[its all about us]'s diary

775396  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6627 days ago)

does anyone even know your alive?...that is the question that i think about alot....does anyone even care...what you do....what you think...how you feel....i know how that feels and it sucks....like this guy i know....hes pritty cool but he doesn't think so......its funny how it works out that way.....i just hope he doesn't do anything stupid like kill himself because i do care...he doesn't know me that well but sometimes i think i should just tell him that there is someone who cares but then other times i think that he would just take it a joke....kinda sucks.....

then theres the fact that i think that one of my friends totally changed my EX-boyfriend and thats the reason that he broke up with me....because the same thing happened in jan. too...which really sucked because i caught it the last time but not this time.....

then theres always the fact that i think i like this guy that i hardly even know...but i know i will never in a million years get over my ex bf... he was so perfect and i loved him so much.....but he was just a great and perfect memory....i think that it will just take time to get over him......and if we do ever end up going out again (which will never happen ....even tho i hope it dose) well never mind...lets just say i have never loved someone as much as i have loved him and i don't think i will meet another persone as great as him....

GUYS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

721009  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-24
Written: (6734 days ago)
Next in thread: 731260

i think that the reason for all my pain is guys...well my fucked up family life too but i think mostly guys... WHY DON'T GUYS JUST STOP LIKING ME?????WHY CAN'T WE JUST BE FRIENDS?!?!?!i say that now but i know one day i am going to want to go out with someone and i will be wishing for them to like me and be more then friends...GUYS ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID!!!!

721005  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-24
Written: (6734 days ago)

sometimes i wonder why i'm even on earth...maybe theres no reason for me maybe im destaned to die....thats all i'm good for!!!!the only one i can really really talk to seems to be my friend Rafael...hes the only one who really understands me.....

693424  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-05
Written: (6783 days ago)

life sucks!!! guys suck!! and i love Gunnar!guys really do suck!!!

677148  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-05
Written: (6814 days ago)

yay i'm going out with jon!!!!!!!!!!! i love him soooooo much!!!! yay!!! all my friends don't approve tho :( they will have to deal with it tho!! i hate when boys get in the way of friendships!!!! but i can take care of myself! i don't need a babysitter!!!!!! but i'll get over it.....

671428  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-25
Written: (6824 days ago)

my friend brianna got kissed!!!!!!! thats sooo cool

671148  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-25
Written: (6825 days ago)

dear diary,
today was great cuz i had a b-day party to go to for my bff. then now i'm at my bff's house at a sleep over. its so fun!! yay
nothing is happing right now but its about 10:26! i feel like sleeping but i can't well g2g

666144  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-15
Written: (6834 days ago)

this is a really good day, except i don't feel to good. this rocks!

 The logged in version 

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