[banu]'s diary

838891  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-15
Written: (6500 days ago)

Bob Dylan song which is one more cup of coffee

Your breath is sweet
Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky.
Your back is straight, your hair is smooth
On the pillow where you lie.
But I don't sense affection
No gratitude or love
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above.

One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go
To the valley below.

Your daddy he's an outlaw
And a wanderer by trade
He'll teach you how to pick and choose
And how to throw the blade
He oversees his kingdom
So no stranger does intrude
His voice it trembles as he calls out
For another plate of food

Your sister sees the future
Like your mama and yourself
You've never leardned to read or write
There's no books upon your shelf
And your pleasure knows no limits
Your voice is ilke a meadowlark
But your heart like an ocean
Mysterious and dark

767891  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-24
Written: (6644 days ago)

Can you cry because of anyone's pain?Is it possible thing you will believe in?Can you feel of that pain someone suffers?Well then, is it about empathy or anything else?

Yes, I have ever cried because of someone's sorrow...I have found out a mail within my book...It was sent by a friend who was my good friend...I have read it before but when I read it again, it made me so sorry and in pain...I have never lived them which were said by him...As a matter of fact, It is not possible to live same things...If you want to feel same emotions, you can...If you want to see same point following by someone, you can see...It is called as empathy but the thing I lived was different...When I firstly read it, I did not feel same emotions...It made me a little tense.Because I have supposed that he did not want to see me as an adult...So, It was a prejudgement. Yes, he has done this to me for several times...But this time I felt was my fault...Each words he has written were sorrowful...I have felt his pain in my heart and I have cried...I have alot of words for writting but there is something special for me...I hope I will tell him them one day...  

766771  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6646 days ago)

One of The Four Noble Truths

The path to the End of Suffering: The path to end suffering is known as the Noble Eightfold Path. It is also known as the Middle Way.
766770  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6646 days ago)

One of The Four Noble Truths

The End of Suffering: To end suffering, one must cut off greed and ignorance. This means changing one's views and living in a more natural and peaceful way. It is like blowing out a candle. The flame of suffering is put out for good. Buddhists call the state in which all suffering is ended Nirvana. Nirvana is an everlasting state of great joy and peace. The Buddha said, "The extinction of desire is Nirvana." This is the ultimate goal in Buddhism. Everyone can realize it with the help of the Buddha's teachings. It can be experienced in this very life.
764631  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-17
Written: (6651 days ago)

One of The Four Noble Truths

The Cause of Suffering: The Buddha explained that people live in a sea of suffering because of ignorance and greed. They are ignorant of the law of karma and are greedy for the wrong kind of pleasures. They do things that are harmful to their bodies and peace of mind, so they can not be satisfied or enjoy life.

For example, once children have had a taste of candy, they want more. When they can't have it, they get upset. Even if children get all the candy they want, they soon get tired of it and want something else. Although, they get a stomach-ache from eating too much candy, they still want more. The things people want most cause them the most suffering. Of course, there are basic things that all people should have, like adequate food, shelter, and clothing. Everyone deserve a good home, loving parents, and good friends. They should enjoy life and cherish their possessions without becoming greedy.

763735  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-15
Written: (6653 days ago)

One of The Four Noble Truths

Suffering: Everyone suffers from these things:
 Birth~ When we are born, we cry.
 Sickness~ When we are sick, we are miserable.
 Old age~ When old, we will have ache and pains and find it hard to get around.
 Death~ None of us wants to die. We feel deep sorrow when someone dies.

Other things we suffer from are:
 Being with those we dislike,
 Being apart from those we love,
 Not getting what we want,
 All kinds of problems and disappointments that are unavoidable.

The Buddha did not deny that there is happiness in life, but he pointed out it does not last forever. Eventually everyone meets with some kind of suffering. He said:
"There is happiness in life,
happiness in friendship,
happiness of a family,
happiness in a healthy body and mind,
...but when one loses them, there is suffering."


761957  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-11
Written: (6657 days ago)

Attavagga - The Self

If one holds oneself dear, one should protect oneself well. During every one of the three watches the wise man should keep vigil.

759924  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-07
Written: (6661 days ago)

I cant remember each words I have recieved, it is because of my forgetful mind...It is too hard to all human beings to control their mind If they can say some wrong words...It is just like lapsus...A friend always says that all lapsuses we do talks instead of us...But we HAVE to remember a reality...You can do lapsus If English is not your nature language...and you cant express yourself freely in other languages you can talk...
Then, can we blame anyone If they cant express their nature and real being?I know that It will take a long time to forget all my sorrows...But something was special for me...I wished that something was special for him too...I remember some words which were said by a friend:

We wont be same after this meeting...

I am adding a sentence:

I will NEVER be same after this separateness... 

759785  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-07
Written: (6661 days ago)

Arahantavagga - The Perfected One

He who corruptions are destroyed, he who is not attached to food, he who has Deliverance, which is Void and Signless, as his objects, - his path, like that of birds in the air, cannot be traced.

Jaravagga - Old Age

What is laughter, what is joy, when the world is ever burning? Shrouded by darkness, would you not seek the light?

759254  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-06
Written: (6662 days ago)

Cittavagga - The Mind

Like a fish that is drawn from its watery abode and thrown upon land, even so does this mind flutter. Hence should the realm of the passions be shunned.

