[banu]'s diary

732381  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-01-14
Written: (6995 days ago)

Someone was to ask "Abidin Dino" who is an art if he could paint picture of happiness and he was to paint a picture which includes a dad, a mum, 7 children on the same bed, a dog, a rooster...The house on this picture is really bad...There is no another bed to sleep and all parent sleeps on the same bed...But if you pay attention about his picture, they seem really happy...The money is nothing if you dont have the love, the money doesnt work if you dont have health, the money is not enough to buy if you are alone...I have known someone who follows the money way...I have never been one of them...I have never followed the money way...I have believed the power of love, not the power of money...I am looking for TRUE love...I know it hiddens in somewhere I have not known yet...
If you are not shallow person, you have HIGH emotions about life...If you believe that you have a INNER REALM, i am here and my house opens for all you...

732376  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-01-14
Written: (6995 days ago)

No, I have never lied down eternity...No; In my life I have never lied down eternity until this day...But I dont know eternity, I did not see it and know it...I know boundaries, being limited, limitings; I know being paralysed, growing less-becoming less, becoming crippled...No no, no I can say that I dont know what the eternity is, certainly...

Melissa P.
"Dragonfly comes in the night"  

726175  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-03
Written: (7006 days ago)

He is alive...

724841  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-01
Written: (7009 days ago)

I am really so bad right now...I have just learnt Jon([xm3]) is dead...It is like an awful joke...It cant be true i have to believe...I cant believe that...I cant find  any word talking about it...I am so bad...

I will never forgive you, Jon...I will never forget you, Jon...

 The logged in version 

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