[Broken_Black_Road_Of_Roses]'s diary

778730  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-17
Written: (6645 days ago)

Would you? Will you?

[_] give me your number? (_ _ _) _ _ _- _ _ _ _
[_] kiss me?
[_] let me kiss you?
[_] take me out to dinner?
[_] let me drive you somewhere?
[_] take a shower with me?
[_] buy me a drink?
[_] take me home for the night?
[_] let me sleep in your bed?
[_] Sing car karaoke w/ me?
[_] re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
[_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me?
[_] let me make you breakfast?
[_] help me with homework?
[_] tickle me?
[_] let me tickle you?
[_] stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] instant message me?
[_] greet me in public?
[_] hang out with me?
[_] bring me around your friends?
[_] make out with me in public?

D0 Y0U...
[_] think im cute?
[_] think im hott?
[_] want to kiss me?
[_] want to cuddle with me?
[_] want to hook up with me?
[_] want to live happily ever after with me?

AM i...
[_] smart?
[_] cute?
[_] funny?
[_] cool?
[_] loveable?
[_] adorable?
[_] compassionate?
[_] great to be with?
[_] attractive?
[_] mean?

[_] thought about hooking up with me?
[_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
[_] wished I were there?
[_] had a crush on me?
[_] wanted my number?
[_] had a dream about me?
[_] been distracted by me?
[_] jacked off to my pictures?

ARE Y0U...
[_] happy you know me?
[_] mad at me?
[_] thinking about me?

778729  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-17
Written: (6645 days ago)

If you had me alone, locked up in your room for 24 hours,
and I had to do whatever you wanted me to do,
what would you do with me?

775423  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-10
Written: (6651 days ago)

001: Name: Debbie Ann Krones
003: country of living: Orlando, FL.
004: Birth date: MAY,19 1991
005: Height: idk lol TALL?
006: Eye color: BLUE
007: Shoe size: WOMANS 9 AND A HALF
008: School/work: School
009: You smoke: NO!
011: Brothers/Sisters: 2 BROTHERS AND 3 SISTERS
012: relation:jonathan
013: Piercing(s):EARS
014: Tattoo: Don't have any...
015: Vacationland: SCOLAND
016: Are there people you wont reply to: noone
017: Nicest person you met this year: KELLY
018: Person you rather not have met this year: Joshua Durham ROFL!
019: Who would you like to meet: JOHNNY DEPP
020: Who is it that you admire: JOHNNY DEPP
021: Most sexy person(s): JOHNNY DEPP
022: Favorite Pyama: what in gods name is a Pyama?
023: Favorite Car: MUSTANG
024: Favorite Movie(s): ANASTASIA
025: Favorite music: SIXPENSE NONE THE RICHER
026: Favorite City(s): IDK
027: Favorite Plush: MY BUNNY
028: Favorite deodorant: SECRET
029: Favorite Magazine: GL
030: Favorite sound: TRUMPET
031: Favorite TV-series: CHARMED
033: Favorite Nickname: DEB
034: What is on your mousepad: NOTHING BUT BLUE
035: What all is under your bed: BOXES
036: Favorite color(s): BLUE,BLACK,MAGENTA
037: Favorite Song ever: BICICLE
038: Favorite song at this moment: BRING ME TO LIFE
039: Favorite food: PIZZA
040: Favorite class in school: BAND
041: Favorite drink: COKE
042: Lucky number: 13
043: What do you think that is greatest about yourself: NOTHING
044: What deodorant do you use: SECRET PLATINUM
045: Favorite shoes: FLIP FLOPS
046: What time do you go to bed on workdays: NO IDEA
047: What word do you use most: JOHNNY DEPP
048: Most romantic moment in your life: MY FIRST KISS
049: Most ashamed moment of your life: IDK
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside: OUTSIDE
051: What do you do on the weekends: SLEEP
052: What class in school do/did you dislike most: MATH
053: Your Breakfast: PANKAKES
054: What do you really really dislike to eat: SPINACH
056: Laugh or dream: Both
057: Serious or funny: FUNNY
058: Fast or slow: WHAT THE FUCK
059: You prefer being alone or have relation: RELATION
060: Simple or Complicated: SIMPLE
061: Cremate or Buried when dead: IDK NEVER THOUGHT OF IT
062: Sex or alcohol: ALCOHOL
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: stay up LATE
064: Light or dark: dark
065: Speak or Silence: SPEAK
066: tall or small girls: WHAT IN GODS NAME
067: Newspaper: DONT READ IT
068: Hug or kiss: BOTH
070: Life or Death: LIFE
071: Gig or Disco: DISCO
072: Left or Right: right
073: Sausages on top, or on the side:WTF
074: Dark/ red/ Blonde: RED
075: What would you ask god if you could ask him 1 single question: WHY IS MY LIFE SO DEPRESSING?
076: you believe in reincarnation: IDK
077: you believe in Aliens: NOT REALY
078: When you die, what will be your last words: I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I LOVE YOU JONATHAN
079: Does true love exist: YES
080: How many kids would you like to have: 1-2
081: What is the thing you cant stand: ECCESIVE TALKING ,UNLESS ITS FROM ME
082: Best feeling?: WHEN I GOT KISSED :)
083: Worst feeling in the world: BREAKUP
084: What are you afraid of: FALLING
085: Are you an emotional person: IDK YOU TELL ME
086: You cry while watching a movie: SOMETIMES
087: Your goal in life: SKYDIVE
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: NONE
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate:DOLPHIN
090: what is the most beautiful part on the female body: EYES I GUESS
092: Most original place to ask your lover to marry you: RESTARAUNT
093: What do you think of Elftown: OK I GUESS
094: Is there something you miss about Elftown: NO
095: Where did you get this question list: MY BF
096: Besides Elftown, what do you do most on your PC: CHECK EMAIL GAIA ONLINE CHAT