The mind is hard to check. It is swift and wanders at will. To control it is good. A controlled mind is conducive to happiness.

It is from Buddhism...

758439  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-04
Written: (6664 days ago)

"There is happiness in life,
happiness in friendship,
happiness of a family,
happiness in a healthy body and mind,
...but when one loses them, there is suffering."

758017  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6665 days ago)

I am really in shock... Because there is hate... Hate...


What did I do to deserve this? Did I kill anyone? Did I annoy anyone with sexual intention? Did I REALLY manipulate anyone? I am a manipulative person and also blocked member!!! How an adult human being allows anyone to manipulative himself? Can it be true? What a beautiful birthday to me!!! I have learnt alot of new things in my new age... You shouldnt believe anyone easily... You shouldnt trust anyone easily... You shouldnt ADMIRE anyone easily... You listen to what they want to say but you are NOT allowed to be listened by someone!!! I am asking where the respect is?? You want to recieve a respect but you show your respect with such a way? Is it fair?? No, this is not fair... Even A murderer has a deserving to defend himself and it is that speaking and being LISTENED... I wonder If I think that I am only human being on earth?? or someone?

But, unfortunately there is no hate in my heart... I cant hate anyone... It is not my REAL nature... I cant do anything or I cant change anything If someone wants to believe that I am manipulative person...Because The unique thing human being can change is herself/himself... I cant change anyone because I dont want to change anyone...

I think I have grown up one more age... Is it enough for someone?
757817  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6665 days ago)

The unique thing human being can change is herself/himself...

757765  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6665 days ago)

Tomorrow, It is my birthday...I know all my friends will say "Happy Birthday"...Except one...I am melancholic...I am getting old but It is not viotual problem...I am alone and It is my choice I believe...I am confused, I have limited...The worst thing is that I can not do anything... 

757754  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6665 days ago)

Soyez à vous-même votre propre flambeau, votre propre refuge... "
- Bouddha

Si vous ne prenez pas du temps pour vous,

qui le fera à votre place ... ??

vén. Shinjin

Robert Brandt-Diény

757704  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6665 days ago)

"...nous devons croire à un écrit, à une doctrine ou à une affirmation lorsque notre raison et notre expérience intime les confirment. C'est pourquoi, je vous ai enseigné à ne pas croire simplement d'après ce qui vous a été dit, mais conformément à votre expérience personnelle, et puis à agir en conséquence et généreusement".

Citation tirée de "La Doctrine secrète", tome III.

757696  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6665 days ago)


Islam :

Aucun de vous n'est digne de se prétendre croyant s'il ne désire pas pour son frère ce qui est bon pour lui-même.


Bouddhisme :

N'offensez pas les autres, de sorte que vous ne soyez pas offensés.

(Udana-Varga 5: 18)
757429  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-02
Written: (6666 days ago)

Loving is painful, The truth is painful
They resemble eachother...

The hardest thing on earth is losing someone you love ...If they passed away, you try to bear with your loss...It is painful...But you know that they have gone somewhere and they are in your prayers until your breath stops...

But If you lose someone and you KNOW that they are alive...It is the most painful things in your life...You know they are still alive, breathe...But you cant talk ANY word to them...If your loss passed away, you can talk to him/her in your dreams...But If he/she is alive, you cant talk to him/her anymore...It hurts your heart...There is a big hole in your heart...You cant fill it...Because this place in your heart BELONGS to him/her...Your heart ACHES...But this pain which is in your heart will never recover...Because you cant take a pill for your ache...Your soul CRY silently... This crying will never stop...You cant wipe tears of your soul...

The thing I feel is just pain... There is no hate... There is no anger... Because feeling hate or anger is not my REAL nature... My heart is still crying... Throughout I look at this page, It will continue crying...

I wish that you will read these words, one day...
God bless you...

738854  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-26
Written: (6701 days ago)

Mariah Carey - Without You

No I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way
The story goes

You always smile
But in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

No I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there
But then I let you go

And now it's only fair
That I should let you know
What you should know

I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't give
I can't give anymore

Well I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way
The story goes

You always smile
But in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

"It is a wonderful song i like...I have wanted to share its lyrics"

737474  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-23
Written: (6704 days ago)

I have read a poem which was sent by my beloved friend Inge and it has impressed me so much...I would like to share it with all my friends...


Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
(Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
Mary Frye (1932)

736715  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6705 days ago)
Next in thread: 736796

Sometimes, i think about if i lose my dreams...If i lose them, what will happen to me? Is "the day i am dead" that day? I know i ask alot, because i am curious and this is the way to learn being alive and living the life...All questions i have are almost about my dreams...If all of them make me not fair, i am ready for everything...

I have lost my dear friend Jon and this loss has made me so sad and thoughtful of everything...You see some one everyday and they are a part of your life but you are not aware of their worth...Sometimes, you say "a hello" and this is enough behaviour for you...You know that you love them by all your heart but the runing hither and yon doesnt allow to say them how much you are awaring of them and love them...One day, you have lost one of them and you havent been saying anything...Being aware of THIS loss makes you so sad...

I am really sad for my loss...I am praying for you, Jon...Now, you are playing with angels and you are smiling to us...


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