[Holy Whoa Its Laura]'s diary

833766  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-02
Written: (6632 days ago)

                  PART II

Ok...I need to vent again, and this time, its about the break up scene.

First of all...I am sick and tired of hearing this, 'If we break up I have nothing left to live for!' or something along those lines. And everytime I hear it now I just want to scream at them to SHUT THE FUCK UP! If you're so damn depressed that you'll kil yourself if you loose your girlfriend/boyfriend, you don't need one, you need a damn therapist. Now, I'm not saying that your life isn't bad or anything, because I don't know how your life is, but for no reason should you go and kill yourself if you get in a fight/break up, and frankly if you tell someone that, they aren't going to stay with you because they want to, they're going to do it because they think you're gonna go and kill yourself if you don't.

Alright well thats about all I have for right now...I'll probably write something else later...

738801  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-26
Written: (6820 days ago)

Ok, I'm going to rant some...and the topic for tonight is --


I'll be the first to admit, I like boys. I like them alot. Probably too much for my own good sometimes. BUT alot of that is probably because I'm a horomonal hurricane, being a freshmen in Highschool and all. ANYWAYS I'm going to make a list of the pros/cons of teenage dating. (or what is expected, every couple is different I suppose)

♥Just the fact that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
♥You can go on dates and such
♥Normally this person is someone you get alone well with, and if that's the case, you can talk to the person for hours about anything
♥Everyone loves affection, it's human nature to like to be touched and kissed by people we are attrached to. So if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you get a cuddle buddy too
♥You have someone who just 'gets you'

Part of the fun of highschool is being able to make new friends and go do things with them, like going to parties, the movies, the mall, things like that. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend you may not be able to go with a coed group without having to deal with guilt or jealousy.
Teenage dating isn't meant to last. You will fight. You will probably call each other things you don't mean, and someone will probably end up crying. All of that stresses you out and your relationships with your friends can suffer, along with your grades and how you get along with your family and other things like sports and stuff.
Pressure. And don't be like 'OMGZZ MY BOIY NEVER PRESURZZ ME N2 N E THANNNG!' cause even if your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't exactly pressure you, everyone else is, and sometimes they don't mean to. You hear stories from your other friends, you see things on TV and in the movies, and you can hear things in songs. And of course humans are curious. You're going to want to try out things you've been hearing about. Don't lie and say you don't, everyone does. It's like the little kid who has to touch the stove to learn its hot.
You're wasting your time. You have FOUR years and then you go into the 'real world' And I know right now it seems fun, but over 9o% of highschool couples will NOT make it through college, and if they do, less then half make it once they get out. So you're going to look back and think of all the fights and tears and stuff and realize that you could have been out as a single person enjoying your four years.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't date, hell, I'm going out with someone right now. But if you're going to date in Highschool, realize that you ARE just a teenager, and this is supposed to just be like 'practice' for grown-up relationships that are going to come later in life. If you like someone and they like you back, I'm all for dating them, but when the relationship starts getting messy and feelings are getting hurt more and more, get out. What's the point of staying in something that's making you unhappy more then it's making you happy? You wouldn't stay in a pool if your lips were blue and you were shivering would you? Same kind of thing.

To the girls out there -- I know alot of you are like "yeah but I LOOOOVE him. No. You. Don't. You are too young to know what love is. Unless you have been dating the boy since you were kids, you have no idea. You CARE about him, and you're supposed to. But LOVE is a big ass word, and we throw it around like it's nothing. If you tell your boyfriend you love them in the beginnging of the relationship, you cheapen the whole thing. Because what happens if yall really do stay together and you really do fall in real love later down the road? You've been saying 'I love you' since the moment yall starting dating, so when you really mean it, it isn't such a big moment. Save it. When you're in love you'll know it. And i promise you it isn't the 'Oh he gives me butterflies in my tummy and I get nervous and can't talk' thing, that's nerves, you don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of the object of your affection.

To all the lovely men who stumble on this -- Don't say you love us. It confuses us, and makes us get attached way too fast, and then we stalk you and you bitch about it and break up with us. Ooor you say it and scare the shit out of us and we freak and break up with you. So don't say it. And if she asks you about it, be honest, but be nice. Tell her that you don't want to throw the word around like everyone else does. You can tell her you care about her, and you don't want to lose her (if that's true) and that she means alot to you, and she does. But you don't love her. You may LUST her, but don't confuse the two.