768169  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-25
Written: (6667 days ago)

MPA was awesome the freshman concert band got overall superior yay

And Guess What the heel of my shoe broke so i got to walk around with a pefect shoe and a ducktape shoe lol (just the heel though i would show you a pic but i got it fixed today)it was funny though cause i was the one with a ghetto shoe lol

767432  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-24
Written: (6669 days ago)

A man and a woman were dating. She being of a religious
nature had held back the worldly pleasure that he
wanted from her so bad. In fact, he had never even
seen her naked.
 One day, as they drove
down the freeway,
she remarked about his
slow driving habits.

"I can't stand it anymore," she told him. "Let's play a game. For
every 5 miles per hour over the speed limit you drive, I"ll
remove one piece of clothing.

He enthusiastically agreed and sped up the car.
He reached the 55 MPH mark, so she took off her blouse.
At 60 off came the pants.
At 65 it was her bra and at 70 her panties.

Now seeing her naked for the first time and traveling faster than
he ever had before, he became very excited and lost control of the
car. He veered off the road, went over an embankment and hit a
tree. His girlfriend was not hurt but he was trapped. She tried
to pull him free but alas he was stuck.

"Go to the road and get help," he said.
"I don't have anything to cover myself with!"
she replied.
 The man felt around, but could only reach one of
his shoes. "You'll have to put this between your
legs to cover it up," he told her.

So she did as he said and went up to the road for help. Along came a
truck driver. Seeing a naked, crying woman along the road, he pulled
over to hear her story.

"My boyfriend! My boyfriend!" she sobs,
"He's stuck and I can't pull him out!"

The truck driver looking down at the shoe between her legs replies,
"Ma'am, if he's in that far, I'm afraid he'a a goner!"

Make your friends smile! Pass this page on!

766914  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-23
Written: (6670 days ago)

If you like those message me and i will send u more

766845  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6670 days ago)

A man was mowing his front yard when his attractive,
blonde, female neighbor came out of the house and went
straight to her mailbox. She opened the mailbox, looked
inside, slammed it shut, and stormed back into her house.
 A little later, she came out of her house again, went to
the mailbox, again opened it, and again slammed it shut.
Angrily back into the house she went.
 As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn,
the blonde came out again. She marched to the mailbox,
opened it and then slammed it closed harder than ever.
 Puzzled by her actions, the man asked her,
"Is something wrong?"
 She replied, "There certainly is!
My stupid computer keeps telling me I have mail.

766844  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6670 days ago)

 An elderly woman goes to the
doctor and asks his help to
revive her husband's sex drive.

"What about trying Viagra?" asks the doctor. 
"Not a chance," says Mrs. Murphy.
"He won't even take an aspirin for a headache."

"No problem," replies the doctor. "Drop it into his
coffee, he won't even taste it. Try it and come back
in a week to let me know how you got on."
A week later Mrs. Murphy returns to the doctor
and he inquires as to how things went.

 "Oh it was terrible,
just terrible doctor."

"What happened?" asks the doctor.

"Well I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee. The effect was
immediate. He jumped straight up, swept the cutlery off the table, at
the same time ripping my clothes off and then proceeded to make
passionate love to me on the tabletop. It was terrible."

"What was terrible?" said the doctor, "was the sex not good?"

"Oh no doctor, the sex was the best I've had in 25 years,
but I'll never be able to show my face in McDonald's again.

766842  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6670 days ago)

While, I was recovering from surgery and
spending most of the day in bed, my seven year
old son asked me why I didn't have a
boyfriend. I told him the television was my
boyfriend, he entertained me all the time.
The only problem was the television set was old and would just shut
off for no reason. But, I would just give it a few hard wacks on the
side and it would come back on, which was no big deal...

