people* WAIT IAN. Come back here.
Ian :...Fine *Walks up to mally*

*Is totally blanked*

Me: Can we please go in now? god!

Ian never holds the door open for teachers.

737339  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6711 days ago)

I feel like Poo.

737337  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6711 days ago)

My Uber Emails.

Finally got around to pasting em'

Remember that Mally? It's all true. And I'm sorry if I made you mad or whatever. Sara was going to pay for it, she didnt want you to die either. If wanting to protect you is so bad, then shoot me. And just so you know, yes, I was jealous of Bertie. She came, she went, then all of a sudden, she reappeared again, and you replaced me. I guess you just don't need me. But I love you to pieces and I miss you. So much. It hurts to lose a best friend, but that's 2 now, and there's such a big gaping hole in me. It's like I've lost an organ or something. You're my drug Mally, you're all I need to get by. Just remember how much you mean to me. Maybe how much I used to mean to you. Remember how much fun we used to have. Remember when we used to rock out to Mariah Carey after school. Remember how I drew that funny little picture of you, and remember that photo of me and you. Looking in different directions. But we belonged. Remember that I love you. I will always be here for you. I can't believe our friendship has broken over drugs, but if you feel like that, it's your decision. It's my birthday on Sunday, and my party on saturday. I would be honoured if you were there.


Hey Mally..

Today was the day that you wern't here, and I missed you so much. Nothing is the same without you, and I love you so much.

I have done some more stuff on my website, and I have created an online diary and stuff on my home page of it, I havn't finished it yet, but if you want to have a look at it so far its, www.x-beebie-x.piczo.com In my online diary I have wrote quite abit about you in it, I miss you so much Mally. When are you back?

I need you.

I had exams today, as you know. I had French, R.E and English, they all went okay apart from French. Erughhhh...

Please email me back, I need to hear from you.
I love you.

Loads and loads of love,

                    Your bestest friend ever.

Hope your having a nice time xx

Hey Mally Gurl,

              Eruughhhhh...I'm missing you. You wont even understand how much. I am sorry if Im being so clingy with you..I just love you. Im sorry.

Every song i listen, in my head im lyke somehow linking it to you.

It's lyke my head consists of:

Mally Mally Mally Mally Mally Mally Mally Mally Mally etc.

When are you back? Text me or ring me, or email me as soon as you get this email, I need to here from you, I hope you are okay.

Lots of love,









The last two were from bertie..

Hey Mal
m guessing that you are ill, so I thought I'd try to cheer you up by telling you a true story.
There was a man who had a mouse in his house and he had tried for weeks to catch it. He set up traps and laid down posion. No matter what he did he couldnt catch it. Then one day he made a fire in his garden to burn some rubbish. To his suprise the mouse was running round his garden. After some scrapping and running he had this tiny mouse pinched between his fingers. "right you little bastard" he said. "Welcome to your cremation". With a flick of the wrist the rodent was in the fire and burning to death. To the mans horror it suddenly lept out of the fire and ran into his house, flames leaping off his fur as he did so. 30 Minutes and 4 fire engines later all that remain of the mans house was the ash covered floor.
Now there are times in your life when you think "Why the hell did I do that". Just imagine how this poor guy felt.

(There were no animals hurt in the making of this true story, apart from the mouse who incidently burned to death and the owner of the house who proceeded to pull his hair out shouting "why, why, why" for a week)

Get better soon
Martyn xxx


I cant be bothered anymore..
736922  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6712 days ago)

Bee: So how many poops did you have while you were away?
Me: awh 7 I think... what about you?
Bee: Not many, i was saving them all till you came back.
Me: thats so sweet , I feel mean now. I should have saved mine.

oops. ill paste them in the next one.

736921  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6712 days ago)

Bee: So how many poops did you have while you were away?
Me: awh 7 I think... what about you?
Bee: Not many, i was saving them all till you came back.
Me: thats so sweet , I feel mean now. I should have saved mine.

736919  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6712 days ago)

Im really touched because I signed on hotmail and,
I had a billion emails.
And it wasnt even junk.
It was actual real emails from my friends :$
It was so sweet.
Awh shucks. I want to paste them on here and thats just what im going to do.

In the next entry.

736917  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6712 days ago)

I didnt see the whale, Jess.
It died.

Me and my father had a shopping trip in oxford circus.
Anybody who knows me, will realise,
How weird that is.

Me: So, You want to buy me that twirl?
Me: Yeah, Thats what I thought.

734851  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6715 days ago)

Theres more to this than my Ex-Love.
This is more than I could ever in my life begin to

I dont know what im going to do.
This is bigger than me,
And with no hands, and even less skill.
I dont know how it ever will come out.

I think its him I need,
Its always been what if..
This pain could be arranged
In such a way
to bring out newly then.

Well who am I to stop it?

734850  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6715 days ago)

Im going to London to sort out something for my Visa thing.
Im sure your going to miss me.
I'll be back on ummm Sunday.
My biology teacher is going to hate me :( Uh ohz.


734846  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6715 days ago)
Next in thread: 735712


734423  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-18
Written: (6716 days ago)

Me: Would you ever do anal with hatty?
Mart: I dont know, I mean, you shit out of your arse, not make love.
Me: YES, but you BLEED out of your pussy.
Mart: Thanks for that.
Me: Np.
Mart: Yeah but like, blood/passion - almost the same.
Me: What the fuck, are you a vampire or something?

734379  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-18
Written: (6716 days ago)

Dear Mr. FAT.

Today, Miss Hobbs said I was "In stint for an Isolation". This was quite hurtful, because I never said that she had a crush on Hatty, Kaylee said it. But I always get the blame.
We are the coolest, Hatty and I.
I got in trouble with Tom for forgetting my Spanish books :( And I didnt have my chemistry books. And I didnt finish my english homework.
Sometimes I dont even know what im thinking about when I pack my bag or sit down to "do homework".


 The logged in version 

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