[Yuriona]'s diary

61511  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-08-26
Written: (7705 days ago)

Yay! I finally have a gallery published!! *dances for joy* I can't wait for folks to have a gander at it and let me know what they think...hopefully it will be good stuff! I do wish more folks that visited my house here at elftown would sign my guestbook but that's ok! I've met some awesome friends!! Now back to work so I can have more than 4 pieces up on the gallery!

59055  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-08-20
Written: (7710 days ago)

Well, my kitchen and diningroom are painted and my husband and daughter are home again. Yay! The only thing is that I'm so very, very tired. Sigh. Oh well...gotta golf tournament this weekend and I am going to enjoy myself. ;) Party on Wayne...

58072  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-08-17
Written: (7713 days ago)

Having been one of the millions of people affected by that blackout August 14, I thought I'd post a poll to see what fellow Elftowners thought. So far I've only gotten 4 votes but I'm hopeful for more. Please take my poll!!! Please!!

57533  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-08-16
Written: (7714 days ago)

Okay...just logged onto the extranet and uploaded my first drawings. Yippee!! Now all I have to do is wait for my stuff to be published. In the meantime...time to go put my livingroom back together now that the paint has dried. Hope everyone at Elfwood who were affected by the blackout are doing well!

55778  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-08-12
Written: (7718 days ago)

Yahoo!! My application was accepted!! Now all I have to do is hurry up and get all my artwork ready so I can get my gallery up and running. Have new buddy Kyra Daroth - long live Candian Gamers yeah! Ok, I guess I've wasted enough time here. Time to get to work - painting my kitchen. Sigh.

54404  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-08-08
Written: (7723 days ago)

Ok. I redid my app for the Lothlorien sight...keep your fingers crossed for me! Made some new friends - *hugs* to elvisdog, Shiris and madmystik! Whoo-Hoo!! Keep up the great work guys!

54114  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-08-07
Written: (7724 days ago)

Yay! Nothing makes the day quite like a friendly hello! Now if I could only get my Extranet application approved...sigh. Guess I didn't study up well enough...lol...back to the ERB Rule Page for me! Don't worry though...I will prevail! :D

53691  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-08-06
Written: (7725 days ago)
Next in thread: 53693

Sigh, been here about 4 days and still no one has stopped by to say hi. Well, I know a few folks have walked past my house and peeped in the windows but still no visitors. Oh well...maybe once I can start posting my artwork more folks will notice me. Sigh. (wipes away tear).

 The logged in version 

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