[Imperfected]'s diary

667167  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-17
Written: (6832 days ago)
Next in thread: 667206

I think I have too much time on my hands...

665694  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-15
Written: (6835 days ago)

I can't stop


Its all my fault.
663944  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-12
Written: (6838 days ago)

Officially Mrs. Burdette!

Yay! Hehe...I'm married lol. Its so fun! Plus, he's so cute :)...Me <3's you baby! ^_^...So many things are going well lately...I'm all happy and prancy....W00t! ^_^...(Whats Next Cody...Virtual Children? Haha.) Well...Its a long story...But still..I Love him! (As if I need another last name...But its worth it to me.)

Okay....So...I got into a fight today...With a good friend of mine...Because I said something I shouldn't have and accused him...Then he got REALLY pissed and called me a prissy bitch. :O...Yeah...And he told me I wasn't worth shit...(Which kind of made me cry)...Then I felt awful because I didn't want it to end like that....But it seems I've ruined it...So I have no choice...*Pounds Head* I swear I need to find a way to control PMS....Thats what I should do...Invent something to evaporate it to keep girls happy...make a million dollars and be happy....(But then again...That would kill the excuse that we have PMS when we fight with our men...*Scoffs* ..) Well anyway....Yeah...PMS is a bitch..>Especially when directed to overly-sensitive people! AGH!

THEN...I went shopping...Kind of...O.o...I got this ghetto planner thing required for school...Its all cool and I fixed it to where you can put pictures in it...(Which I will SPAM with Cody's Pictures...Muahahahahaha) Geesh I'm funky....But yeah...

Well the other day...(Like...yesterday or so...) I was listening to all these sad songs because I'm an inflatable dork :). Well...One or two of them caught me off guard...Making me listen to them about 100 times as I cried...One of them Was "Miss You" by Aaliyah. It reminded me a lot of CJ and how much I really do miss him :'(...Then Cody was being all sweet trying to make me smile...He said he would have been a father to him if he would have lived and if I would have let him...That immediately made me smile....Honestly...I was so happy....So I switched the song over to Cater 2 U By Destiny's Child... (Which I've Dedicated To Him BTW.) Because pretty much the majority of that song explains everything I feel and everything I would do for him...Any time...Any Day! MUAH! I LOVE YOU CODY!!!!!!!!! ^_^....

I do....Hehe...

So....I am bored and I have a lot to say about Cody :)...So I'm going to babble :)!!

Hehe...I call him every day at school on my lunch break right? And My lunch is 41 minutes...which I spend most of talking to him...Kind of...

This is our conversation half of the time:

Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!
Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!
Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!
Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!
Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!
Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!
Him: Honey....
Me: Honey!

And maybe once in a while we'll actually talk hehe...Its really cute ^_^...All my friends stare at me funny when I talk to him...Because my voice gets all high...Sometimes him and I have contests about who can go higher when we say honey. I always win. Of course.

And we find the weirdest shit to talk about...Like random stuff....POINTLESS stuff...Like...We could talk about a twig and start laughing after a while. We are SO immature about things. But we know when its time to be serious...(Which is hardly ever btw) :)

O.o and he'll call me at 2:00am and ask me why I'm sleeping so early ^_^...I'm like "Honey...I have to get up early for SCHOOL"

Him: Ohhh Yeah....

*Scoffs, tackling Cody ^_^*

Argh... :)...I'm in love guys...I'm in LOVE!!!!!! :D:D:D

Well I'll stop now...I need to do some stuffs...So Laters!!! <(OO)>

662435  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-10
Written: (6840 days ago)

A Cat Fell Into A Pool
A Rooster Laughed.
What's The Moral Of The Story?
A Wet Pussy Makes A Cock Happy.

662396  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-09
Written: (6840 days ago)

I HATE you.
662008  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-09
Written: (6841 days ago)

Okay....First Diary Entry For The New Name! YAY!

Alrighty...So today SUCKED ASS.

Not only did school suck...But come to find out...Someone hacked my other account on here and changed my password...PLUS...they deleted all of my relations...Great huh? I know. Well...I talked to a few friends... Apparently this bitch has been lying...And I have a few guesses at who it is...But I wont mention names...

All I have to say is this..:

When you decide to grow up and quit acting so immature and making up stuff about me, then maybe you can explain why you are doing this. If you think I am such a "Bitch" all the time to you...Its kind of like "Gee, I wonder why?"...You have ruined my relationship, my friendships, and my reputation as an individual here. The only thing I asked you to do was quit lying and ruining everything I have...You have messed with me before and I KNEW you would again..So thank you for ruining everything.

But....If you arent that person...Here's what I have to say to the real person:


If you really believe being immature about everything and changing my password and making up shit about me is fun...Go ahead...I really couldn't care less....I never come on here anymore anyway. Go ahead and ruin my internet reputation...It means something to me...But it doesn't mean enough for me to care when you think you can ruin it....If my friends loved me, they would believe ME over YOU any day. Honestly...Just please...Grow up.

[Now Back to Sandra With Happy Shit XD]

"Sandra, How is your life going today?"

*Sandra Grins Brightly* HORRIBLY!!!

Today...We saw an extra dark cloud hanging over Rosandralita's Head! It Rained! She got into a big fight, got barked at for being late, then she fell out of her chair and cut her neck on a desk...Which made her cry! When she got home, her phone wouldn't charge! Then she found out she had cancer...She died. The end. back to you Chad.

[ -x- LMAO -x- ]

Well...I think thats about it for today...Check back tomorrow for the latest weather reports, news and updates. Thank you and have a wonderful Night. This Is News 13 saying..."FUCK OFF!"


 The logged in version 

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