 A couple of days later the pastor
stopped by to check on my recovery.
I was trying to get the television to
come back on so, my son answered
the door.

The pastor smiled and asked "Is your mom busy, son?"

My little one looked up at him and replied,
"No, sir, she is just in the bedroom banging her boyfriend".


765977  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-21
Written: (6672 days ago)

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765616  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-20
Written: (6673 days ago)

Guy Facts:
-When a guy calls u
he wants to be with you
-When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
-When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
-When a guy says, "I'm fine," after a few minutes,
he means it
-When a guy stares at you,
he thinks you're the most beautiful thing in the world
-When you're laying your head on a guy's chest
he has the world
-When a guy calls you everyday
he is in love
-When a (good) guy say he loves you
he means it
-When a guy says he can't live without you
he's with you till your done
-When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else
-Girl facts:
-When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her mind.
-When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
-When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you will be around.
-When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds,
she is not at all fine.
-When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are so wonderful.
-When a girl lays on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
-When a girl calls you everyday,
she is seeking for your attention.
-When a girl wants to see you everyday,
she wants to be pampered.
-When an honest girl says, "Ill love you forever,"
she means it.
-When a girl says that she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind that you are her future.
-When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more than that
---repost this in 10 minutes and your true love will call you
post this as "WHEN A GUYS SAYS HE MISSES YOU !!"

765398  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-19
Written: (6673 days ago)

i went to mardi gras last night and it was fun
igot all soaked cause we went to curious george
but i still wish jonathan was there

764201  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-16
Written: (6676 days ago)

I was finally able to get my sis an elftown account [pinkish] she might not be on here often but she will probaly try her best

762669  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-13
Written: (6679 days ago)

S TOP - SIS... - Sixpence None The Richer Lyrics - Brighten My Heart Lyrics

my heart is as dark as the soil sodden with winter rains
my soul is as heavy as the peat freshly dug from the bog
my thoughts swirl like willow branches caught in autumn winds
my body as tense as a cat's as it stalks its prey

help me open my heart to You,
help me open my heart to You,
help me open my heart to You, oh Jesus
it's what I long to do

my heart is as dark as the soil sodden with winter rains
(Lord, brighten my heart)
my soul is as heavy as the peat freshly dug from the bog
(Lord, lighten my soul)
my thoughts swirl like willow branches caught in autumn winds
(Lord, still my thoughts)
my body as tense as a cat's as it stalks its prey
(Lord relax my body)


760846  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-09
Written: (6683 days ago)

I Cant Help But Feel That Hes pushing me away

760359  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-08
Written: (6684 days ago)

I found this in a freinds diary it made me cry

A boy and a girl,
the best of friends.
From elementary to high school
from beginning to end.

Through all those years
their friendship grew.
They both felt the same,
but neither knew.

Each waking moment
since the day they met.
They both loved each other
sunrise to sunset.

He was all she had
in her terrible life.
He was the one
who kept her from her knife.

She was his angel,
she made him smile.
Though life threw him curves,
she made it all worth while.

Then one day
things went terribly wrong.
The next few weeks
were like a very sad song.

He made her jealous
on purpose he tried.
When the girl asked, "Do you love her?"
on purpose he lied.

He played with jealousy
like it was a game.
Little did he know
Things would never be the same.

His plan was working
but he had no clue.
How wrong things would go,
the damage he would do.

One night she broke down,
feeling very alone.
Just her and the blade,
no one else home.

She dialed his number,
he answered, "Hello"
She told him she loved him
and hung up the phone.

He raced to her house
just a minute too late.
Found her lying in blood,
her heart had no rate.

Beside her was a note,
in it her confession.
Her love for this boy,
her only obsession.

As he read the note,
he knelt down and cried.
Grabbed her knife,
that night they both died.

She was found in his arms,
both of them dead.
Under her note
his handwriting said:

"I loved her so,
she never knew.
All this time
I loved her too."

if you love someone very much put this on your house

750558  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-19
Written: (6702 days ago)
Next in thread: 765712

Ugh I Hate My Life I should Just Get It Over With I Mean People Keep Saying Jonathan Doesent Love Me And Im Sick Of It And I Cant Ask Him Any More Cause I ve Already Asked Him So Many Times Hes Probably Sick Of It And I Get The Sense That He Hates Me . What Other Choice Do I Have He Is My Life.I Want This To End NOW .Jonathan If You Read This Please Give Me One Reason Why I Shouldent Go Through With This. *Crys*

744550  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-05
Written: (6715 days ago)

I Do Trust Him And I Do Believe Him But I Still Wonder

 The logged in version 

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