[sopheret]'s diary

673343  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6830 days ago)

Like the poem below it, inspired by the a spanish songfic roughly translated into English, and the strange phrasing that results.

The night, sad like my soul
And the sky as beautiful
As you are, and the ground
Where solace is not found,
But I look into the dirt
And her smile softly hurts
And your affectionate return
Has the makings of a burn
Has the makings of a bite
Meanwhile, I hope you will love me
Meanwhile, to you the lands of the sky
Since I have all the nights

673169  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6831 days ago)

Wrote a poem. It's called Poison

It says you would not understand
With the confidence of the guilty, and the low eyes
Or feel gloves beneath my hands
So I kiss you again, the passerby scandalized
Now maybe you will believe
The dark, the dragged, can you not see?
Parched earth which I breathe
Hopefully, you will keep looking tenderly
Blind to a poison invisible, tame
And imagine me more noble and innocent
You and I, together and the same
Stars fighting for the light of firmament
Know this boy, you do kiss well
But each second is a new lie of romance
And I am falling for its spell
The two shades, one to the other, faced

672641  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-27
Written: (6832 days ago)

Instructional to Guys:
All you guys out there who wonder why they never get the girl- these are some basic things you can do to improve your chances! They'll take very little money and effort, and I garentee will pay off, if you're not already doing them.

1. Get rid of the weird facial hair. This means unibrows, strangely shaped beards, sideburns, and moustaches.

2. Buy some nice, plain shirts, and well-fitting jeans. Anything with really gross stains should be washed.

3. Grow your hair a little longer, than get a nice haircut. Like haircuts of boys in punk bands, for extra points.

4. GET A LIFE. Few girls will be impressed by the amount of time you spend watching TV, or sitting at home alone, feeling sorry for yourself. In fact, if a girl senses the only thing you will have going for you is her, she will run.

However, if you're really passionate about something- drama, sports, art, music, anything not creepy, we girls find that attractive.

5. Give girls some SPACE. Don't act all desperate and clingy, and try to have a few girls that are good friends, without being potential dates.

6. Walk upright, look at people to their face when you talk. Guys with confidence are attractive, so even if you don't have any, fake it.

7. Take showers.

672066  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-26
Written: (6833 days ago)


Watched the 2nd Lord of the Rings movie the other day, and it reminded me of how upset I was that Aragon chose Arwen over Eowen. I mean, all Arwen did the whole series was wallow, and lanqiush, and bask in tradgic beauty. Also, elvish isn't real practical. She might be able to say, "Your path is laid at your feet" or "The sun shines on our hour of meeting" and mystical crap like that, but is there any elvish way to say, "We're out of milk, can you go to the grocery?" Not that Eowen would be shopping for anyone's groceries, but if you asked her to, she might know what you were talking about.

Now that I'm back in school, I'm starting have those days where you get to the end of the day, and you just blank out. Like- you know you zoned out for a good six hours of the day, and now you can't remember what the hell just happened.

I'm doing a project on Margret Bourke-White. I'm really excited about it too, because her photos are incredible- some are subtle shows of humanity, and some just slap you in the face, and make it so you can't look away.

Victor Smith has one hell of a life story.

666911  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-17
Written: (6842 days ago)

Websites I love:

For looking up ancient epic poetry, theatre, teachings, religous text, and songs, translated in English:

Great places for teen writings to submit work:

Hysterial summeries of books:
And fun made at b-grade movies:

Music blogs with pretty pretty music:

Theme songs from the trippy 80s kid's show The Great Space Coaster- where .hack/ and Cowboy Bebop's vocalist Emily Bindiger got her start:
"Get on board, step inside, soarin' on a magic ride,
Roarin' towards the other side where only rainbows hide!"

Lovliest webcomic I know:

Advice and articles for writers:


666897  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-17
Written: (6842 days ago)

Fanfiction, sometimes good and sometimes not so good, gives a weird sort insight into other people's daydreams, the things we wish were real.
Like, the Mary-Sue: being able to enter a situation, and know more than everyone else, and fix everything just by your presence.
Or the fantasty were pain can be magically transferred from on person to another just by holding them, and falling in love.
Or where two people meet, and their souls combine, and they suddenly understand each other perfectly.
Or where your angst is an especially pround and world-shattering angst.
Most people dream of these things, or we wouldn't see the same types of stories over and over again. It's interesting.

You can read a couple of my fanfictions, here:

663536  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6848 days ago)

I'm very happy they're bring Naruto to cartoon network- it's been a long time since there was anything classic on.
I've fallen in love with this song, called "Red Dress" even though I've only heard it once. I keep turning on the radio, hoping it'll get played. These are the lyrics, but you have to hear it to get how awesome and athem-y it is.

You've gotta love this place.
Here conformity is king.
They'll wipe that smile right off your face.
Give you a list of songs,
you're allowed to sing.

Now you can say what's on your mind,
as long as it's on their minds, too.
'Cause it isn't in their hearts to find
a little room for some other point of view.

And anytime I think that I might drown
in all this standard-issue gray,
when I'm feeling small and pushed-around,
I close the door and draw the shades.
I put on my red dress.
I put on my red dress...
can't take my red dress away.

I learned to grit my teeth and smile.
Let 'em think they boxed me in.
Inside I'm still the problem child that I always was,
so I guess I win.

And any time I think that I might drown
in all this standard-issue gray,
when I'm feeling small and pushed-around,
I close the door and draw the shades.
I put on my red dress.
I put on my red dress...
can't take my red dress away.

662409  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-09
Written: (6849 days ago)

Some of y'all have been there- the fakey-fakeness of a relationship that's really over, but both sides are trying to hang on.

Nobody sees anyone in this town
There’s just silence in our eyes
So don’t say you’ll see me around
When what your really mean is goodbye

I ask what’s happened since you’ve gone
Nothing much is all that you reply
I tell you nothing’s been going on
What we really mean is goodbye

I will let it go
And give up this resistance
I already know
The truth about the distance

I promised that we wouldn’t change
But we both know that’s a lie
Inside of empty greetings exchanged
Is a final and freeing goodbye

So will let it go
And give up this resistance
I already know
The truth about the distance

The truth about the distance is there’s nothing left to fight for
So I’ve got to keep moving on
The truth about the distance is that the connection is gone

So will let it go

662405  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-09
Written: (6849 days ago)

On shyness, which I have a lot of around boys:

Bathroom window to the sky
Walking down the halls and I don’t know why
Past the lockers and tabletops
I’m gonna walk until someone tells me to stop

I’m trying to learn how to speak
And building up my hope for another week
So I won’t collapse before second class
Or the moment you look at me

Little window in my heart
Wanna break free, don’t know how to start
Someday I’ll be brave enough
I’ll tell you the reasons why I’m not giving up

Forget the tears, I’m gonna smile
I’m trying not to care
Maybe I am in denial
At least I’m not in despair

I’m gonna to learn how to speak
And build up my hope for another week
So I won’t collapse before second class
Or the moment you look at me

 The logged in version 

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