Trouble in paradise? -- Ok, I'm feeling like Dr. Phil here, but I've been thinking about this alot and if you don't like what I'm saying you don't have to read anymore. If the relationship isn't going well, end it. Girls; your boy cheats on you with your friend, but he tells you it didn't mean anything and that he really does love you and that he was stupid and blah blah blah and he may even cry to get his point across. DON'T YOU DARE TAKE HIM BACK! If he was weak enough to cheat once, chances are he is weak enough to cheat twice. Take this from a girl who cheated on her boyfriend, then cheated on the guy she cheated with (so there were three boys in there). Your boy probably is sorry, and yeah he was stupid. But if you do take him back, things aren't going to be the same. You're going to be bitter, angry, and you aren't going to trust him, and you can't go out with anyone you don't trust, because then you're going to get clingy and he's gonna dump yo ass. So do your heart a favor and don't let the scum bag come crawling back to you.

So lets say that yall fight ALL THE FREAKING TIME! But when you two aren't fighting things are perfect! Is it worth it? Think of all the unneeded stress and grief that the fighting brings. Wouldn't it be better to just be friends with them instead of ruining your relationship and friendship more by trying to stick with them? Again, you're not going to marry this person, so it's ok to end it. It may hurt for a while, but anytime you lose someone close to you it does, but it won't kill you unless you let it. Think of it as an experience that changed you, and hopefully you learned something from it so when you enter a real world relationship, you will know better.

And another word to the ladies -- We ALL want our guy to be like the ones in the movies. It won't happen. They aren't going to come to our house in the middle of the night and throw rocks at our windows just because they couldn't go to bed because they were thinking about you. And they aren't gonna wanna go outside in the cold rain and kiss you with your make up smearing all over the place. OH and don't try running to him in sweats and red eyes and expect him to call you beautiful. He may ask what's wrong, but he's not gonna be like 'OH SHIT YOU'RE GORGEOUS!' so don't hold it agaisnt them when they don't perform like your favorite actor. They're teenage boys, they do what they can and we have to give them credit for the little things, like a sweet text message or an extra long hug.

Ok well I'm sleepy so that's all for tonight, but I may add on to this again one day...

698775  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-15
Written: (6893 days ago)

four years ago an angel was taken away from the people who loved and cared for her

Tess Ryan

she was only 7 years old. she had brain cancer. she was one of the most bubbly, fun, giggly, alive girls I have ever known, and it's strange to think of her as anything other then that.

Her sister, Loralee, and I were really close friends before I moved, and even though I don't get to see her anymore, I know that she is hurting more then words could describe. I wish I knew what to say to her to help ease her pain, but there is nothing I can think of. I am still lucky enough to have both of my little sister, one who would be close to the same age as Tess, and I can't possibly think of what life would be without them...

♥♥♥♥♥Tess baby I miss you so much! Everytime I hear the song 'Purple People Eater' I think of you and how it used to make you giggle. I hope you're in a better place, where ever that is, and I'm glad that at least you aren't in pain anymore....I'll always remember you and I think about you all the time...

It ain't fair you died to young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today... 
696560  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-10
Written: (6897 days ago)


They need to [stop] getting involved with what we (the students) do in our own time! This includes xangas, livejournals, elftown, whatever! If we want to write about what we are thinking, then they should NOT be allowed to punish us or make us inform our parents! They keep saying that they are doing this because 'they want us to be safe' and that 'we don't understand the risks we are taking' BULLSHIT! We know exactly what we are doing when we sign up for the damn things. If we want to vent about how we hated school today, or how some girl pissed us off in math class, we should be allowed and we should not have to worry if our teachers are going to read it and give us detention! Hell if we want to write down our addresses and give out our phone numbers, that's our own choice, and they have no right to call up our parents and tell them about it! We are not doing it from the school computers, or anywhere on school grounds, so technically, they are invading our privacy. They have no respect for our needs to write and vent and release our energies.

Sorry for anyone who reads that, it probably has horrible grammer and doesn't make any sense, but ya I needed to get that off my chest. And if any teacher sees that from my school and wants to talk to me about, please by all means do so! I would looooooove to talk to ya'll about the whole 'blogging thing'

have a wonderful day!

686172  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-23
Written: (6915 days ago)

The diary is sad and empty

like my brain...

Actually my brain isnt empty cause I took allergy medicine, so its kinda fuzzy and bleck.

If you like me then go check out my other sites


yeah and I have more but I kinda lost/forgot them

 The logged in version 

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