[sairas_tytto]'s diary

719566  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-22
Written: (6856 days ago)
Next in thread: 720125, 720159

Ok. I have a serious problem. Mental that is.
It's like my life would be too empty if I didn't constantly found something to torture myself with. And if I know one thing about myself that is that I will never learn anything from me.

713993  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-12
Written: (6865 days ago)
Next in thread: 715247

All I could wish for, now, is strawberry flavored coffe and chocolate. Oh yes, definitely chocolate. And brownies. And something healthy and nutritious of course, like.. ehm.. super-nutritious chocolate

Damn, I'm stuck in this lab again and I'm starving :S

** goes to check if there's anything open that sells food at 7 am **

 The logged in version 

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