well there is not a whole lot that i ahve to say so HAHA.
*runns and hides behind really large statue, and sticks out tounge*
Today was like any other day. I got asked a very interesting juestion from my college professor, and he chalenged me. Why have Day and night wny can't we just all live in Darkness? If there was no sun. (that would be awesome) I am probaly making no sense at all, or even trying to, but I just don't understand why we have Night, and Day, Hot, and Cold. Why must we have these things? But I guess in Darkness, nothing will ever prevail, so there for we need one to balance the other. I don't know Just thought I would write somenthing random, and weird down.
Life is depressing. Why must we live it? Why are we here to life meaningless lives? What is our purpose, and evern if we are to have a purpose, Most of us would not fulfill it any ways. Well I'feel better now, and yhea. So bye
Love ya(LU LU)
Hello World it is I Serenity the weird, just thought that I would type a few things in this little collum, and then Leave. Watch me fly away!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE WWEEEEEEE!!!!